
Chapter 147: Bonus - Kyrios and Eloise, “Humanizing Himself”

He kept his unamused look as his brother chuckled. “You will kill everyone if you get on that bus. I don’t get why you haven’t indulged yourself in some human privileges… You have the gold, the money will buy you everything you need,” He might not like it, but his brother was making a point.

“I did not know for sure how the new world would be. Now I see only a few things have changed,” He answered.

“You will be fine in the new world, you have adjusted very well so far. I only want to meet her to see who she was…”.Those words only made Kyrios frown.

“I don't even want to know how you met her in the past,” He added.

Aeneas chuckled again, but then changed to a more peaceful smile as Zareen walked into the room. He extended his arm and took her hand in his. Then he guided her to his side. “I am intrigued, that is all. But I am not going to push you for more. Do follow my advice, please. I can show you how, as I have been doing it for centuries.”

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