
Chapter 28

Morning came and it was different from the normal Issei woke up this morning and he wasn't alone or even in his own house, he was in bed with one of the most beautiful women of Kuoh Academy and thus the reason for his scream this morning which one can assume is one of surprise.

**Rias Bedroom**

When Issei woke up this morning he felt warm and felt a pleasant sensation on his body like soft marshmallows all on his chest. When he opened his eyes a little bit, it took him a moment to register what was in front of him. Granted he has seen hundreds of pairs of breasts due to his addiction to them but to see them in real life this is the first for him.

Whenever they went to peak on the girls in the kendo club they were always caught before the girls got more completely undressed either by their own fault for being too loud or because of that handsome dick Sephiroth always magically appearing to stop them. Which would lead to them being beat in the morning, that never deter him or his friends but it made their bodies hurt for a bit because of the shinai that they use on them and he noticed that lately they have been getting more painful.

Back on topic in the bedroom, here Issei was looking at some of the biggest breasts he has ever seen and they are currently squished on his bare chest where you would think that they are heavy by the looks of them but they feel so soft he just wants to touch them and grope them all day.

Then it hit him how did he get here and why is Rias Gremory sleeping with him naked. And when he got to this thought he screamed because his brain registered that he was most likely in serious trouble of what kind he didn't know.

When Rias heard the scream of Issei she opened her eyes and stared directly into Issei's eyes and they continued this for several seconds and she could see the panic in them almost making her let out a laugh but she decided to have some fun with this known pervert.

"Oh Issei, last time was amazing" Rias purred out and drawing circles on his chest making him flinch at her action making her smile in her head at this.

"R..r..ais… did we ... really do .... It?" Issei felt like something was wrong here but he also wanted it to be true because she was one of the most beautiful girls in school and he really enjoyed her dark red hair looking up close to it now.

Finally not being able to hold it in anymore she let out a light laugh to him making Issei confused about what she found so funny. She then went into detail on what happened to him and why he was most likely targeted and who saved him. When Issei heard that the handsome dick was the one that saved him he felt conflicted because he was happy he did it but he would have preferred that Rias was the one to do it. And in another time that would have happened as well but sadly not this time.

Rias went to explain that there are supernatural races in the world such as angels, fallen angels, and devils in this world among many others. She even showed her wings to him, granted Issei was distracted because Rias was still only wearing black lace panties and nothing else so if he actually saw the wings is a whole other matter.

Then Rias made an offer to him "Issei, you have a power sleeping inside you like I mentioned earlier and you will be targeted again no matter what you do because of it either by the same fallen angel when she realizes that you didn't die or by others that want that power for themselves. I can protect you but there will be a price for it." she said to him trying to express how serious this matter was to him and that his life is forever changed and won't ever really go back to normal now that he knows of the supernatural.

Issei knew that what she said was right, he just didn't know what was really going, everything's happening so fast for him right now. Just yesterday he went on his first date with an apparent fallen angel and the bitch actually killed him because of the sleeping power inside him.

"What is this price that you need from me Rias?" Issei said with determination in his voice ready for whatever she said to him.

"I want to reincarnate you into a devil and have you join my peerage as a servant of the Gremory household. Before you say anything we treat our servants as family and better than most other clans in the underworld." Rias stated quickly before Issei could get the wrong idea, which seemed to work because his face relaxed a little when he heard that last part.

She then went into detail about how the evil piece system worked and the benefits that being one entitled you to as well as some of the weaknesses as well. Trying to help him have some information but making sure to spin in such a way that he wouldn't turn her down no matter what, she was going to get him and his sacred gear she was running out of time.

"I"ll do it Rias, I join you and become your servant. But what piece am I going to be of your available chess pieces?"

"I only have so many pieces left but if what I heard about you is correct then the only pieces that would work for you would be my pawn pieces and all my other pieces that I have left won't be strong enough to reincarnate you." Rias explained to him hoping that he won't be disappointed that he is technically the weakest piece or pieces.

