

Travis also laughed upon hearing her words. "Are you sure with what you're doing? Aren't you afraid I'd lose control and break my promise?"

"You won't do that." Jillyanna gave him another kiss before leaving him to go back to her own seat. "Let's continue this game."

Travis could only smile and shake his head helplessly. "Who's turn is it?"

"My turn. I just kissed you and now you forgot already?"

"My wife made my mind go blank. I can't help it."

Jillyanna grinned at him and wasn't the least bit guilty with her actions. There's nothing wrong in seducing your own husband. He was hers to seduce every day and spend her lifetime with. She looked toward the board and checked her tiles again. With a cheerful smile, she placed her tiles to connect with the word that Travis formed earlier – "FEARLESS".

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