

In the afternoon, Shein sent Riley to the photoshoot location before going to Venus Plaza to work. He was the eye and ears of Travis inside the company and he dealt with some company affairs to make sure that everything will run smoothly while his sister and brother-in-law stay in the hospital.

Wynwyn was staying with Riley so there wasn't anything that he'd worry about at. He traced back her location last night and found the night club that she went to.

Shein checked all the CCTV cameras, in and out of the night club, to make sure that he'd get the details of the men who hurt his girlfriend.

He even saw the fight that occured the night before which caused her to get bruises on her back. He watched it over and over and found why she didn't evade the attack behind her.

She was busy taking the man down who touched her bag and didn't care about the person who was sneaking an attack. Though the man was still knocked down, it was after she got hit on her back.

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