
The Wolf and Fey

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The adventure of Tori and Fenrir. Among chaos, heartbreak, and a lingering darkness, can these two survive the trials before them, and can their newfound love last the test?

Chapter 1Chapter 1

Tori leaned against the trunk of the large tree, resting as she bit into an apple. It was good to be home after a long adventure. She sighed, missing her new friends, but it was better this way. She though about all the chaos, all the fun, she had when she left the Feywilds. Chuckling softly, Tori recalled when she first met Nyx, and all the others. She would miss the little kobold the most. Looking around, she saw some of the creatures wandering around her home. Unlike others in the Feywilds, she had made her home in the middle of nowhere. It was more calming that way, and since she technically wasnt a Fey, it kept some of the Dark Fey away from her. Not that she couldnt protect herself, heck, she had just got back from saving the Terran Plain. Finishing her apple, Tori closed her eyes, feeling at home in her tree, surrounded by the comforts of home. After a while, she nodded off, one leg dangling from the tree as she slept. Unknown to her, a familiar figure watched from a distance. A sly, mischievous smile playing across his face as he watched her sleep. "Dont get to comfy sweetheart, Im not done with you yet." Turning around, the figure disappeared into a shimmering haze.

All around her was smoke, the sound of cannons and guns going off in the distance. Turning to look next to her, Tori saw the worried and scared look on her companions face. "Dont worry Nyx, everything will be fine. We'll fix this, trust me." Giving him a soft smile, she uttered the words right before a huge fireball engulfed them.

Tori jerked awake, breathing heavy as the dream replayed in her head over and over. "Calm down Sotoria.. everything is fine. Your back home, your friends are safe. You won the war, remember that..you fixed it...you fixed it." She repeated this a few more times before she calmed down. In all her years, in all the crazy shit she went through in the Feywilds, with her sister, Tori had never been as afraid as she had been that day. Looking around, she saw some of the wildlife notice her agitation. Playing it off, she jumped out of the tree, landing gracefully before strolling to her house. She needed food..and booze, lots of booze. Heading into the kitchen, Tori quickly made a small meal, grabbing a bottle of rum from the cupboard. She was going to have to get some new liquor, stuff from the mortal plane of Terran wasnt strong compared to what was made in the Feywilds, but it was all she had for now. Sitting at her table, Tori quickly ate her food, downing the bottle in a matter of minutes afterwards. The plus side of being kidnapped by the Fey, she could hold her liquor. Tori smiled softly as she remembered Dougal, the dwarf had been so sure she wouldnt be able to out-drink him that he non-stopped challenged her whenever they hit a tavern or inn. Gods..what she would do to be able to see him again, to see all of them again.

Standing up, Tori made her way back outside. She didnt have much in the house food wise, or alcohol wise either. While it would be simple to make the food, rather then buy it, Tori knew she also needed to visit Lady Rhymeheart, and Lord Theran, plus Ashtonn would be very upset with her if she didnt stop by soon. Walking over to the large tree in the front of her yard, Tori placed her hand on it, stepping into the tree. When she stepped out of the tree, Tori was in the middle of Fyoria, the city that Lord Theran resided in, along with it being the home of the Court of Ballads. Most of the fey looked at her, continuing on their way as it was normal for her to tree-stride into the city. Making her way to the market place, Tori purchased new supplies, stopping to talk with the vendors before moving on. Placing her stuff in a pocket dimension she used for shopping, Tori mad her way to the large mansion at the head of the city. Well..calling it a mansion was dumming it down a notch, it was practically a castle. Shrugging her shoulders, Tori made her way inside, ignoring the looks from several of the nobility who lived there. She was her to see the Lord and Lady, though she was aware that a lot of the nobility disapproved of her, considering her heritage.

Tori left the manor exhausted. Dealing with Lady Rhymeheart and Lord Theran was always draining, she had never asked for Lord Theran to take an interest in her, or to kidnap her as a child. But it is what it is. At least she got to see Ashtonn again. Looking up at the sky, she saw the sun coming up. Looks like she had ended up spending all day yesterday, and all night, in the manor. Tori always lost track of time when she was with Ashtonn. Going back to the tree, Tori walked into it again, ready to go home and rest. Stepping out of the tree, Tori looked around confused. Instead of being at her house, she was in a small clearing. And in font of her stood a shimmering gate... Great.. Just what she needed. Another planar gate to another world, why did this happen to her? Hearing a soft chuckle, Tori caught the apple right before it hit her head. Looking in the direction it came from, she saw noone, but she knew he was there. And if he was here, Tori knew she had no choice but to go through that stupid portal. "Is it to much to ask to give me a break? I already saved one plane..Cant I just relax at home Puk?" She knew he wouldnt answer, so she stepped into the gate, dreading what she was going to be thrown into this time.

