

Hawk focused himself in driving while Savannah looked outside the window. They were the poor souls that weren't spared with this lovey-dovey couple.

They were so sweet that Savannah was afraid they would be drowned from an onslaught of the ants.

Not long after, they all came home and Jillyanna went to find Winter immediately. She was going to tell her about her plans.

Checking in her room, she found her missing again so she went to Gabriel's room instead.

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

"Come in." came Gabriel's voice in response to her knocking.

Jillyanna opened the door and found Winter sitting in front of Gabriel. "Did I disturb you two?"

"Not at all." Gabriel waved his hand in front of him. "We were just practicing how to read lips movements so that Winter can understand what others are talking about."

"Oh! That's great. That would be very helpful. I don't have to worry about her then."

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