Although Emi decided not to interfere with hulk matter . But of course that doesn't mean that there are lack of people who are not afraid to risk their life to capture videos to post on social media.
So The video of Hulk incident went viral . The news covered 3 aspects
1. Two monster - Hulk and abomination who or what are they and where they came from
2. Iron man – The hype iron man was getting after destroying various terrorist organizations. He also have claimed he can maintain world peace all that was shattered. Because in video all it took was a punch and iron man was out.
3. Jean Cerejo and Gwen Cerejo – 2 Super-heroine both powerful . Absolutely laying smack down on Monsters candy assess. Spider woman destroying the abomination while jean making hulk submit. People knew that both were powerful . But main question what all news channel now had was since both Emis wife were powerful superhero is Emi Cerejo also one.
The video about both girls beating the monster had exploded in Internet. The stock price Cerejo went through the roof.
Various news channels wanted to have interview with Emi and his wife's but Cerejo family didn't even bother. Sometimes being mysterious can be advantageous.
Shield Headquarters
Nick fury frowning : How did Spider-woman get this strong. She was not this powerful . Did he make her powerful. Does Cerejo have a more stronger version of super soldier serum.
Maria hill: Sir she also showed ice power.
Nick fury: what is going on . Spider-woman becomes stronger than hulk and has ice powers while his other wife just toys with hulk with her mind powers.
Hill: Maybe Natasha knows the answer.
Nick fury: Maybe it's time to finally meet Emi Cerejo. Call Natasha and arrange a meeting.
Next day sparda Company building
Natasha has just finished her morning routine with Emi . Natasha wipes her mouth. Emi is about to make his move.
When suddenly her phone rings . She sees the name and is shocked.
Emi: is Fury calling
Natasha looks at Emi with clear worry . She is happy with the way things are. She doesn't want it to end. In this 1 yr she has gone on to think Cerejo as a family ,Gwen and Jean as sisters and although she doesn't accept it but her feelings for Emi are not false.
Natasha receives the call.
Nick: Natasha arrange a meeting with Emi Cerejo.
Natasha looks at Emi.
Emi: Tell him to come to my house during dinner time .
Natasha : You can come during dinner time in Cerejo residence.
Natasha close the phone
Emi smiles : what happened why are you worried, our deal is finally getting over .you will be free isnt that what you were waiting for.
Natasha glares at him in frustration. Then leaves the office by banging the door.
Emi : Woman always want men to take first step.
Cerejo Mansion
Nick fury comes with Natasha.
Emi is sitting in sofa . With one leg above other. His 2 wife's are sitting left and right. They are watching a movie made by their family productions.
Nick fury see this but his expression is still blank. He is obviously feeling the pressure but he is not called king of spy for nothing.
Nick fury sits on nearby sofa . Natasha is in black widow costume and sits besides nick fury. Nick fury is watching the expression of each one but can't find any expression. Which is not surprising considering that even he suspected that Emi knew everything.
Nick : I am assuming you already found about Natasha by now. Her name…
Emi interrupts : Her name is Natasha romanoff aka Black widow Level 7 agent of you SHIELD . Formerly trained by Red room in Russia and served as a KGB assassin until Clint Barton recruited her in your SHIELD.
Niall fury is shocked inside but he does not let it show on his face.
Nick : I am impressed . I should have expected this from someone who can bring entire US Government on its knees.
Emi smiles : well than you will like this.
You began your career within the United States Army in the late 1960s, rising to the rank of Colonel before your honorable discharge. You later became a CIA operative during the Cold War, primarily operating in Soviet territory. Continuing to serve the world, you joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to fight against Earth's most dangerous enemies. Later Alexander Pierce promoted you to director of shield.
Nick fury is shocked. He barely able to keep his face straight.
Nick: I guess you already know everything about us.
Nick still has his final trump card which even Shield is not aware of.
Emi: yes I knew everything about you .
Nick : if you already knew about us . Why did you let Natasha stay . You know she is spy.
Emi looks at Natasha and smiles . Natasha blushes
Emi: We had a deal .
Fury looks at Natasha who now has a blank face.
Nick: What kind of deal
Emi: She gives me what I want, I give her what she wants both are happy.
Nick : What is it you want from Natasha .
Emi : Mind your business baldy .
