

Waking up the next day, they hit the road after having a nice breakfast and closing up the truck firmly. Mark didn't think someone would steal it, but taking precautions is still better than feeling down after something happens. So they kept minimal stuff and the guns they had in a huge bag in the jeep's trunk and hopped into the jeep. Kevin sat behind the wheel as he followed Mark's route and stopped quicker than they expected. 

Looking at the outpost and the soldier walking up to them, Mark couldn't help but look around. As the soldier came near him, he took out a card given by Colonel Steve to them and said, "We went on a mission requested by General Donald and came back. We have to give it to him." The soldier nodded before looking back and signaling the other person to open the gate. 

As the gate lifted Mark asked, "Did the area of control under the military grow again?" making Kevin stop driving ahead. 

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