
Eating Healthy or Junk??

"Then why do you tease me?" He asked pouting like a kid, several imaginary twinkling stars could be seen in his eyes, as he made the perfect puppy face, his cooperating with his eyes, making cute pout. 

"Awww!!! My adorable big man!!" She kissed the top of his head, which wasn't that easy due to the height difference, but Alex made it easy for the girl. He bend making an inverted obtuse angle, taking his reward of being cute. If he was the earlier Alex, he wouldn't even tolerate being called cute! But things have changed now, since he was in love, the man changed a lot, the thing which changed in him a lot was, his hygiene freakiness. Which he didn't follow whenever he was with the queen of mess, the number one nominee of spreading dirtiness... None other than Mia Jones. 

"I'm famished." he pressed the gap between the girl's brows with his lips. 

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