
14 .Choke slamming Tony Stark through Table

[Voting Result

1 . Girls will fight Hulk.

2. Gwen spider powers will be enhanced , she will also use ice like you guys wanted)




Past 1 yrs STATS

Cerejo Enterprise (Worth $600 billion )

All three Departments of Technology, Entertainment and Medical . Blasted the market.

Technology Departments AI iPhone's, flying car, updated Google and Microsoft and also the Space station is half complete. Which increase its profit to 100 Billion.

Entertainment department well lets just say its sole Mafia of Hollywood now . Any director or hero wants to enter they have to have cerejo recognition . Because Cerejo movies have created such a impact that people have set a mentality slowly that cerejo films are best quality and cerejo actor are high class . But the actors who work in cerejo are hired purely based on talent. This entire world knows IT. Their worth currently is 150 billion

Medical Department . Well Med pod lets just say every hospital now wants to convert into Cerejo hospital because only then can you get Med pods. Over the past year slowly but steadily people stopped using medicine and other stuff . Because Med pod could do it all. Med pod was in big hospitals it was in a small village . The price for its service depends on how bad you case is. People would pay high price to become few years younger , although they had to pay very high price rich people could afford it. This med pod bought a income of $350 billion .




Cerejo Forces. (T virus) - Check wiki

1 .Cerejo security force (1000)

2. Cerejo Assault force (1000)

3 . Cerejo Assasins Force (1000)

4. 1 million combat i robots

All of them were equipped with latest laser weapons . But they have yet to make their public debut. But Forces like shield , government and Hydra were aware. They were not aware of how many there are but they were aware that Cerejo had super soldiers.

Government and Hydra tried to use underhanded tactics . But EMI send Assassination squad and killed everyone in a military and hydra base. This shocked all major department because they didn't even know until someone visited the base. Hydra quickly went underground for fear Emi will target them again. While Military dare not retaliate .But now Bruce banner had more pressure for creating super soldier serum.

Shield on other hand was quietly watching. Nick fury has long understood that Emi was the backbone of Cerejo . But he wont attack if you dont provoke him .




Cerejo Family

Emi s Mom and Dad after getting Immortality. Also started going on world tour once in a while to relax. After all they never had time to roam for all this years .

Gwen and Jean Cerejo on other hand had become the face of Cerejo enterprise . They were very good at handling business after all they learned from the best. Every Business Magazine or News would have their photos and news . Especially Gwen who was named 1st Female superhero. Both Gwen and Jean worked like sisters and begin to handle business.

Emi well our MC is lazy ass. Gwen and Jean tried everything they tried to use puppy eyes, they tried to be strict with him , they even threatened him no love time but nothing has worked . He would just say he will work but goes in his office and sleep or he roams around world eating different stuff ( teleportation) . Entire company was aware of him being lazy nature . But no body despises him because they know the lazy person has invented all the technology of Cerejo. He has taken the company to where it is . His wife's know that he is lazy but should they really need he will come to help. . He has even written thousands of scripts and given to cerejo entertainment which is going to last them for another 20yrs. You can say that he has done his part rest was up to them now.

He would sometime go an train his forces or look at technology development. He just hated to do office work. He would also sometimes go in Gwen and Jeans cabin and have love session in office even. (Both were in same office).

Has for the power development Emi trained his wives. His parents just wanted to live normal life so he did not force them. .

Jean developed her power in Telepathy , Telekinesis , Black Phoenix disintegration power (you know where people turn to ASHES) and Phoenix Fire

Gwen on other hand went for physical department Super strength , Super speed , super endurance , Super reflexes and for attack department she choose ice. . She also shoots ice silk which freezes opponent. She can also make ice wings.




Natasha ,

In past year she has been giving blowjob to Emi every day. For the first 3 months she did it for Job and to stay in Cerejo.

But as things progressed she started developing feelings for Emi. She always follows him around .So when she sees him being gentle to his wife she has longing feeling. She sees his happy family she wants to be a part of that family. And when she sees him making love to his wife she feels jealous of them. Because she never had this thing.

Now when she is giving him blowjob 90% is because she wants it and 10 % is because of her mission.

Even emi who was ruthless to her before after sometime found that Black widow is just a cover Natasha uses to hide her real self. So after 4 moths or so he stopped forcing her . But Natasha would do it without fail .Her reason being it is part of deal. Eventually even Emi started to develop feeling for her.

Of course you cant expect Gwen and Jean to not know about it. And They also confronted both of them separately .

Emi was beat up by both Gwen and Jean when they heard the deal. But when he told them about her past . Jean couldn't help but relate to Natasha . Both had a sad Past. So they asked him whether he wanted to take her in harem. But Emi said let nature take its course.

When they confronted Natasha . They had their girls talk. Of course they did not talk about shield.

Natasha also tried to ask Gwen why she doesn't become spider woman again. The answer was of course No. As for Gwen after becoming Emi wife her family was most important now.