Issei was a little sad when she said he would be a pawn, he was hoping for a knight or maybe the rook instead but it wasn't up to him he figured.

"I understand then why don't we get started than Rias" Issei said, trying to show a confident demeanor to her.

Rias summoned her box that held her evil pieces, and then she proceeded to insert them into Issei and she started with 2 pieces and realized that she needed more which made her happy. She then added one more and it still wasn't enough and when she did the fourth that is when it happened and Issei was reincarnated into a devil and a 4x pawn of Rias Gremory thus making him live a life as a part of the supernatural world now.

Rias was happy that he had such potential but couldn't help but wonder if that was all because if what Sephiroth said he should have stronger potential than this if it was able to alert someone like him but there wasn't anything she can do about it now. If she waited then there's a chance he could be killed again or even Sona might fight her for him, but she didn't know that Sona didn't want that massive pervert in her peerage or a part of the student council.

Rias was happy now because she hopefully got another powerful piece that could help her with her political marriage against Riser, not to mention that someone like Issei was easy to control because of his perverted nature and if it is something that Rias Gremory knows how to do is to use her body to get an advantage.

**Sephiroth room**

Sephiroth was annoyed this morning when he heard that scream of who he knew to be Issei, he was able to sense when Rias and Akeno brought him back last night to the house but didn't really care as long as they didn't bug him. He already did that kid a favor by saving his life but he was still tempted to freeze him and Rias for waking him up, all it would take would be a flick of the wrist. He was still tired from talking to Ddraig so long into the night when he finally got back.

*Flashback to last night*

When Sephiroth finally got back home last night he settled for sitting cross legged on his bed and dived into his consciousness to talk to his new partner. Sephiroth knew that he could trust Ddraig because he had basically become a part of him at this point and being betrayed would have been impossible at this point so he saw no need to hide anything else from him at this point. It would only cause problems if he were to still hold on to his secrets and he didn't want to have that because Ddraig was going to be with him for a very long time to come.

"Ddraig, I'm going to give you full access to my memories now. Before I do that, I know that I have changed from my past and learned my lesson from my mistake. I hope you don't judge me too soon before you see it all." Sephiroth said to Ddraig, trying to show him his complete past and the life that he lived before coming here.

"Don't worry partner, I have lived a long time and know that not everything is black and white like some would believe. I won't judge you till I see it all, just like you said and I sake my dragon pride on that promise." Sephiroth mentally nodded to him showing that he does appreciate that and left him to have access to his past.

While Ddraig said that he had seen a lot of things, what he saw of Sephiroth's past truly shocked him. Even as a supposed child if his first memory was right was nothing but of pain and misery. Sephiroth was experimented on as a child to make him stronger than any other soldier and they didn't just stop there, if they thought it could make him stronger, faster, smarter than they would do it to him. This continued for years till they gave up because they couldn't make him any stronger physically anymore but not from a lack of trying on their part.

The damage that it did to Sephiroth turned him into an emotionless doll that just followed orders and did what he was told, he was instructed on how he should act and what to value all his life. Never really having to do any serious thinking on his life except on how to complete a mission and how to cause as few as death as possible for their side.

Then it happened he met someone that would slowly change him for life, a fellow soldier called Zack Fair that changed him a bit slowly. Due to Zack's personality he was able to get Sephiroth open up more because of him making Sephiroth have a more positive outlook on life.

His positive attitude did not last long until he, Zack Fair, and Cloud Strife ventured in the mako reactor in Nibelheim. Sephiroth then proceeds to Shinra Manor to search for possible clues of his origins. Finally learning the truth, Sephiroth goes insane, rebels from Shinra, and sets Nibelheim on fire. Believing that he is the chosen one, he decides to become a god and rule the planet.

Ddraig watched the events that ultimately led to his death and his goal of trying to kill everyone so that he can become a god in a sense, Ddraig was overwhelmed at the life that Sephiroth had lived and even when he saw him die in the end he couldn't help but feel sorry for his partner. His very existence was nothing but pain and suffering either to himself or others.