Nick fury felt like removing his gun and firing all bullets at this bastard. No one has ever dared to comment on his lack of hair. And this bastard in front of 3 beautiful woman is calling him baldy.
Natasha is barely containing her laughter.
Gwen and jean on other hand started laughing.
Nick glares at Emi.
Emi: Nick I have a hair growth product . Which if you use 6 month . Then the Barren Land on your head will become fertile again.
Nick fury could barely contain his anger. His baldness no one has ever insulted him on his baldness.
This bastard …
Emi: you can ask my wife's it's a very good product
Jean tag along with the joke
Jean: Yes Mr fury this product is not even launched in market yet
Gwen : well I will deliver it to your office.
Emi smiles and thinks : Trying to act cool in front of me .
Nick fury calms down
Nick: Mr Emi we will talk about that later . I have come here for important reason. As you know Shield deals with supernatural powers of this world. And all 3 of you have super powers .
Emi: yeah so your point is.
Nick: I am creating a team of super powerful humans . Who can protect earth when facing with threats like Hulk incident. And I am here to invite you to join it. The name of team is Avengers.
Emi interrupts: No
Nick fury: Excuse me
Emi : I am. Not joining your circus baldy.
A vein pops up on Nick fury forehead. But he calms down
Nick fury : May I know why.
Emi: Because I will never take orders from anyone.
Nick : Avengers are not under Shield. They are free men . Coming together when world needs them. Its a cooperative relationship.
Emi: we both know that is not true fury. And we both know you will try your best to manipulate avengers to your needs
Nick : since you don't want I won't force you. What about you two wife's spider woman and Mrs jean.
Both did not talk but looked at him.
Emi: No
Nick frown : spider woman is the first female super heroine. She bring inspiration to lot of people. She is very important to the avenger.
Emi digs his ears . And then blows it.
Emi: oh sorry did you say something
Nick touched his gun. But stopped this bastard is playing him. How can he the king of spy be played by this kid not even half of his age. He calms himself forcefully.
Nick : May I know why.
Emi: She is my wife . I don't want her to join avengers . And be close to perverts like tony .
Nick frowns: How do you know I will invite him.
Emi: He is son of one of founders of your Shield. . And your key observation target. You will obviously get him to join your shield by any means. You are just waiting for appropriate time to approach him. And the Iron man Armor is perfect opportunity for you. But by that's gay guys personality he will definitely refuse you . That is when you will give him the last things his father horward left for him. To make a good impression of Shield on him by showing how much horward trusted the shield.
Nick looked at Emi like he has seen a ghost
Nick looked at jean . Because he knows jean has mind related powers.
Emi: Why are you looking at jean . She did not read your mind.
Nick: then How do you know about all this.
Emi: Do you really want to know.
Nick : Yes
Emi: But you have to guarantee that this information does not leak from this room..
Nick became serious: ok
Emi then leans forward .Nick was also serious and leans forward.
Emi seriously: I will not tell you.
Nick stayed for few seconds. And then he got up was about to go for his gun. Natasha stopped him.
Natasha: Stop it nick guns are of no use on that bastard.
Natasha still had the vinegar of morning. Emi , Gwen and Jean smiles.
Nick in his mind: Bastard he is just playing me from the start.
Nick was about to leave .
Emi: Gwen That Shield is rotting from inside .
Nick got shocked . Nick looked back
Nick : what did you say
Emi gets up and goes to an antique Armour in a glass shelf.
Emi: Gwen clean it's Shield . How many years has it not been cleaned . Look there are disgusting worms in it . Either clean it or destroy it.
Gwen : Yes husband
Emi: how annoying you kill one worm another comes out . Maybe just throw it .
Who is nick, king of spy. How can he not understand the hidden meaning.
Nick was scared. This must be his worst nightmare. He sat on sofa again .
Nick seriously: How bad is that shield.
Emi: 70% of it is been rotten
Nick had sweat coming from his forehead.
Nick had never imagined that Hydra was lurking in his Shield. And that more that 70% of Shield is infiltrated by hydra. He decided to ask directly.
Nick : Do you have name of this hydra agents in shield.
Emi: ha what are you talking about. What hydra I don't know any hydra baldy.
Nick is calm , he know Emi likes messing with people . He has seen how miserable Emi made Tony.
Nick: I will not force you to join shield or avengers . I just hope when the earth needs you , you will stand to protect her.