She let out a large sigh as she stepped out of the gate, looking around the strange forest. At least it wasnt a city this time..Last time didnt go over very well when she suddenly popped out in the middle of a city. Rolling her eyes, Tori flipped off the gate before it shut, hopping Puk saw. Knowing him, he was watching her. He liked to do that, stupid god. "Why me...One time I help him.. well...not really help, more like forced.. save a plane, and fix a bunch of chaos, and now your just gonna keep throwing me into crap. Thanks Puk, and I thought you liked me." Glancing around again, Tori noticed the forest was quiet, no birds calling, or animals walking around. Putting her hand on the tree next to her, Toti communed with the forest, trying to see if anything was wrong, or if a darkness had taken over. After a few minutes, she removed her hand. The forest was calm and healthy, no darkness growing inside it. So why was it so quiet?

Walking deeper into the forest, Tori looks around, finally spotting some wildlife. "Doesnt look like anyone has taken residence in the forest, which is weird since with one this large, there is usually a druid or other creatures taking up residence." Tori snaps a small leave off a nearby bush as she walks, turning it into an apple, before taking a large bite. All this walking, the planar travel, and having to deal with the Fey, was making her tired. Looking around, she spots a very large tree. That will do just nicely. Walking up to the tree, smiling, Tori uses her powers to clear a spot at the base of the tree, thick soft grass growing, making a soft place to sit down. Thats better, grass is much better to sit on then tree stumps and rock. Sitting down and leaning against the tree, Tori closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Fenrir walked through the forest, her ears twitching back and forth as she listened. She had managed to loose her pursuers for now, but she was never safe. Someone was always after her, ever since she was young. They all wanted her powers for themselves, but Fenrir kept telling them she had no powers. Fenrir sniffed the air, smelling the faint scent of wolves in the distance, and some deer that were nearby. Not wanting a confrontation with the wolves, she climbed a tree, jumping from branch to branch as she traveled. It was quiet easy for her, and was safer then traveling on the ground. Plus she could see further then on the ground. She had been running for several days before she found this forest. Maybe she could stay here? It was big enough, and as long as she stayed away from other wolves, or humans, she would be safe.

After a few hours of traveling in the tree tops, Fenrir stopped. She was getting hungry, and there was plenty of prey nearby for her to be able to hunt. Getting ready to climb out of the tree, she froze. Fenrir hadnt noticed the figure leaning against the tree next to her. "That was a close call." she thought. Standing still, she observed the person, noticing that they were sleeping. Climbing a few branches lower to get a better view, she noticed the person was female. And she didnt look like other humans. Her features were more elven like, yet something was off about her. She got a strange feeling from the other girl, something that made the hair on her neck stand up a little.

"Why dont you come out of the tree little one. I know your there. No use in hiding anymore."

Fenrir froze as the girl spoke, one of her eyes opening, staring in her direction. How did she know I was here?? She had made no sound, kept her presence hidden like she always did. Hopping of of the tree, Fenrir looked at the girl, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "I wasnt hiding, if I was, you wouldnt have know I was here."

Tori felt someone watching her, using her powers, she easily found the person standing in the tree next to her, watching. Opening an eye, she watched as they jumped out of the tree. A lycan? That was unusual. What was more unnusual was this one looked like it was stuck between transformations. Unless they were a shifter, or they were like the Kajit. Looking at the girl, Tori gave her a smirk. "Trust me little one, nothing gets past me. I make a habit of knowing all that goes on around me." She noticed the lycan tense up, getting ready to flee, or to fight. Raising a knee, Tori rested her arm on it and she turned to look at the girl. "Seeing as you were watching me from the tree, Id say you were trying to hide. Am I wrong?" She raised an eyebrow, seeing the wolf tuck her tail between her legs.

Fenrir tensed up, watching the strange person as they propped themselfs up against the tree, turning to look at her. "I was observing, not hiding. Like I said, you wouldnt have known I was there if I was hiding."

Rolling her eyes, Tori gave a small chuckle. "I doubt that, and as I stated, I make it my buisness to know what goes on. Besides, the forest knows your here, therefore, so do I." She smirked her before standing up, walking towards the other as they cowered slightly. Tori knew that her height could be intimidating, add to how she carried herself, and her trademark smirk, alot of people felt uncomfortable around her at first. And this little one was little, The tip of her ears came to her chest. "So what can I help you with little wolf. You were watching for a reason, werent you?" Tori had a strange feeling about her, maybe she was why Puk sent her here.

Fenrir twitched her ears. What did she mean by the forest knew she was here? That made no sense. Thinking that it was probably a trick, Fenrir ignored it, her tail swishing slightly between her legs nervously. "I dont need anything. I was passing by and happened to notice you." Fenrir's eyes widen a little when she realized just how tall the other person was. She looked her up and down slowly. If it came to a fight, Fenrir wasnt sure she could win, not unless she turned.

Tori looked down at her, grinning slightly at the statement. Holding her hand open, she created a small amount of light blue flowers, offering them to the wolf. "Everyone needs something little one. Its just a matter of whether or not you know what it is you want."

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