
More S&M Play, I Think?

I am now standing outside a blacksmith shop. Well, actually, I am sitting on a fence. Masa decided that I needed to have some special equipment made. Something along the lines of a ball gag and a pair of handcuffs. If I knew Masa was going to get all kinky on me, I would have worn a skimpier pair of panties. What? I do not own any other pairs of panties besides the ones I am wearing? Now that you mention it, I really do not own any other clothing except for what I have on. But I do wash my panties every night while naked. Why did I add in the naked part? Umm fan service duh! Why fan service for you ask? All the guys who can only fix their wigglies by looking at things on… Never mind let's not go there.

Anyway, Masa had me sit at the side and told me not to move. *Crunch!* So I haven't moved from this post at all. But hey, by sitting here I gained a new skill <Black Smithing Lvl 1>. Seems I can now make my own weapons if I want to. *Crunch!*


'Ahh, Masa are we done?'

'Ahh! Masa! My ass! What are you hiding behind your back?'


'Let me see it!'

'I am not hiding anything!'

'Let me see it now!'

'Hoho, Masa, if you wanted to touch my body you only needed to ask no need to be sh… Ouch!'

'What the hell! Quickly finish this before someone sees it! Why the hell can you not restrain yourself!?'

'But the skill was useful!'


'Just stay there do not and I repeat, do not eat anything else. If you can behave yourself I will treat you to a large amount of food later!'


Masa seems to be angry because I tried to hide the meat from him but he is still nice enough to give me food later on. What kind of meat you ask? Umm… well… you see a little boy with a blacksmithing hammer walked by and hehe…

I ended up having to wait almost three hours without eating, it was horrible but it was well worth it. Now, since Masa took me to a place that allowed for an all you can eat buffet. The items Masa had made are a little weird. One wraps around my face and covers my mouth. When I put it on Masa put a lock on it right away and wouldn't let me take it off until we got to this restaurant. My hands are also bound together at the wrist. And from that, there is a chain that is attached to it which Masa held on to the other end.

I feel like we are doing some kind of weird S&M play. But none of this is making me feel tingly at all. I wonder if this helps with Masa's wiggly issue? Will he jump my bones tonite because his wiggly was able to come alive? I hope so. I kinda want to experience my first time soon. But This all depends on Masa. No one else is allowed to touch me except for Masa!

What? At least I am devoted? Of course, I am! Have you not seen how handsome Masa is and how beautiful I am? Masa and I are meant to be together. We will have mini Riku and Masa babies in the future!


This damn girl! I only had her sit and wait three minutes while I order some shackles to keep the girl from causing any more problems. I come out and she is holding a damn leg behind her back. I had to practically drag it out to see what it was. During our scuffle, she was wiggling about and touching herself. It may me wonder what the hell was wrong with this girl! No, I wonder that all the time. I guess I should say it made me wonder what bug dug into her brain to cause her to act like this.

Luckily no one saw her eating the damn kid. I can only apologize in my head to the blacksmith when he realizes his son or daughter is now dead. Once the items were made I made sure to leave a hefty tip. Enough to at least cover the cost of a gravestone.

After leaving the blacksmith, I conned Riku into wearing the new items which are to restrain her from eating anything and everything. I really can't wait until this year is over. I can get rid of this crazy girl and live a free life once again. That is if this damn girl doesn't eat me first.

For now, I can only try to keep the girl's stomach full, but looking at my funds… I think I will go broke in a few days never mind lasting a year. If I knew she had a bottomless stomach I would not have said I would feed her all the food she wanted!

I can only hope the rest of our time in this town goes smoothly... Or so I hoped, but three familiar figures walked into the restaurant.

"Die! Demon Lord!" the young man in golden armor yelled immediately after seeing Riku. I swear this girl is a bain on my existence!

'Hoho! Look Masa the person I told you about before is here! Hey! Hey! Can you let me have your Wiggly!?'

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