
12 . Warning to the World

Next morning

Emi wakes up . He feel something heavy on his chest . Both jean and Gwen were resting on his chest.

Their appearance had changed . Both their figure had become perfect.

Jeans hair had become a little longer now its length is to till her butt and her hair color has become even darker red. which looked absolutely sexy on her.

Gwen on other hand become taller. And her golden hair had to almost same length as jeans. They looked absolutely like a goddess.

He couldn't help it. He s strokes both of their beautiful hair. And kissed on each their heads.

Both jean and Gwen got up. They looked at each other and then looked at Emi. Who was smiling at them. They remembered what they did yesterday and both of them blushed.

Emi: how do you feel to finally turn into woman from a girl.

Gwen kissed Emi on lips : you were a beast last night

Jeans : yeah you almost made me faint .

Emi: were you satisfied

Gwen : we were but i couldn't satisfy you. Jean had to take most of it.

Emi: No from next time you can . Did you not notice your body changes.

Gwen and jean checked their changes. They were shocked they ran to bathroom to check . He heard to girls shouting and laughing. Emi smile.

They came running back and jumped on him . And both kissed on each side of his cheeks.

Emi : Your appearance is not the only changes .

Both of them then checked their powers.

Gwen felt extremely powerful force inside of her . While Jean felt that her power was even purer.

Gwen was now a level 7 powerhouse

While Gwen was at top of 8 .

(This is their raw power. They will have to train to control it though)

Gwen was shocked.

Gwen : how is this possible . i .....

Emi : You both are finally my wife now.

Gwen and jean had tears of happiness. They jumped at him and another round started in morning.

After few rounds . They went for a bath together. They had another round there.

Emi : Lets go have breakfast .Mom and Dad are waiting.

Both girls nodded.

Both Emi and girls came down for breakfast .his parents were sitting there having breakfast. Emi and girls joined in.

Matilda: I guess you guys are now officially my daughter in law

Both girls blushed and nodded shyly.

Emi: I will inform your father . You can start staying with me . As for high-school it's waste of time with your knowledge. Might as well start start training under Mom.

Alex : Yes as his wife's you guys are now part of Cerejo family. Although you guys are not married according to law . But i doubt emi cares about it.

Emi: Dad I don't believe in this marriage stuff. I already marked both of them as my mates . So they are officially my wife's.

Matilda.: yeah how strong did you grow after last night girls.

Emi: Gwen has power of level 7 but has potential to grow to 8 and Jean has power of 8 but both can't control their powers properly yet.

Alex : what about us

Emi: Both of you are 6 level and also all of you are officially immortals.

Everyone was happy.

Then they had breakfast.

Alex : Son Tomorrow is the negotiation meeting with US Government.

Emi: Yeah will be fun

Alex : If it was before I would be tensed but now I am not afraid of anyone . Especially when you are there

While Emi and his dad were talking . Mom took girls to the room to do some lady talks.

When they came back their faces were red

Alex : Alright me and you mom have to go to office .

Emi: bye see you at dinners.

After that Emi went on a long drive with girls for whole days since they chose early graduation from high school.

( After the meeting he will start training them)




Next day. US press conference

Emi , his Parents ,Gwen and Jean came to the meeting.

Emi and Alex. Sat on the chairs as representative of Cerejo . While on other side representing US there were 5 senators sitting.

This was a live broadcast with all major news channel coming to record live news.

US government wanted to use this to lower the prestige of Cerejo and force them to hand over Med Pod .

1st senator : Well today we have gathered here to talk about technology that is in hand a of Cerejo .

2nd senator : is it true that you have a technology called Med pod which can heal any injury or diseases .

Alex : Yes

1st senator : is it true that when Government asked you to sell 1 for the soldiers fighting in borders you refused the deal even when US was ready to pay higher price.

Alex indifferently : yes

3rd senator : you do know you are committing a crime by not serving your country. Also trying to hold technology to yourself rather than using it for betterment of mankind.