When he saw Lilith the Goddess of Chaos, he was further shocked that someone that powerful had the ability to do what she did to Sephiroth and give him the ability to travel to other worlds and she did it on what seems like a whim if what he saw is to be believed.

When Ddraig finally got to when he was sent here to his world the DxD world as the Goddess said he saw the change in Sephiroth's personality and was thankful for it. If he was still the same way he was before his death he didn't know if this world would survive someone like him with his abilities and skill set.

He did smile to himself when he saw that he apparently got together with the youkai faction leader Yasaka in Kyoto and had a great relationship with her daughter Kunou meaning that regardless of his past he still had some good in him and it was slowly coming to light but the darkness was still there and Ddraig feared what would happen if someone was to cross the line with him.

Regardless of what path his partner would take he would stick behind him and help guide him as best he can, be it as a savior or the very apocalypse itself. It should be a fun adventure Ddraig thought to himself and he differently found the strongest host he ever could and probably ever will.

"You have lived an interesting life thus far and know that I'll stand behind you partner no matter what you do" Ddraig stated to Sephiroth trying to let him know that he had his support.

"I appreciate that Ddraig, only time will tell the path that I take in the future." Sephiroth said back and then told Ddraig that he was going to bed now, sharing his memories with him had been very mental draining on him and he needed some rest because of it. To which Ddraig understood and wished him goodnight and they both settled in for the night.

**Flashback end**

Giving a light stretch Sephiroth got up and did his normal routine and made breakfast but he didn't make any for Issei because well he didn't like the boy so why would he make him food.

When the two finally came down, Rias had a smug smile on her face like she had accomplished something great in getting a strong pawn piece for her peerage but little did she know that she missed out on a great opportunity. Sephiroth seeing this couldn't help but laugh in his head for a moment at this situation, he stole what should have probably been hers and got the boosted gear for himself.

Granted she did get a strong piece if the gift that Ddraig left behind for the boy is powerful but he knew that it was nothing compared to the boosted gear. He almost felt bad for her and Issei but then remembered that he didn't like them both so he got over that quickly.

When duo arrived at the dining table for breakfast Issei was surprised at how good the food looked but then noticed that there was only enough for one other person being that Sephiroth was already eating his food completely ignoring his new king and him, he was pissed but knew he couldn't do anything to him. Rias told him that Sephiroth is stronger than her and don't mess with him otherwise she will punish him for it.

"Good morning Sephiroth, this is my new pawn piece Issei Hyoudou, he goes to our school" Rias said to him with that smug smile still on her face.

Finishing up his meal, he stood up and grabbed the plates he was using before saying something to Rias "I know of him already, Don't I Issei Hyoudou" When she heard Sephiroth say that she lost her smile and looked at Issei questionably wondering what Sephiroth meant and figured that her new pawn would say something.

Getting flustered at being stared at by Rias blue-green eyes he quickly answered "Yes Sephiroth knows of me from me and my friends peeping at the kendo girls" Issei looked down after saying that embarrassed that he had to say that out loud and hoped that his new king Rias wouldn't abandoned him already for being a pervert. Unaware that Rias just smiled internally seeing that this new pawn piece will be easy to manage given his lustful nature it seems.

Ignoring those two Sephiroth quickly left, not wanting to deal with them anymore and made his way to school while chatting with Ddraig along the way, wanting to inform Sona of what had happened with Raynare and his new sacred gear he obtained. He didn't see the point of hiding it given that there are very few people in this world that can be a threat to him even before he got the boosted gear now he didn't know the peak of his power but he will have to test that out at another time, maybe on those fallen angels in that abandoned church to test some of his new ideas.

Chapter was more a bonding thing for Sephiroth and Ddraig but they will be together for a long time so I thought I make sure that kick off well.

Some of Sephiroth past will affect him in certain ways if you didn't already get that hint.

I have great plans for Asia that I think you guys will like if you like her as a character but of course she will be a bit different in what way though that a surprise.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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