
Prologue (2)

Kai Quinn, at first glance he would seem like any other person you passed by on the street. Insignifigant. If you looked closer though you would see his eyes. They penetrated you. His eyes were wide open like they were surprised but seemingly calm and collected at the same time. This gaze is what caused Kai much discomfort throughout his life.

He was constantly asked, "what are you looking at?" or, "What's on your mind Kai?". While to the average person these may have seemed perfectly rational, to Kai they were a distraction. For a person who only wanted to listen to be asked what they wanted to see was a source of constant annoyance. This obsession of sound had always been a large part of Kai's life. From a young age Kai would create environments around himself in order to "balance sound". What seemed to his family a childish quirk soon became a strange obbsession.

Seeing as his parents were worried Kai agreed to go to the doctor to be tested. While his family believed he had a mental disorder such as OCD, (obbsesive compulsive disorder) it was found he had Hyperacusis, a rare hearing disorder that caused sounds normal to most people to sound increadibly loud.

This was a large part of the reason Kai was so keen on listening rather than seeing. He was searching. With so many unpleasant noises constantly berateing him Kai yearned for one singular accumlation of sound so perfectly put together that it would put no strain on his mind. This "obsession" is what caused his friends and family to begin tp seperate from him and thus end his normal life. Kai had a name for this grand sound he was looking for... he called it, "Symphony".

This goal is what brought Kai to Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. Also, his inevitable death.

Alright, I think I have a pretty good idea of where I'm gonna take this story. I'm planning to finish the prologue tomorrow since I dont have work. Just for fun I'll name a character after the first person who comments. Thanks,


Blunacreators' thoughts