Alex : This technology is ours and we have the right sell whom we want.

1st senator : those soldiers will die , when they can be saved through Med pod . And all of this will be your fault.

Emi decided to start. He told Alex to stand down.

Emi: No this is your fault for starting a stupid war in first place. The technology is provided my me . It's my invention. I don't want to sell it to anyone. Not US Government or anyone. You want it's service go to Cerejo hospital. Pay for it and then receive it. We are not keeping the benefits to ourselves we are giving it to everyone.

4th senator : But you are holding the right who and who should not get it.

Emi looks at him like he is an idiot

Emi : its pretty obvious , i created it i can do what i want with it ill play with it , break it or give it to someone else. why should i care about anyone opinion. If you want 1 for yourself go ask one of your puppet scientist to build it.

4 Senator: you are a citizen of US it your duty to serve your country. Don't you care about the lives of Soldiers who are injured in battle.

Emi: hahahha....

his laughter was heard through out the world. Has this was a live conference

Emi expression became serious

Emi ;: You should ask this to yourself or rather your Government. Do you care about the people , Do you care about the soldiers . I'll answer for you no you don't care about anyone.

All you care is if the war can fill your pocket or if some protest in city's can help you win election. How many promises do the candidates make and how many do they fulfill. How many people die in order for you to get to that position.

You bribe your way to top ,kill anyone who stand in your way. An get what you want.


He then waves his hands and a projection comes out of his watch. It's all the black money of all senator. All murders and cases running on them . Illegal deals etc

All 5 senators are shocked . They know they have to stop him or their career is over.

4th senator : Soldiers stop him quickly.

Soldiers tried to stop Emi . But Suddenly red laser dots arrive on all soldiers . Which shocked them and stop on their track.

EMI : I wouldn't move if I were you. Wouldn't want precious soldiers dying .

5th : What is the meaning of this Mr Emi . This is treason

Emi : hahahahahahahahahahaha . Viki leak all the dirt we have on this idiots on internet.

Senators hear and goes pale.

Every one who had iPhone got important messages . When they opened it they felt rage because of hinious crimes committed by these monsters

(Dont forget the AI in iPhone controlled by viki)

Emi then turns to camera.

Emi : This is just the dirt on these 5 dogs. Think what the ones higher than them would have done.

Seeing the situation is going out of control . President immediately called major on scene to arrest the senator.

Soldiers quickly arrested 5 senators and new officials were called .They had a break of half hour . When President heard the news he himself decided to attend the meeting.

Vice President: I am sorry everyone we did not know That such devils were living in human skin within us. i thank you on behalf of US Mr Emi.

President : Mr Alex and Emi Cerejo. Thank you for everything now let us continue with the negotiations

Government knew that if they forced Cerejo the consequences is not what they can imagine. They always thought that they could be forcefully but today was a wake up call for them .first the snipers and now the dirt on them. So they decide to go with different approach

President: I heard Your girlfriend Gwen Stacy is spider woman . She is a mutant who has been causing havoc in New York City. And her crime is punishable . Are you aware of it

They tried to use Gwen has a chip. Gwen hears this and sneers.

Gwen asked Her father to leave police job and work in cerejo has security head . Of course he was too well paid . Plus his status as her father. Well no one in company dares to mess with him. So now since her parents were safe she was not afraid of US.

Emi sneers and he looks at her .

Emi : is this the people you wanted to protect Gwen. After all you this is how they say thank you by making you a criminal

Cameras turned to Gwen they were mesmerized by the beauty of spider woman and jean.

New York City people also became angry. Spider woman has been kind of protector of New York. And has helped so many people . President giving her a criminal status was like the bottom line of people

Gwen was upset ,Upset with police ,upset with Government. Jean and Matilda hugs her. She smiles because after last night she did not care about anyone all she cared was her family.

