
chapter 73

Joshua was in deep meditation. His eyes were shut. His skin was changing color from Golden to blazing Red to deadly Grey. The difference was that where the golden color was giving warmth to the environment and was filling it with life, the red color was emitting a feeling of dread. It was like having you are in a war where everyone is against you. Whenever Joshua's skin was changed to red everyone around him found their bodies on high alert, their backs were soaked in sweat in a moment, their bodies were telling them to run. The Red was keeping them on their toes while the Golden was giving them the feeling that they are safe, that there is nothing that can harm them. To them, the warm Golden color was that of a mother's embrace and their minds were telling them to protect it at any cost. Along with the skin changing his muscles too were changing. One time he was all bulky and the other time a scrawny guy.

He has horns coming out of his head from time to time. A bone tail shoots from his spine.

And the next second he was only having Golden wings coming out of his back with a halo on his head.

These changes were happening to him rapidly.

But the most fearful thing was not Red that was telling them to bow to him or Golden which was urging them to protect him, and neither it was the wings or tail, It Was Grey skin color that was Scaring them shitless.

Whenever Joshua's skin changed to Grey the surroundings died. And I mean died. The grass on which he was sitting, turned to ashes without any fire. The tree beside him became a husk from a lush green behemoth. Even Sebastian who was Guarding him felt his life going away at a fast rate, it was only because of the healing factor provided to him by integrating Elysium in his DNA, that saved him.

Merry's hair turned white and her face also got wrinkles. Little Darwin became unconscious and his skin turned Grey. Sebastian hurriedly picks him and Merry and takes them out of the range of Joshua's aura. Merry's healing factor kicks in and she was as new as before in 10 seconds.

But Darwin doesn't have the healing power as he was not bestowed with the Elysium because of his age and Joshua thought he would have to master his powers for the maximum utilization of Elysium. Fortunately, Darwin was still breathing. If something would have happened to him Joshua would have been devastated.

Sebastian told the Elysian's living in the manor to not step out of their rooms because of some emergency. He then deployed 50 Heyna's and ordered them to fight and stop Joshua if he goes Berserk. They were allowed to use weapons and their powers to their capabilities for the task. Sebastian knows that Joshua can't die and there is nothing that can stop him in this world.

Sebastian also readied the Anti-J program. This was a program that Joshua made after he lost his calm on various occasions and mostly after knowing about the black womb project.

Normal means of deactivating X-Gene was not effective on Joshua. His powers can't be stopped. So Joshua made a device from the Elysium and powered it with his new invention The Elysium reactor. This canon-type machine takes as much power as the whole of New York City consumes in a Year. This thing produces a very high-frequency sound that specifically targets the DNA and energy of every kind. It disturbed the energy at the subatomic level. But in Joshua's case, this thing can only stop Joshua's powers for 3 seconds.

So Sebastian will have 3 seconds to stop him and that was more than enough.

But Sebastian doubts that this thing will work now because right now Joshua was far more powerful than before. Joshua's powers are too troublesome.

In the last for support and to heal little Darwin, Sebastian even called Max who was busy taking over the Los Angeles carter.

The powers that Elysium grants max make him a high Omega class from the Alpha. He got an extreme Healing power which was only none to Joshua. His Blasting power increased by a thousandfold and it is still increasing. He also got the power to heal anyone like Joshua but not at his level. He also got Pyromaniac abilities.

He will not only help to keep Joshua busy but can also heal Little Darwin.

The moment Max heard that Sebastian needs help, he left everything he was doing at that moment and come to the Manor.

Sebastian told him what happened. He told him that Joshua got a new transformation and due to the things happening with the new Guests he doesn't have time to control and know more about that power. So now he goes into meditation and is trying to learn all about that power and how to control it. He told Max how there was a chance that Joshua could go berserk.

Max nodded after hearing it. He first moved to Darwin as his lord's brother need him more than his lord Right now. And the second reason was he knew his Lord is not that weak and will be angry with him if he doesn't treat Darwin.

He walks toward the Nursery where various advance medical machines were keeping tab of Darwin's condition. These machines were not yet available to anyone outside as Joshua was going to introduce them later on new year's eve of 1987.

When Max first saw Darwin's condition he gasped. His skin was Ashly grey. He was breathing but otherwise looks like he was a corpse.

He touched Darwin and tried to see what's the problem with him was. His power to heal others grants him the ability to know what the people are suffering by touching them. He then also tries to channel his healing powers through his body. It was not effective.

He was shocked at what he finds out.

He looked at Sebastian " What was little lords powers again? "

" Adaptation. Why?? What happens to him. " Sebastian asked in a concerned voice.

" I need to see Lord now only then can I tell you for sure. But right now I Can't do anything. "


AN: okay Guys, now what I am doing with Darwin is nothing out of context. It happens in comics but the character was different. There was a reason he was called the immortal after all.

Now the chapter is late because of 2 reasons.

1. The two chapters That I have previously written were also Some POVs that I don't feel make any sense. So I deleted them.

2. I have a wisdom tooth coming. And the right side of my face including my right jaw, the right side of the tongue, the right eye, and my Right ear are in pain. I have taken more than 6 painkillers in 2 days.


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I will start to post there regularly from now on.

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