
Chapter 46: Keep Your Enemy Closer Part 2

That takes care of people coming in through doors. What about the windows?" The 'guard' asked.

"Two windows. One is in my office and another in a meeting room. Neither opens. They've been painted shut."

"So, we can watch for people leaving the building by monitoring the doors and windows. What if someone opened the hatch and passed out a package?"

Cal turned the hand-wheel and pulled the door open. The hinges screeched, making O'Brien wince.

"I still have a hard time believing you did that purposefully." O'Brien looked out the door and waved at someone.

"The door opens toward the main path between the Academy building and the checkpoint at the gate. There are always people walking there. We've yet to open the thing without having someone wave at us."

"Good." The other man nodded to himself. "We should be able to keep you secure, and prevent any theft of plans."

"That's the idea." Cal led the way back to her office where Bundo sat in a chair in the corner reading a book.

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