Emi than looks at President . His expression turn ice cold. Family this was always his bottom line. You touch it you will regret it. President understood it a little bit late

Emi: so she is a criminal ha . Her protecting the weak is being a criminal, her risking her life to protect people that police should have but couldn't makes her a criminal. Of course she is a big criminal because New York people loves her. she did thing which your government should have done. That is making people feel safe . You should be ashamed president . You are calling a selfless girl who could use her powers to do bad thing easily, but she chose to do good and protect people.

Also she is not a mutant .Her powers are superpowers. There are people with powers other than mutants.

Emi then turns to media

Emi: All of you hate people who have power why. Because they attack you or are risk to you. No let me tell you why because you are jealous ,you are jealous that people with powers are special . You are insecure because you know they are better than all of you. You are insecure because deep down you know they are next step of human evolution. But because of all the bullshit this government fed you all of follow them like a dog they expect you to be.

He then looks at president and his party.

Emi: This is the Government you have elected a corrupt , UN thankful, profit seeking dogs who would sell their mother for what they want.

President is pale . He know situation is going out of his hand very quickly.

His parent and woman are smiling. Especially Gwen and Jean they are proud . This is their Man their Husband

Emi then waves his hand again all dirt relating to president and Vice President and his entire party is released on internet.

All iPhone user get emergency message.

(iPhone is become the top mobile in world, so like 70% people use it. It has higher and lower model so it's affordable to everyone)

They were immediately enraged on president and Vice President.

President and Vice President are pale . Because they know this might be the end of their Rule.

Emi smiles: As for the Med Pod the technology will stay with Cerejo. But we will try to open hospitals around the world in every city and town as we could . So that everyone can enjoy it's benefit. All the Doctors dont have to worry that you wont have a job because we still need professional doctors to operate Med pod.

All doctors watching this were relieved and happy

Emi looks in media's camera again

Emi: If anyone tries to steal Med pod. Or try to do anything against the Cerejo hospital. That person or country will lose its privileges to have med pod and Cerejo hospital.

Emi continues: Also one more thing . To all those Corrupt politicians or hidden groups . I know who you are I know what you are and I also know where you are this is my first and last warning. I don't care what mess you do in this world . Because I couldn't care less . But if you ever dared to cross my path then there is only one way it will end and I think you Guys know what it will be.

[One of the senator was Hydra , Information about Gwen being spider woman was leaked by Shield

Emi : As for US Government you may call yourself the strongest country . But if you dared to target Cerejo. What I did today was just a demo of what I will do next. Remember Cerejo can go to any country and they will be accepted with open arms. We are ready to business with Us Government but it will be on our terms. If you try to fuck with us we will crush you. This ruined president sitting behind me is the proof.

He then Shouts in Camera . Like he is declaring War on world.

Emi: Don't fuck with Cerejo

After that he turned around and left .All media started clicking picture . Today was a historic day where a company no a Man destroyed an entire government party. This is a man that warned entire world not to fuck with him. This courage this guts got appreciation of all people around the world . How many wanted to do what Emi did. People are tired of politics and their dirty games but are helpless . But this man brought the strongest countries Government on its knees. To the extent that US did not dare to retaliate.

Everyone around the world had goose bumps. When they saw the man leave . Everyone had only one thought ," A legend is born"

Emi has strength of OAA but he has never showed it . But today without showing the world his strength just with the technology and Charisma he brought a country on its knees. Who can do this can tony stark do it . Answer is no because as strong his influence is they can still suppress stark because they have shareholders in his company

Osbaorn Please their reputation has hit rock bottom after the news of green goblin being Norman was released with proof.

Today's day would be recorded in history . Because today is a day when Emi truly made his presence know to the world . Not as a genius script writer / director, not as a inventor ,not as heir of Cerejo but has a legend that ignited fire in people around the world which was extinguished because of constant suppression.

Today entire world had goose bumps and felt like they are watching history in making . Because today is the day " A legendary hero was born"

Do you want me to beat tony in the casino .(you know in iron man 1 when he gets award)

A. Yes

B. No

Suggest a title for MC after this incident

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