
09: SABRINA - The Girl Who Isn’t Believed

As soon as my mom and Lily came inside I yelled "Help mom!!! We've gotta kick out the Fentons right away, or at least Danny. He's really dangerous..."

Then she stopped me and said "Whoa Sabrina! Calm down! Don't be so mean to our new guests!"

"But you gotta hear me out. Danny is..." I started to say when my mom interrupted again and said "Ok sweetie. I'll listen to what you're gonna say but just let me put my stuff away and get settled first.."

"OK." I said. Danny was spying on us from the next room.

Around 10 minutes later my mom had gotten everything settled and we were all sitting in the living room. Danny was sitting on the floor in the corner looking pretty depressed.

"OK Sabrina. I can listen to you now."  My mom says

"Is it ok if Danny phantom...sorry I meant Fenton leaves the room please?!" I asked.

Danny rolled his eyes and then left the living room but I bet he was using his ghost powers to be invisible and spy."

"DANNY IS A GHOST MOM!!! Well technically not 100% ghost but he transforms back and forth between ghost and human!!!!!!" I said. Lily started to look scared and clung onto mom.

"UGGGHHHH!!!! SABRINA!!! Will you PLEASE stop telling all these ghost stories! That's being really mean to Danny!" My mom said.

"I'M NOT LYING!!!!! I was bored today and went downstairs looking for Danny and he was sitting in front of a ghost portal he had repaired in the basement! He transformed into a ghost version of himself with white hair and green eyes and he was hitting them back into the portal! He said his parents made him get rid of his powers before leaving but he..."

"OK SABRINA!!!!! THAT'S ENOUGH!! Go to your room right now! You know that it's against the rules to go down to the basement! You can come down for dinner but if you tell any of this ghost story you will be grounded and I will not sign you up for summer camp!"

I went upstairs to my room and I heard my mom apologizing to Danny for me. Then 5 minutes later my dad and everyone else returned.

At dinner time I was eating the chicken but the story was just building up inside me and I was dying to tell my dad the story and Danny's parents that he gave himself the powers back. When my mom got up to go to the bathroom it just exploded out of me. I said everything that I told my mom but nobody believed me again. Not even Danny's parents and sister believed me when I tried to say how he secretly gave himself back the powers!!

"Danny was never a ghost and it's not possible for that anyway since We destroyed the portal and left it at our old town!" Said Mr. Fenton.

My dad acted almost as angry as my mom but at least he didn't say I was grounded. He just asked me to go up and eat the rest of my food upstairs.

After I finished my food I went right to my phone and called Olivia. She didn't pick up so I called her again. When Olivia didn't answer the second time I just guessed that she was busy. In the end I texted her saying "Olivia! I have something I GOTTA tell you about and it's an emergency!! Please call me. When are you getting back? I'm dying to tell and show you!"

Around an hour after I texted Olivia I was laying on my bed when I heard a small knock at my locked door.

"Who is it?" I asked. I was still pretty angry and sad so I was crying a little.

"Uh...It's Danny." He said.

"GO AWAY!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry but I just wanted to chat for a minute or two." Danny said from behind the door.

"Then why don't you use your ghost super powers to come in?!" I asked sarcastically.

Danny didn't respond and I heard him walk away.

Suddenly I got a text message from Olivia that said "Whoa Sabrina! Are you OK?! I'm coming home tomorrow morning to chat but we can have a quick call now if you want." I sent a quick response saying I could wait until tomorrow, I was starting to feel a tiny bit better so I opened my door to see Danny at the top of the staircase.

"I'll talk for a couple minutes if you want." I said and then we both went to my room.

When we came inside my room Danny saw my phone on the bed and thought I was using it to record everything he was saying to get proof. I told Danny that I wasn't but he still didn't believe me until I turned it off.

"What did you wanna tell me?" I asked.

"After you went upstairs to finish eating and my family finished they brought me downstairs and started yelling at me saying that Sabrina better have not been telling the truth. I wanted to assure you that no ghosts come out of that portal when it's off and when I'm watching it while it's on."

"I still don't believe that you're a good ghost! You're an evil half ghost trying to find the right ones for a ghost army!" I said.

Danny started to say something but then closed his mouth and left the room.

"Goodnight." He said in a pretty sad tone.

"Goodnight." I said back and then I started to get ready for bed.

Right before getting into bed again Lily came in and said "Hey Sabrina. I just wanted to say goodnight and tell you something that I found out on my way home."

"OK. Goodnight. What's so important that you wanted to tell me?" I asked.

"I saw that there was a FOR SALE sign posted outside of the abandoned house!! I wonder if anyone is gonna move into That haunted area." Lily said nervously.

"Wow that's pretty creepy. Maybe the Fentons should move there." I said.

"Don't be so rude to them!" Lily said as she walked out the door. I hate that even Lily was agreeing with my parents now but I just ignored it and went to sleep.

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