
Shameless streamer

After explaining the details,Anna explained the map and allow Lee to create his apperanced.

Lee has 100 LVL points to be distributed but before he distribute it he close the video and share it on youtube, with the tiles of My first log in.

That share helped the game world, he became the first promoter of sharing on Youtube, A lot of curious people who are undecided about playing or not to play viewed his post.

In just few seconds his post became a hot topic, but a lot of bushers came out, some says that his so shameless, but all of them agreed in one thing. The (AI) was so real which makes the game to have a good feedback, unlike the owner of the post.

Luckly for Lee even a lot of people bushed him, he was the first person to post video regarding Game World so he gathers lot of views and surely he made a lot money.

No one even know his real name but instead of calling him Nameless, they called him shameless.

Lee stopped the video for one reason, he doesn't want others to see his assigment of lvl points it may became a disadvantage for him in the future.

The 100 points he have is the starter points so that a player would have a strength to face the early trials at the game word they must choice wisely and Lee has the advantange about it that he didn't want to share.

Before Lee assigned his starter points he recalled all reliable streams of the past which he have watched then he recalled one streamer named Veto.

Veto experiments on using his 50 points of his starter points on Agility (AGT) and picked a melee class. Veto succeeded and become part of top 100 players at the early game.

It is only his bad luck that he didn't found a good weapon, but even his weapon is only a gold lvl sword, he defeated a platinum Bow welder.

It is because of his speed that the Bow user failed to hit him. Lee didn't hesitate anymore and put 50 points on his (AGT).

Lee was sure that he won't suffered the same fate as Veto. Improving health, stamina and power, costed one LVL point per 100.

A small potion could give 1000 health or stamina or power so he decided to put 11 points on health and 11 points on stamina but didn't put any on power since he does not have spell that required power.

Lee put 18 points on strenght (STR) because strength is required for wield a weapon, Lee could wield a weapon, if his (STR) was too low and he knows a place were he could get a good starter weapon that requires 18 (STR).

Lastly 10 points for his intellegence (INT). INT is required to learning of skills and he recalls a place were he could get a great skill book that only needed 10 INT and doesn't drained too much of stamina.

Due to that Assignment of LVL points his character looks like chubby barbarian warrior with a height around 5' 9. he doesn't look small nor big, it is because he puts a good number on strength, his chubby because of low stamina and with a look of barbaric because of low INT.

Lee's pick of weapon is an axe, it is because he knows a place which he could get a gold ranked axe and together with a skill book.

Thanks to the streamer on the past that shows were he got a skill book together with an axe. though he is not and axe user.

That person was an long range player but still he is able to use the skill book named quick attack if long range use it, it can shoot 3 consecutive arrows but the accuracy rate declined.

While for the melee user it can swing three consecutive fast and accurate attacks. The streamer also share how he got those skill book and weapon so Lee did prepared himself and already has an strategy to have those skill book and weapon.

It is time for Lee to choose what place on the map he would be drop. Lee chooses East Country Region two District two. It is the nearest place where those weapon and skill book can be found.

At the forest in the border of District one and two. Though it is the nearest it is still far away from the main location but he can used his extra travel time to improve himself.

In anyways the best thing that he gained from his past life is not the knowledged, but the battle experienced, that made him sure, he could survived any obstacle quickly.

After he finished assigning his starter point, he press his wrist to hide the details stat. then he thank Anna. Anna nodded and asked him "are you ready for your first adventure?."

Lee smile and said "yes" then suddenly he was ingulfed by the darkness and appeared in a town near the forest of district two that connects to district one.

He inhaled and said to his self "Game world long time no see! I'll make sure to conquer you!." Lee pressed his wrist and click the bag inside he found a wooden axe.

Lee walked towards the forest, after he arrived he saw a lot of LVL 1 goblins lurking around so he dediced to make a video hoping he could earned millions of likes and views it could also add his earnings by sharing it.

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