
Chapter 24

Upon morning time Sephiroth much like every other time he sleeps with Yasaka at some point she wraps her tails around him completely while soft and comfortable makes moving almost impossible.

After getting free from fluffy prison, Sephiroth surprised Kunou at breakfast time by making her, her favorite thing himself an omelette with funny faces on it and he happened to make one of Sephiroth the 2nd the golden fox plushie.

"Onii-chan when did you get here?" Kunou asked while she digs into her food that Sephiroth made for her.

"I got here last night, and spent some time with your mother. She should still be sleeping at least for a while" Sephiroth said while thinking about the crazy office sex that they had last nice and then in the bedroom.

"I plan on walking around town today and would like for you to join me Kunou" Sephiroth said while looking at Kunou who had stars in her eyes because her onii-chan asked to spend the day with her.

"Yes, yes, yes let me go get ready" And then she was gone like the wind getting ready for the day leaving Sephiroth wondering where that speed came from.


While exploring town together like they had done on the Kyoto trip it was almost like history was repeating itself. Walking through one of the many parks in town all a sudden they were surrounded by a group of low level demons if the wings that they had on their backs were anything to go by. Not to mention the aura that Sephiroth is able to read on them, he was curious though on why devils this weak we're trying to attack him and Kunou.

"I'm assuming someone told you to attack us, mind telling me who?" Sephiroth asked while putting Kunou behind him ready to defend her from these three devils.

"Hahaha I don't why we couldn't tell you since you're going to die today. We are a part of Khaos Brigade" yelled what should be the leader of this little group.

"I see while I don't know who this Khaos Brigade is, it won't matter because your going to die today anyway"

The three low level devils laugh at this thinking that this guy is crazy because they can't sense any kind of power coming from this guy so to them he is a normal human and a weak one at that. They didn't know that Sephiroth conceals his power thanks to his training in senjutsu that makes this possible. So to them he looks like an average human and wouldn't expect him to be someone of Satan class power.

"After we kill you, we are going to capture this little girl to lure out her mother to us and then capture her as well."

"I hear her mother is a fine piece of ass to, I"m sure we can get a taste before we turn her over" They all laughed again but little did they know they just sealed their fate, Sephiroth was just going to kill them and be done with it but when they said they were basically going to rape his woman they would be lucky if they died quickly.

While those three dead men laughed, Sephiroth summoned his familiar Tiamat the dragon king.

"What's up brat what do you need I was trying to take a nap just now" Tiamat complained rubbing her eyes, she is currently in her human form.

When she came through the portal that Sephiroth made all three devils stopped laughing at this because they were able to sense how powerful this beautiful woman was. They didn't know who she was but they could sense she had something to do with dragon's based on the draconic aura that they could feel from her.

"Tiamat, I need you to protect Kunou for me and take her home she will lead you there" Sephiroth said in a cold tone of voice that sent a small shiver down her spine wondering what pissed off her partner so much but she knew she didn't want to be on the receiving end of his wrath.

Kneeling down to Kunou's level to look her in the eyes showed she was worried about him "I need you to go with my partner Tiamat back home to your mother. I will be there as soon as I'm done here okay" Sephiroth says while patting Kunou's head.

"Tiamat go and don't fail me" Hearing the hidden threat in his statement, Tiamat grabbed Kunou and sprouted some dragon wings on her back and quickly flew away back to Yasaka's home.

The three devils didn't do anything through this whole ordeal because they could feel Sephiroth's power when he started talking to Kunou it was quickly rising till it stopped at Ultimate class devil power level basically making him almost as strong as the four Satan's in the underworld and to them that was like a god considering that they were so weak in comparison.

They didn't know how a simple capture mission of a little girl went to them facing two beings that had power that outclassed them so greatly. They didn't know how they were going to survive this situation, sadly they didn't know they were destined to die as soon as they targeted someone that Sephiroth cared for.

With all three kneeling on the group trying to save their lives anyway they can "please sir have mercy we were just kidding, right guys"

"Ya we weren't going to kidnap that little girl and kill you, that just wrong and we are good guys"

"What they said we were trying to protect you ya that's it for all the bad guys in the area"

After hearing their dumb-ass excuses that they made, Sephiroth had enough of them and decided to extract information from them causing as much pain as he could.

He spent 3 hours with those three devils and they wished Sephiroth had killed them instantly at the end of it all. Sephiroth would cut and stab them repeatedly and constantly heal them back to peak heal. He even tested the limits of his healing abilities and severed limbs from their body just to reattach them with his healing magic. The pain and mental trauma that the three devils experience made them open books all because they didn't want to go through the pain again and just wanted to die so this monster would leave them alone.

Once he learned everything that these three knew he finally let them die cutting their heads off and burning their bodies becoming dust in the wind. The Khaos Brigade was a loose knit association of various supernatural beings who were dissatisfied by the growing alliance of various mythological powers and sought to plunge the world into chaos. The Khaos Brigade consisted of multiple races: Devils, Fallen Angels, Humans (who are descendants of legendary/mythological heroes), and a few Angels. The three idiots didn't know who any of the leaders were, sadly they were just grunts in the organization but he learned enough for now.

"What is wrong with this world so many different forces trying to fight each other and for what?" Sephiroth said aloud, trying to understand why these people in this world fight each other.

"They can fight and kill each other for all I care as long as they don't mess with me and those I care about they won't have to feel my Zetsubo going through their hearts" thought Sephiroth as he teleported himself back to Yasaka and Kunou's home.


When Sephiroth stepped out of the portal that he made, he was tackled by Kunou and put into a death hug as she was crying because she was worried that something bad had happened to him. She ignored the blood that got on her from his outfit and was just happy that he finally came back to her.

"Alright calm down, why don't you and Tiamat go and take a bath and join me later. I have to go and speak to your mother about something okay" Sephiroth said in a soft tone trying to calm down Kunou and looked at Tiamat to grab her and lead her to the bath.

Once she was led away by Tiamat Sephiroth went to Yasaka and then explained what happened and everything that he found out about the Khaos Brigade and what their goal of the organization is. Yasaka was worried because from the sound of it just about anyone could be a part of this group and you wouldn't even know it till it was too late.

After talking for a bit longer they made some plans to upgrade the security around their home and get more guards for when they go out in public and to make sure that they are people that they can trust for the foreseeable future.

Besides that situation that happened on the first day that he was here they didn't run into any other problems for the week that he stayed here and even Tiamat stuck around just in case but really she treated it like a vacation for the most part and just pigged out the whole week.

Much like last time Kunou was sad that he had to leave for school again but was better this time because he said he would send Tiamat to come and play with her from time to time, to which Tiamat didn't mind as long as they fed her she stated. She informed him that she doesn't do much in the familiar forest so she didn't mind protecting the small brat for him.

Done with summer break and Sephiroth met the Khaos Brigade rather early fun times.

Now for cannon to start with some slight changes here and there, I wonder what those will be hahaha.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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