
Follower Statuses


///Name: Zeref

///Race: Abyssal Basilisk

///Titles: The shadow of Suu Tempest.

///Blessing: Abyssal Crest. (A crest given to all those that have been blessed by the ruler of the Abyss)


///Disaster Rank: Special A

///Items: None

////Followers: None

///Species skills:

Petrify. (Anyone who looks in to the users eyes will be turned to stone)

Abyssal gate

Petrifying breath. (The user can breathe a grey mist that turns anything it touches to stone)

Poisonous breath

Decay. (Anything the user touches will start to decay, however this decay will also spread to other things that are in physical contact with said object)

Basilisk flame. (A very powerful green flame that is very effective against magical weapons and armour)

Basilisk venom. (Basilisks have a very powerful venom that can kill a person in under 10 seconds if they do not have resistances)

Infrared vision

Diamond scales. (Incredibly hard and durable scales that protect the users body from attacks)

Poison manipulation

Super speed Regeneration

Poison immunity

Petrification immunity


Thought communication

Acid rain. (The user can make an acid that is stronger then hydrochloric acid rain from the sky)

Maddening rage. (Massively increases the user's physical and magical strength, however the user may lose themself to extreme anger if they are not careful. Also while the user is in this state they can not feel pain)

Shadow movement

Intimidation. (The user can release an aura that makes people more afraid of them)

Cold resistance

Heat resistance

Physical attack resistance

Acid immunity

///Unique skills: None

///Ultimate skills: none



///Name: Yin

///Race: Two Tailed Abyssal Cat

///Titles: The black samurai.

///Class: Samurai

///Blessing: Abyssal Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: B+

///Disaster Rank true form: A-



(White Katana)


(White kimono)

Other types of items

(Healing potions)

////Followers: None

///Species skills:

Abyssal gate

Night vision

Acrobatics. (This skill massively increases the user's ability to not only move from place to place but also in dodging attacks)

Movement sense. (This skill let's the user sense movement around them)

Nine lives. (This skill allows the user to completely heal from fatal wounds up to nine times before the skill needs time to recharge. This skill can only heal injuries, so things like stamina will not be recovered)


Burning body. (This skill covers the users body in hot flames while also increasing their strength)

Hyper speed. (Increase the users speed greatly)

Enhance. (Increases all the users physical attributes)

Precision cut. (This skill allows the user to lock on to the weak points of their opponent's defenses)

Thought communication

Twin bond. (A bond between twins, both of them know each others location no matter how far apart they are. Also when they are close to one another they become stronger)

Abyssal flame


Heat immunity

Magic deflection barrier. (Can deflect magic back at the users opponent. Note, this skill is only as strong as the amount of magic put into it)

///Unique skills: none

///Ultimate skills: none



///Name: Yang

///Race: Two Tailed Abyssal Cat

///Titles: The white archer.

///Class: Archer

///Blessing: Abyssal Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: B+

///Disaster Rank true form: A-



(Black bow)


(Black kimono)

Other types of items

(Healing potions)

////Followers: None

///Species skills:

Abyssal gate

Night vision


Movement sense

Nine lives


Magic sense

Thought communication

Twin bond

Magic arrows

Lightning arrows

Light arrows. (Basically a flashbang)

Darkness arrows. (These arrows can pass through objects)

Flaming arrows

Tempest arrows. (Arrows made of condensed wind that when shot will travel at incredibly high speeds)

Exploding lance

Vortex lance. (The evolution of water lance. When used it will create a very fast rotating lance made of water)

Quick draw. (Massively increases the speed that a user can create magic attacks)

Lock on. (The skill allows the user to select up to ten targets and lock on to them, once they are locked all long ranged attacks will follow them were ever they go)

Fire manipulation

Abyssal flame


Heat immunity

///Unique skills:

Heat wave. Listing sub skills:

[Blistering heat. (This skill massively increases the heat around the user, depending on how the user is feeling the heat can cause metal to melt and citys to burn)

Burning soul. (The stronger the emotions the user feels the greater their magical power increases)

Starvation. (The user can cause those around them to feel as if they have not eaten in days)]

///Ultimate skills: none



///Name: Kuro

///Race: Abyssal Demon Orc

///Titles: Orc general. The one that was forgiven

///Blessing: Abyssal Crest

///Class: Guardian

///Disaster Rank: A+


////Followers: None

///Species skills:

Demonic strength

Demonic attack resistance

Demonic rays. (The user can shoot black rays out of their mouth and hands)

Enhanced senses


Stamina recovery


Thought communication

Damage conductor. (The user can take the damage of multiple attacks for anyone nearby)

Damage absorption. (The user can absorb damage from many different attacks before then sending it all back at the enemy)

Guardian barrier. (A barrier that can be used to protect the user and nearby people)

Reinforce. (Increase the users defense but slows them down greatly)


Earth shaping. (The user can create things like spikes and walls from the earth around them)

Heat resistance

Cold resistance

Poison resistance

Acid resistance

Magic attack resistance

Physical attack resistance

Paralysation resistance

Pain resistance

///Unique skills:

Deaths embrace. Listing sub skills

[Unbridled Fear. (The user can create a purple smoke to trap enemies, anyone caught in the smoke will have to see their worst fear over and over again)

Life drain. (The user can steal the energy of anyone they touch, if the user does this for too long the person will die. Note, this can also be used with the Thorns of the dead skill)

Thorns of the dead. (The user can summon thorns made out of bone to attack their enemies.)]

///Ultimate skills: none


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