
Employing Martial Artist

Lee woke up early, around 4 a.m in the morning his wife was still sleeping. Lee decided not to wake her up. Lee get out of the bed and went outside of there hause and started his morning exercise and it is already around 7 am when he came back.

Lee cooked a meal for his family then wake up his wife and his children for breakfast during meal time, he asked his wife if she found a lot that is for sale, his wife nodded so he asked her to get ready they will visit that area after the brought there children at Karate school.

When they arrived at the school their children went inside the karate school. Lee and Janet is about to leave when someone called out and greet them, it is one of the instructor of the school named Brent, "Sir Brent how are you" asked Lee and also Janet nodded as a sign of respect.

"Sir Lee I am find, but can we have a talked in side for a while?" asked Brent, Lee nodded then Lee and his wife followed Brent inside the school, when they enters the school they walk directly at a room were the saw all the instructors with the head master Lou.

Lou stand up and greeted them but due to his old age it is hard for him to move so one of the instructor supported him, Lee went straight to Master Lou and help him sit down.

Lee asked master Lou with a gentle voice "what can I help you master." Master Lou apologize directly and have some tears in his eyes he said "I am really sorry Mr. Lee your children has a good future in karate, they have a lot of potentials and has a good character, there instructors really loves your children but we are about to close and we need to breach our contract." after a slight paused Master Lou continued.

"We will refund the money you paid us fully, but right now we can't give it to you we must find a buyer for our school first and we wish that you could wait, we already informed all the parents of our students." after a moment of silence, Lee asked "why you have to close the school master?."

Lee recalled the past, when he past the martial art school that place is empty and only a fence and a signage could be seen, on the signage it says "do not enter private property."

Master Lou replied sadness could be seen in his eyes. "Sad to say but we are bankrupt all the instructor here are my adopted sons, I couldn't support there studies so I taught them the only thing that I know, and it is karate so we established the school but sad to say in a peaceful society almost everyone is not interested of learning martial arts and as time went by only few students left."

Lee wanted to comport the old man was about to say something but they heard a loud foot steps, they all looked at the incoming person and they saw man with an angry impression on his face, wearing a business attire then suddenly spoke in a loud voice

"I am the a parent of a student named Josh and I want to talk to the master," no instructor have assisted him, for they are all in the meeting room so he assisted himself and went to the room where all the instructors have gathered.

When that guy saw Lee he snob him and directly talk to Master Luo with an authoritative voice he said "Give me back my money," Master Lou wants to explained that he still don't have the money but the guys is impatient and told them that he would sue them if they can't returned his money.

Lee got up and got near with the angry guy, then Master Lou and his sons became nervous they thought that Lee would support the angry guy, then Lee asked the Guy how much he paid and that guy said fifty thousand pesos, Lee nodded and asked his Bank account.

The guys was puzzled but his still give his bank account and after a moment his phone rang and a notification pop up it says, You recieved an amount of Sixty thousand pesos then he turn around and looked at Lee.

Lee gestured his left hand pointing outside as he said "You may go outside." The guy walked away as fast as he could, when the angry guy was gone, Master Lou thank Lee shyly and told him that they will pay him after they sold the place, but Lee replied "No need for that Master, actually I have a proposal are you interested to hear it."

Master Lou can't do anything but to nod even if he felt like Lee would take advantage of there situation. Lee said "good I am willing to pay every credit you owned, you can also keep this school and continue to trained and teached karate if you really like teaching, you can also live your own lives but please keep on teaching my children."

"Is that all." asked Master Lou with a puzzeled looked and can't believed what he just heard, "No it isn't." said Lee, Master Lou shoke his head as he said to his thought "this is it, were done."

Lee continued after a pause, "I will employed all of you a job during your rest time, but obcoures it is would be optional you could dedice whether you like it if not.

Master Lou and all of his sons got puzzled, they asked at the exact time "work while resting? and it is optional?."

Lee answered "Yes." in a determined voice "but how." asked Master Lou. The conditions that Lee offered them is to good to be real.

Lee started to explained all about the "Game World" after he explained it they understand what is Game World but still they didn't get what he means, so again he explained "I am planning to established a guild but not on my name, because I have lots of enemies from that place, I will hire you all, help you level up and let you handled it, but all the earning you make will be divided by us. Lee added

"70% for all of you and 30% for me and as your employer you will follow all my instructions, you give me all the weapon you got, unless I assigned it for your used and you will keep everything confidential, I will buy and give you the helmet needed latter and will make a contract signing at the game." Lee continued

"If I terminate you, your character will also be deleted, you also shouldn't post anything unless I told you, is that ok with all of you?." All of them nodded and was willing to try the game excitedly, as Lee explained, they can used there martial arts at the game without truly hurting anyone, which makes them feel like they are only practicing even on there sleeps.

Lee bid his farewell, after Lee Sending two million pesos to Master Lou's bank account for there budget and for payment for all there debts.

When Lee and Janet was gone, Master Lou adviced his sons "please my children do your best and obey Mr.Lee, he could hired anyone he likes, but he chooses you all not just because you are all martial artist, but I think he has a good heart do not disappoint him." All the instructors nodded there head heavily.

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