
Where were you?

While she was calling Jacey at first she didn't answer but after few rings she finally answered the call and said " Hello.." in a tired voice. Actually it was normal for her not to answer call from an unknown number. So when she finally picked up the call Blair's eyes lit up. She said " J.... I miss you" after hearing this Jacey who was on the other side of the call replied with excitement "B... B is that you?"

Blair then replied in a happy tone "Yes of course it's me!" After hearing this tears rolled down Jacey's cheek she was extremely happy and she then said "Oh My God so finally it's you... do you know how much I have missed you in past two days you can't abandon me like that... I was so hurt that you abandoned me and John is also not around and then I heard he was expelled. I didn't know what to do B I miss you meet me now."

With the mention of John, Blair felt a little awkward but then she explained the whole incident to Jacey. After hearing this Jacey was even more sad and Blair knew that so she insisted Dan to let her meet Jacey.

After understanding the situation carefully and to leave a good impression on her friends so they could help them in perusing her. He agreed. This made Blair very happy and she hugged Dan. This gesture gave Dan the satisfaction because he wanted her to not hate him and now he atleast knew that she didn't hate him. And that was okay for now.

So after that the couple left and boarded Dan's sports car and he dropped her to Jacey apartment but said something before leaving " Look I am leaving you here today but I will take you back home very soon and I hope you don't do anything wrong and make me regret my decision. Because at the end even if you do anything I will find you. I hope you can understand!" After listening to this she replied casually because she didn't care now as she is getting to meet her best friend after all the mess in her life "I understand Dan!" And then she bid him farewell and ran towards Jacey apartment.

All this time Jacey was watching everything from her window and she couldn't identify the handsome guy who was in the car. She was very curious to know the whole thing because she had a feeling it would be interesting when she saw how they interacted and how Blair disobeyed him.

So after Blair entered her apartment she hugged her tightly and said " Finally I got to see you... I thought you forgot me and abandoned me... also who was that hot and handsome guy downstairs.. why didn't you invite him up? How can you be so rude and don't you want me to see my future brother-in-law are you afraid that I am better than you? Tell me ? Say something?"

Actually she is like that when she gets excited she speaks alot but I started at her blankly wasn't she supposed to be sad right now. So finally after a pause I replied " Firstly, I didn't abandon you I would never... secondly you have nothing to do with him... and third he is not you brother-in-law. Get it?" She didn't cared what I said after she heard my last sentence and replied with excitement " That means I can date that handsome?"

Those words were actually hurtful like I didn't wanted him to date someone but is it right? Am I being selfish. Why should I be jealous he is not mine anyway but can he be mine like he said. I was a bit confused but then Jacey shook my hand and I finally said " Enough!"

Jacey understood me really well and she could tell that I like him. So she laughed and said in a joking manner " I am not going to take him from you.. you can keep him" and she smirked . I was blushing when I heard it. But then I changed the topic and said " I am here to talk about you and John... what exactly happened?"

Then Jacey recalled everything from the start that first his dad was fired then he broke up with her and finally he was expelled. And all this happened in 2 days. Blair felt it was weird so she asked " Which company did his father worked for?" After thinking for a while Jacey replied " It is the infamous Rex group!" After listening to this Blair froze and mumbled " This can't be... " but Jacey heard it and said " Why.. What happened?" Then Blair recalled the incidents happened with her while she went missing.

Jacey froze in shock then cried and hugged her and said in a sad tone " I am sorry I wasn't there for you all that time.... you suffered a lot!" After that Blair asked Jacey to give her the cell phone. She then called Dan.

Dan was surprised but he knew she will find out the truth so he picked up the call and said casually " So, you know everything.." Blair was stunned when she heard this but then she said " Do you have something to do with his expulsion?"

Dan laughed " Well, even if I have or not it doesn't really matters because what's done is done and also I have arranged something for him so he can't go to any college in the country. " although he never gave explanation for his acts but he somehow felt it was necessary to give her explanation.

She was shocked but then she said " You did all this for me, right?" Dan smiled and said " Of course dear! I said I will make him pay for what he did to you..." she didn't know how to react so she just said " Ok.. Bye Good night! " then she hung up the phone and Dan smiled and slept after that.

But during this conversation Jacey heard everything and thought to herself that these two might be very close and she got excited finally her friend was feeling for someone who is actually capable. Of course after all this who would doubt his capabilities.

Blair wondered how did he find her and she had many questions but she couldn't ask them now. So after she hung up the call. The two best friends chatted whole night and finally slept early in the morning. So they automatically woke up late.

But Dan already knew this could happen so he didn't bother her in the morning instead he texted on Jacey's cell phone "I will pick her in the evening."

After the two woke up they saw Dan's text and Blair blushed but it was already afternoon so they had very less time together. So, Jacey looked sad and Blair noticed it " I will meet you more often. I promise!"

They then prepared meal for themselves and chatted. But after few hours Dan called Jacey and asked her to bring Blair down. So, after 15 minutes Blair came down.

But before leaving the two Jacey turned to Dan and said " Hey... Brother-in-l.... oops sorry I mean Mr. Dan. Please let us meet more often and let her join college again.." Blair glared at Jacey and Dan replied " If she wants something she just have to ask for it...." and he drove her back to his home.

But during the way home Blair said " Do you mean what you said earlier?" Dan looked at her and said " Hmmm!" Blair then thought for a while and said " I want to join my college back, can I?" Dan replied " You can but you have to follow a few things... first you will return home after college.... second you will tell me where you are going.... also stay away from other...." Dan stopped and thought to himself that he is being too clingy but Blair then looked at him and said " what? Say ?" Dan said " Stay away from problems!" She said " Of course!"

Then they reached home and after a tiring day Dan was actually very sleepy and he just went to his room. After getting changed Blair wanted to talk to Dan so, after thinking she decided to go to his room. Just as she entered his room she shouted in shock " Help! Help! Help!" As the housekeeper heard this they ran towards Dan's room to see what happened.

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