
Visit to Wyatt Manor (5)

Cecilia's face was red and she had been gulping saliva down her throat more than required only to stop herself from crying. The castle that she had built in the air burst like a bubble. From the corner of her eyes she saw that Dawn had put her hands on Daryn's thigh possessively and was squeezing it. To her horror, Daryn placed his hand on hers and grasped it. Slowly he brought it to his bulge and made her massage him there. Cecilia was aghast. Her mouth dropped to the floor. She saw that Dawn wanted to remove her hand but he continued to grab it hard and she couldn't lift it. She continued to stare at the activity when suddenly Daryn looked at her. Was he doing this on purpose just to show her? He made Dawn massage slightly more under her gaze. Embarrassed as hell, she quickly turned her face away. 

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