
She didn't pick up your calls...

Without saying anything Alex glared at Peter. "Okay, here these are the reports of the Designing Department which needs your signatures." He kept the files on the table.

Alex took the file in his hand and turned the pages without even looking at them. He halted at a particular page where he saw something and widened his eyes.

' SHE DIDN'T ANSWERED YOUR CALLS.' was what he saw in the bold letters.

He quickly closed the file and got up from his seat walking towards the floor to ceiling window.

Peter who couldn't find anything wrong with the file was quite confused. He checked the file again and asked. "What's wrong?"

"It's irritating." Alex answered with irritation evident in his voice.

"Irritating???" Peter could not understand. What was so irritating on that file. He understood that something was off with Alex this morning.

"Maybe last night he didn't sort things out with Anna." He assumed and went back to his cabin taking the files with him.

But he was unaware of Alex's reason why he was feeling irritated by everyone. Yes he was Irritated by every file, everything, and every person living on earth.

He wanted to clear his mind and decided to take a look at his staff. So he went on the floor below. The receptionist greeted him happily. But what he heard was "She didn't pick your calls Mr. Johnson."

"Shut up." He said angrily to the poor receptionist who was just greeting him. "Good afternoon Mr. Johnson."

Soon whoever crossed him or greeted him said only one thing. "She didn't pick your calls." He shut everyone up who greeted him happily. Confusing his staff.

And when he reached down where several employees were busy doing their work quickly got up and greeted him in unison.

"She didn't pick up your calls." again was what he heard.

"Yes she didn't pick up my calls.. and I'm feeling terrible now please all of you just... SHUT UP!!!" He shouted angrily. Startling everyone, the staff was confused at their boss who was just roaming around shutting people up.

But there was only one question in their minds. 'Who is SHE?? Who didn't pick boss's calls.' But they decided to silently continue their work.

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