
Chapter 15

Author's note.

{N / A: to make it clear, all the characters described are fictional, and I don't have any DC characters}.

{N / A: Amanda Waller who is here is the same as Arrowverse}

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In the middle of a huge meeting room, a group of men and women are sitting while discussing the control problem they are having.


Those men and women are the leaders of the American government, each of whom is considering what to do.

And at that moment President John Smith smiled and said:

[I want you to calm down now] (John).

Listening to the president, everyone was silent to hear what he has to say:

[We are not getting anywhere with these meaningless discussions, we will remain contained in what we know for sure, and in the facts that we have and make a decision based on that] (President Smith).

[Waller what did you find out about Hassan?] (President Smith).

[Hassan is a meta-human, who participated in a project funded by enemies of the Justice League, and returned with another meta-human who went through the same experiments called Leon to punish Cobblepot] (Amanda Waller).

[We have confirmation that Hassan has at least 3 meta-skills, Teleportation, a kind of energy that can destroy everything he touches, and improved physical attributes] (Amanda Waller).

[In addition, he is a combat master, and has extreme strategic capabilities] (Amanda Waller).

[Hassan also has a method for knowing when someone has shed innocent blood or not, and whether the person has been punished for it or not, we still cannot identify the method, but we believe it is through magic or other Meta-Human ability] (Amanda Waller ).

[Apparently, Hassan is very attached to Leon, and the only one with the ability to detect Hassan is also Leon] (Amanda Waller).

[We suspect that Leon has a method for contacting Hassan, but we haven't been able to confirm that yet] (Amanda Waller).

[I see, and what are Leon's powers?] (President Smith).

[We have no confirmation of all the capabilities he has, but Hassan and Doctor Fate stated that Leon is much more powerful than Hassan himself, but at the moment he is too unstable and cannot use his powers properly] (Amanda Waller).

[We managed to extract from Cobblepot, which Leon apparently has a power that allows him to use a kind of blood-red fire to increase his attributes, and the abilities of weapons, equipment, and vehicles] (Amanda Waller).

[We have no idea what the limits are] (Amanda Waller).

[Do we know where Leon is?] (President Smith).

[Yes sir, we know, he is currently at Doctor Fate's house, located in the Tower of Fate in Salem] (Amanda Waller).

At that moment one of the generals looked at the president and said:

[Sir, we must launch a full-force attack on Gotham to catch Hassan, following his pattern, the moment we start the attack he will appear, and if we cannot defeat him we always have the option to launch a strategic attack on the city and blame a random criminal for this] (General Eiling).

Listening to General Eiling, almost all the militaries in the room agreed.

Hassan became a thorn in the eye of the armed forces, almost a testament to their constant inability, so they wanted to get rid of him at all costs.

Waller listening to Eiling and knowing that this was his chance to get a seat at the big table permanently smiled when he said:

[Mr. President, I'm sorry but I think that an attack on Gotham is a mistake that we shouldn't make] (Amanda Waller).

[And why do you say that Waller?] (President).

[For 3 reasons] (Amanda Waller).

[The first is that our army, police, and intelligence agencies have already become a joke in the eyes of the world population because in more than 2 months we have never managed to catch a genocide, inside our own home without him leaving a city or stopping. act] (Amanda Waller).

[Hassan was playing with each of our government agencies as he wanted, due to how little prepared we were for him] (Amanda Waller).

[If we order an attack of this magnitude and fail, we will no longer even be seen as threats by other countries, our credibility will end up in a trash can and that in the best of situations] (Amanda Waller).

[The second reason is that Hassan never acted outside of Gotham until that moment, and an attack like this may make him want to expand the hunting ground, for now we still have a little bit of our face claiming we kept him in Gotham] (Amanda Waller ).

[But if he starts to act in other cities, our credibility will be eroded] (Amanda Waller).

As soon as she finished speaking, Waller saw the president nodding and smiled slightly when he asked:

[And the third reason and the real reason why you care?] (President Smith).

[I believe that it can become a very valuable resource for the country as long as we play our cards carefully] (Amanda Waller).

The moment she spoke everyone started to argue, when President Smith punched his table that echoed throughout the hall and he said:

[Silence .... I want to hear what Waller has to say until the end] (President Smith).

[Sir, you can't be considering this nonsense] (General Eiling).

[General, I don't think I need to remind you, that I am the president, and if I want to consider something, I will do it simply because I can, do I?] (President Smith) said with a serious look.

[No sir, I'm sorry for interrupting] (General Eiling).

[Excellent, now continue Waller, I want you to explain in detail how Hassan can be a useful resource] (President Smith).

As soon as she heard that phrase Waller, she knew she had gotten her chance, now it was time to make the most of it.

Promise kept, leave comments on what you think of the development of the story.

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