Emi smirks and did not say anything. But nick understood the meaning. The meaning is simple Earth is my territory.
Nick: Emi I know you have a super soldier serum that can make people stronger. I was hoping I can buy few of them.
Emi: you know that this serums are not cheap .
Nick : What's the price
Emi: only ½ billion dollars
Nick gets up and removes his gun pointing at him . Natasha again stops him
Nick : Leave me Natasha I order you release me . I must shoot this bastard. Half billion you bastard do you think you are selling me a a interstellar spaceship.
Emi: Such anger. Natasha you better put him in a anger management course so that he can channel all that anger in a positive way. In this way it will benefit him and community.
Gwen and Jeans are covering their mouths and giggling.
Natasha : Nick stop, bullets doesn't pose any threat to him.
Nick sits and his angrily looking at Emi.
Emi: wow I did not think I could make the cool and bad ass king of spy would loose his cool.
Nick calms : tell me the price
Emi: I was not joking . That's the price . But T virus is not for others it's just for Cerejo family. I do have a normal one . It will make person into a super soldier.
Nick : Like captain America
Emi : yeah around his level.
Nick looks at Natasha .
Nick: what is the price.
Emi: just 100 Million
Nick glares at him. Emi smiles innocently. Actual production cost is not even ½ million.
Nick: it's too much
Emi : ok since we are good friends $99 million.
Nick looks at Emi. He want to beat this bastard up and when he is injured he would throw salt on his wounds so it would become worst. And he feels more pain
Natasha: Emi give a reasonable price
Emi looks and Natasha who is looking at him. Both are staring at each other. Finally Emi gives up . Woman are a terrifying race . And no man can win in a argument against them.
Emi : $50 million my final offer
Nick frowns: I need time to think. Also Natasha will be leaving with me since her job Is complete. I hope you have no problem
Emi: Of course I have problem . Which company do you think she joined .
Fury: How long
Emi: She has to give a minimum of 2 weeks notice.
Emi looks at Natashas eyes . Natasha looks away from him .
Nick : OK. I will let you know about our deal
Emi gets up: Alright final time for dinner
Emi , Gwen and Jean go to their dining room. Natasha and nick also go with them
Emi sits on his seat when nick is about to sit
Emi: What are you doing here nick. I thought you were leaving . You should have informed me you were going to have dinner with us . Now the food won't be sufficient for us.
Nicks face was black. This guy is deliberately. Nick felt ashamed, if he sits that he would be acting shameless and if he leaves it will be a humiliating.
Gwen: Cut it out honey, Nick sit down and have dinner with us . He is just joking .
Jean: yeah he called you for dinner himself didn't he.
Emi: oh it slipped my mind . I called you . Don't mind me nick. I think my old age is getting to me.
Nick thinking : Bastard you are not even 20 yet.
Emi: you know honey in a particular country there is a ritual where they feed lamb good food make it healthy. The lamb fills that it's being cared for but actually it's being made healthy because people over there don't want to sacrifice an unhealthy lamb to their gods.
Nick choked on his food . Emi passed water to him.
Emi: Be careful nick . Eat slowly no one is going to take your part of food .
Gwen and jean shook their head.
Natasha has a smile. She has never seen nick eat like this in others hand.
After dinner
Emi: I hope you enjoyed the food
Nick: It was indeed one of the best dinner I had.
Emi: Alright about the super soldier serum how many you want. You know I am a business man . I can sell it to military if you dont book it now .I only have 5 .
Nick thinks about losing the serum. And decides to contacts the council. Even if nick was a director of shield he cannot mobilize this much funds.
Nick leaves . Natasha is looking at him.
Emi : I will see you in morning in office.
Emi enters the house with his wife.
Emi : See what did i tell you. you need to feed the lamb before the sacrifice.
Jean and Gwen felt pity for nick because now Emi has found another past time. And that past time is Nick fury.
So One of readers suggested Terminator. But i feel instead of terminator just make liquid metal i Robot they will be more flexible and powerful.
a . Make a seprate terminator
B. Upgrade i robot (Liquid metal)
Also do you want a universe level conquest. Like where he makes huge fleet and go aginst major empires like Nova, Cree etc.
A . Yes (which year becasue the incident in those year will be skipped)
B no
1 more chap . This was supposed to be released on 7th but there you go. So i am clear for 7th as well . ill try to upload though