
Chapter 15

Lorenzo Pov

I couldn't bring myself to look at her, not after what I did hours ago. We landed in Italy a few hours ago. She had fallen asleep on our way to my villa. I could hear her little sores in the car as I drove.

When Alessio came to tell me the Mexicans killed most of my men in my club I had to get here. He questioned me on what I was doing when he saw me hard, he put so and two together and looked at me in shame and sorrow? He reminded me, men, in our world, couldn't love like normal men. That I will do her no good if I made her mine. I knew he was right and happy he stopped me when he did it else I wouldn't have been able to stay away Thee second I had her. It was hard forgetting the way her lips tasted like so I used the air hostesses to help me.

I shouldn't have brought her back here with me, I knew the danger but the idea of her being miles away wasn't going to work. I needed her next to me at all times. Just to make sure she wasn't killing any of my men. I placed her in the guest room in the villa before I went to take care of my business. I could still feel her clinging on to me not wanting to let go, moaning something in her sleep. I knew I couldn't put her in my room, Don't want her to have the wrong idea. We got here in the morning and I knew she was still recovering from her injuries. I left two of my men back there just in case she tries anything.

I was currently in my office at my club, I was covered in blood. We capture one of the Mexicans but he was useless. He had no information on what their boss was planning next so I had no use for him anymore. We took a big hit from them cost me millions. It would take us a step back in most of our shipments but nothing we can't recover from. We are all on edge waiting for their hit back after I destroyed their warehouse. I don't have time for war, we need to find a way to call a truce before this goes on for years.

Looking away from the computer screen when I heard a knock on my door. Finally, after hours of asking them to call her. Emily walked in like she owns the place like always. She was in her expensive clothes that my money paid for. She was usually fuck whenever I was here, but that wasn't the reason I called her.

"Sir, it's been a while," she says closing the door behind her. I could see the fear in her eyes when she saw my bloody suit. It wasn't something she was new to.

"I heard you needed me" she started taking off her clothes

"No, no. I didn't call you for that" I tell her gesturing she could stop

"I need your help with something. I need female clothes, lots. A whole new wardrobe" I say thinking about Maya. I know she had no clothes and she can't live in mine forever. Not like I could take her shopping, too dangerous. People would see her and we never know who is watching. So getting Emila to help me with it was easier.

"This woman is who is she? Is she special?" She asked smiling "The first time you asked me to buy clothes for a woman"

"Is she like your new wife?"

I almost choked on my spit. My wife? I could never get married to her, she is the enemy. I don't have a place like that for her or her love. I can never love or get married, not after what it did to my mother. I saw how miserable she was when she lost my father, I can't do that to her besides she could never love a man like me.

"No, she is just a friend," I tell her quickly

"Oh okay" her eyes brighten up "well I will need to meet her to get her size"

"There is no need for that, I know her sizes. She is a bit unstable" I say thinking what Maya would do to her. Probably choke her with a bra.

"Oh that's fine I guess"

"Good, her bottoms; get her a 12 and tops I think a 10 should do. Bra I would say a 34D and panties a 12 as well. Shoes a 6" she writes down what I was saying. It wasn't hard for me to know what size she was. I have seen her naked multiply times.

"Do you have anything particular I should get?"

"Yes, sundresses, a lot of that. Some nightwear. Shoes. Everything she will need. Here" I gave her my credit card knowing she would go all out.

"I want it at my villa at the end of the day," I tell her

"Yes sir" she gets up and makes her way to the door. Maybe Maya will be in a good mood and won't want to rip her head off when she sees her new clothes. Girls love clothes right?

Maya Pov

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was really hot, I was drenched in sweat. The sun was low so I knew it was late in the day. The room was beautiful, half of it was open with long white curtains on the side. There was a beautiful view of the beach. It was like paradise. It was also bigger than the one in Russian. The bed had poles with white curtains as well but it was tied to the polls. If I wasn't someone hostage I would enjoy this.

I wondered how I slept through the ride here, was I that tired? Did he put me to bed after fucking that woman? What did I expect he was that sick and twisted. I'm not gonna let myself be affected by him, won't let him touch me again, that was a mistake. They must have put something in my food.

Getting up I made my way to the door but of course, it was locked, that fucker looked me in. I wasn't surprised, he knew I would escape the second I get a chance. Did he expect me to stay here all day? Starving, my stomach growls thinking about food. I was hungry, I haven't eaten in a while. The last time I had food was dinner and that was about 12hrs ago, I refused to eat anything on the plane.

I felt sticky and hit, in need of a shower as well and my hair needs to be washed. Walking towards the door I assumed was the bathroom. I took off the clothes I was wearing. There was a huge mirror right in front of me. The burials on my body were still there but now a light purple and orange around it, at least I was healing. The cuts were also almost gone, soon they will just be scars like the rest.


I was in the middle of getting dressed when I heard someone opening the door. I quickly buttoned but the white shirt thinking it was the asshole, but it was just a maid carrying a tray of food. Looking at her annoyed knowing he was here.

"Where is he" I almost yelled at her

She almost dropped the food when she saw me, I almost felt bad.

"He just finished exercising Ma, he has a guest" she whispers frightened looking like a wet cat. That fucker was exercising while I was locked here starving. I started matching towards the door before she could stop me. I ran down the stairs ignoring the panicked look I was getting by the men he placed there.

I heard his voice and another one but I wasn't going to let that stop me. When he came into a view, he wasn't wearing a shirt, I could see the sweat dripping off his body, he was using a towel to wipe his face as the other man spoke in Italian about something that was happening tonight.

"Wht the fuck did you lock me up!" I yelled when I reached in last stairs, they both stopped in shocked when they heard me.

"Maya" he said angrily looking at me "not now"

"Fuck you, I told you never to lock me in a room. Do you have any idea how hungry I was" I asked. I don't like being locked in, brings back bad memories.

"I thought you were sleeping" he says walking towards me

"No, stop your not touching me" I tell him quickly. He paused and looked at me annoyed but kept coming

"Remember who your talking to" he says when he reached me

He tugged my hand and presses me against his sweaty body

"Where the fuck is your pants?" he whispers in my ear slowly. I could hear the anger in his voice. I was now very aware that I wasn't wearing any bottom. The shirt was just barely covered my ass.

"Where did you get this one" I heard a voice behind him ask "she looks wild"

He turns his back to me making sure I was behind him, perhaps he was hiding me from the strange man

"Will you let me have her for the night?" I almost throw up when he asked that. They share women?

"She's not for sharing" he grunts out, his hands tighten against my arm.

"How much women?" I hear him ask him

"Not even your whole bank account will make me touch you" I tell him

He raises his brows and smirked at me " I see she hasn't been trained" he says in Italian

"Leave Lucas, I will see you tonight" Lorenzo tells him. I knew he was angry but I wasn't sure if it was at be or this Lucas man.

"Why don't you bring her tonight, I'm sure the others will love to meet her" he smiles but something about it gave me chills. I could tell he had a lot of power maybe as much as Lorenzo. He nods at me and makes his way towards a door.

"What the fuck will I do with you!" I was taken back when he grabs my neck, pulling me up. I straggle against him not breathing.

"Do you have any idea what you just did!" He throws me to the floor. I scream in pain when my back hits the cold wood. I look up at him coughing trying to steady my breathing. He turns around pulling at his hair.

"Get up and get dressed. I have clothes for you in the wardrobe. We leave in an hour, wear the black dress" he says softly before leaving.

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