
My Idea of An Adventure?

"Well...that could have been a little worse," said Radolf. They were just coming back from a hunt for some deer. While they were able to nab a deer or two, it almost never happened. The deer were on the move with Colt, Meika and Duke stirring them up. As the others were moving in for the kill, Achak and Borris were closing in on a stag when Borris was hesitant about moving to grab it by the leg. Despite Achak giving him the go-to, the little wolf didn't seem to know if he should. Luckily Achak was able to bring it down himself, thanks to his experience prior to moving here. As for Radolf and Elda, they were able to take down their deer together. Soon after the other three caught up, they feasted upon their kills. And now they were headed back home with Borris lagging behind, feeling like he let everybody down.

"Ahh, don't worry about it Borris. It's only your first hunt," said Duke to Borris, who tracked behind with Meika to try to cheer him up.

"If it helps, Duke had a little trouble adjusting too," said Meika chiming in. "Got so eager he nearly got trampled by them."

"I had a good hold on it's leg." Duke said defensively. "I nearly lost my footing when I missed a step. I still got the deer though."

"I know and you did," said Meika, playfully nipping him. "Even so, just be careful."

"I will 'mother'." Duke retorted playfully. She nipped him again a little harder but still in a playful manner.

"When you're part of the pack now, Borris, you need to be able to keep up with everyone," said Achak up ahead. "We all won't be able to help you all the time if you can't step up. Do you understand what I'm saying? We work as a team, but we need to be able to defend ourselves should the worse happens."

"Understood," said Borris. "I promise to step up where it matters the most." The wolves soon arrived back near the gate so that they can greet their human caretakers. Duke and Borris were more well adjusted to the young couple being use to being around humans so they had no problems with them being approached. The others were touchy at first but they soon got around to trusting them. They were greeted with hugs and head pats from the humans just as they had with others that came to see them.

"And how is our little pack today huh? You all getting along with each other?," asked the female human who was scratching behind Radolf's ears. He seemed to be enjoying it as he leaned against her. Duke was being scratched by the male human along his sides. He was enjoying this sort of attention that dogs always get from their human owners.

"You behaving yourself, Duke?," asked the man. Duke replied with a friendly growl. The man chuckled. "I hoped so. I'm gonna make sure you guys have a great time come next Wednesday."

"You guys are gonna have a great time meeting new people when we leave Saturday. You guys are going on a little world tour with us in Europe." The wolves weren't so sure what they meant by that. But for Duke, if it meant traveling with the couple, it must be a good thing. As the couple left, the two wolves conversed with one another.

"Europe? What ever for?" Borris asked. "Duke, you don't think they're wanting to get rid of us do you?"

"Of course not, no." Duke firmly denied. "I mean...why would they?"

"Not unless they had a good reason," said a voice. Duke and Borris turned in its direction of saw Carlos, the corgi that first belonged to the couple before Duke came along. "Name's Carlos," he introduced himself to Borris. Then looking at both of them he continued. "From what I understand, the seven of you are the most unique pack the humans have yet seen. That, along with the masters' want to preserve your species, got the attention of some big shots over in Europe."

"Any idea why?" Duke asked, his head cocked to the side.

"I believe from what I understood it's an educational sort of thing they're doing. You guys leave in two days." It was true, for while the wolves were on their hunt, a man from Europe had called the husband and wife team after their website caught his attention. He made a deal with them to bring over to his country for an educational experience at various schools.

"Two days?" Borris asked, looking worried. "That soon? Does it seem like a good idea to you?," he asked Duke.

"Well...it would be nice to see the world and the humans that occupy it. But let's wait until we get back to tell the others about this." Duke replied. "Thanks for the heads up Carlos. But you're sure this is legit?"

"On my honor as a canine," said Carlos, crossing his doggie heart. "Otherwise, you guys would probably panic if you didn't know."

"Fair point. C'mon Borris, let's tell the gang we're about to go on a little road trip." And with that, the two headed back to tell the gang about what was in store for them.

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