
Now You Know

[This chapter is dedicated to kalachuchi1, for being the top 4 fan for the month of May! ^^ Thanks so much for the support!]


Before they knew it, the bell already rang, indicating that it is already lunch time. With Dylan already getting his phone from his pocket, he then turned his head to look at his seatmate, talking to her.

"Since we're partners on this, can I get your number so that we can communicate further of what our analysis is going to be?"

Hearing this question, Angeal blinked her eyes a few time. With a sarcastic smile appearing on her face, she nodded, already typing in a number on Dylan's phone.

However, little did he know, though… that the one she was typing was actually Devin's number.

"Here. Let's push with The Cask of Amontillado, yeah? Maybe we could discuss which approaches to use?"

"Alright," Dylan said, already standing up from his seat. "See you."

Next chapter