Mutant situation was quite stable after the execution of Major striker. Professor x and Magneto had a discussion and came to a mutual agreement.




Stark also made many good invention in weapons department and their company also rose at a worth $ 100 billion .

Osborn well lets just say after Norman and Shareholders were dead . Harry Osborn took over as chairman but is struggling to keep the company from falling. Company worth $50 billion




Present Time, (2008 MCU Starts)

Apogee Award function. Apogee Awards is an internationally recognized, multi-tiered project designed to discover and support extremely gifted artists at each stage of their careers: whether students in their first years of training, artists at the pinnacle of their careers, or masters conveying their wealth of experience to future .

This was prestigious Award for all except 2 .

Emi and Tony stark.

Alex ,Matilda ,Gwen and jean are attending the award function as always. This is not the first time they have attended the award. But the difference between past decade and this year is huge .Previous times they were a candidate and hoping to win .This time they dont want anything to do with it but was requested to come and receive the awards.

Emi on other hand is with Natasha. in casino playing against tony.

Emi was winning every time which made tony frustrated. He is a very proud genus who will not acknowledge that some one is better than him. So when he saw Emi coming in casino he made a comment which pissed Emi ,his Super soldiers were about to beat tony but emi decided to make tony pay and challenged him for a Black jack. Being provoked Tony accepted the offer.

Right now Emi has played 10 games . He has earned half billion dollars.

Emi : Do you want to continue uncle tony . Maybe you should go home and sleep .This new age belongs to new generation . Old things will lose their glory after all.

Tony is angry . Emi has been taunting him entire time .

Emi: how about we go all in.

Emi pushed his half Billion dollars . And looked provocatively

Happy tony body guard tried to stop him .

Tony : Who is afraid of who

He pushes half Billion

But after the game is played again Emi wins . ( his profit 1 billion dollar )

Every one is gathered to see the game between 2 richest men .

Emi : hahhahaahahahaha tony ,tony ,tony i think your age is getting to you. Try to control it you might snap you spine otherwise. Wouldn't want to go to hospital. Oh if you will have to come to hospital ill give you a free treatment since you gave me $1 billion dollars.

Tony was gloomy . He has always been a mouth gun but today he felt humiliated losing a billion dollars to his rival. Tomorrow the front line of news gonna be stark joke.

At this time Rhodes comes and hands him the award .

Rhodes : why did you not come to receive the award.

Tony : i dont care about some silly awards.

Just then 2 woman comes to left and right of Emi. Jean was holding a award. Emi kisses both on their cheeks .

Tony who sees both of them is stunned by their beauty .Both have left their hair open . And wearing business skirt and Coat. Looked like a goddess

Tony looked and both of them and whistled. he has never seen such beautiful woman . Seeing on TV is one thing and seeing live is another. He unconsciously whistled on Emi wife . Emi looked at tony. Some one dares to whistle to his wife in front him that to in front of so many people. His anger couldn't stop he went forward and Picked tony by his collar and smashed on the blackjack Table. Table broke burring tony inside it.

( WWE Commentator Jim ross : OMG Choke-slam !!!choke-slam!!!! Emi has choke slammed tony stark through the table . ...lol couldn't help it)

Everyone was scared . Tony bodyguard and Colonel Rhodes tried to stop Emi but were quickly beaten down by Emi security.

Obadiah Stane quickly came to the rescue

Stane : Mr Emi i apologies for Tony's Behavior. Please forgive him .

Gwen and jean quickly held Emi for fear that he will kill Tony.

Jean : Honey its ok . I think he already got his punishment.

Gwen Holding Emi : Darling its ok .lets go home

Emi: Dares to whistle my wife in front of me . Must have a Death wish.

He looks at Stane who is removing tony from the table.

Emi: Mr Stane you better put a leash on your doggy or else.

Tony who just removed out of table wanted to say something . But stane stopped him.

Stane : Mr Emi we are sorry about today . If you please excuse me we will take our leave.

He then dragged tony . Emi security let tony security move . They quickly followed Tony.

Emi and co also returned home

Unknown to them the video of Emi choke slamming tony through table had gone viral.




Emi was sleeping in his bed they had just finished their daily love session. Jean was sleeping on left and Gwen on right. They both hugged him and slept. Emi was thinking

Emi : So tomorrow tony should be going to go to Afghanistan for show of Jericho missile and he will be kidnapped .He will return after 3 months and become iron man. Looks like things are finally getting interesting.

He then kisses both of them on their heads and sleeps .

Alright guys

1. Natasha do you want her to leave Emi and go back to shield .

a. Yes . Iron man 2 plot where she is peppers secretary

b. No . Stay with Emi

c. IF you have better suggestions


2. you prefer Natasha

a .Join Avenger

B.Harem team

C. IF you have better suggestions

Reaper007creators' thoughts
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