
Chapter 5- Family Bonding


Griego Residence

8:09 PM

Feel guilt. I can't endure it any longer.

Certainly, must they know the truth about their real daughter. After the sun settled, I'll say it in front of them. Accept any hostility and hurtful responses.

Margarita-san always cast her defense spell to me when spell worn out in a specific time.

My loving mother holds me by her warm arms and sometimes hugs and she says I'm an adorable daughter that she is proud of. Father also nodded.

Well, I can't blame them out of embarrassment and it's natural for a parent to praise her daughter.

Father and Margarita-san protect me in the dark, perhaps unexpected monsters come out and attack me even not.

I'm really really sorry if I keep for so long.

「 Father, Mother, Margarita-san. There's something important matter I want to say to you... 」

「 What is that my baby? 」

「 What is that Hanaka? 」

「 Hanaka-chan? 」

Mother, don't call me like an infant. Kinda embarrassing... but is that commonly use callsigns by mother to their daughter? even at my current age?

And after realizing, seeing my mother full of happiness, I'm glad too.

「 Anything you say, or anything you want my adorable baby, I'll give it to you 」

「 I'm very thankful, Mother... 」

「 For you my baby, Mama will give her best! 」

She clenched her fist and punch in the air. Unexpectedly, the mother has that side too.

「 Dark clouds covered the two full moons 」

Eh... Margarita-san, is it a bit harsh to ruin the mood of your auntie?

Honestly, I can see even in the dark and it is super amazing and convenient. Like a daytime and these two moons is relative in all shadows. Of course, anything has shadows, except light emitting balls.

Blue Moon and Red Moon.

Imagine scenery without shadows, so it's impossible.

Somehow nighttime is refreshing and relaxing— I conclude that's because of being a vampire.

「 Kindred Spirits, sinister and vile monsters for low to medium level adventurers. Searching victims under darkness, bodiless monsters. Sucking victims Health and Mana to zero.

Enough to be killed until a last drop of blood in the body has been consumed. 」

「 ... 」

「 Meaningless deaths for esteemed knights and for those who don't have light attribute... 」

Margarita-san bravely said so...

The light attribute is for clergy and support purposes, right?

「 So scary... 」

「 Don't worry Hanaka, Father will protect you. We got a dim lantern. And your Mother is light attribute user too Haha... 」

「 Please rest assured Hanaka-chan. 」

Thank you, everyone.

I'm weakening, for a few meters, I began feeling exhausted. How frail this body like the strength of a toddler, that I think.

Taste a drop of Father's blood.

So this is how it works... the higher the level, the more powerful is that person— literally fantasy world. And level 1 is the weakest. I'm frustrated deep inside realizing matters regarding my survival rate.

What is the status of Mother and Father, Margarita-san? can I see or tell me levels, etc?

If that's the case wherein I cast away or not.

「 Baby, is there any problem? 」

「 Uhm.. drinking the blood of my Father is creepy right? 」

「 Nothing at all Hanaka, you are our daughter, after all, our flesh and blood flow within you. Am I right? 」

「 Absolutely, dear 」

「 Hanaka-chan, your lips getting livelier, reddish and... 」

「 Ehh? focus on your lantern! 」

You do mean, but getting comfortable with her is makes me blush, the way she glares and I'm glad.

Ahh the other Hanaka, your affection for your sister is in that way ahh— an unattainable love. And I'm affected too much!

Is this right? There's incest too? Ahh, don't think too much, you get farther from the truth.


Somewhere The Village

Same Time

「 Does anyone here feels that sinister aura of Hanaka-chan? 」—Ralph

「 Yeah big brother, sinister and very powerful maniac... 」—Ralph sister- Karin

「 Yeah either high adventurers or monsters will be silenced as stood in her aura. As a noble, I'll hire her as a personal guard after her graduation. 」—Baron Joss

「 ... 」—all

「 What a fool, before you touch her, you must go first to her father. Insulting Guildmaster's passionate love to his daughter is a truly foolish and inhumane 」—Karin

「 Why didn't the Guildmaster teach his daughter to control it? something bad can happen when the higher ones found out this... 」—Ralph

「 We were devastated by cold blackness silence when she arrived」 -Baroness Laila nodded

「 Is she a different? 」

Baroness Laila muttered so with a curious face.

「 She's in her illness state these days, and such a scary song coming out. Her potential is incredibly immense if... Soon enough, she would be able to reach the A rank... no S rank, Level 1 girl how far can she reach ?. Hope she's on the good road. She's a good kid, right? 」—Viscount Tom

⟨All nodding⟩


Living Quarter, Dining Table

8:16 PM

「 Father, Mother, Margarita-san ... ... 」

「 Is there a problem with it? Hanaka, is that in the meeting you worried about? 」

Bad, I make them worried again...

「 No Father ... 」

「 Just tell us freely my adorable baby ...」

「 Or will you eat, Hanaka-chan, dinner first? or later? 」

「 No Margarita-san, I tell you all that ... I am not ... 」

「 not... ??? 」-all

「 ... I'm not your real daughter. I came from another world and your real daughter past away. I'm Sorry! ... 」

「 ... Forgive me for hiding this for so long .... 」 -in tears

「 Sorry ... forgive me everyone ... 」 -crying while looking down

... ...


Senatorial House, Metropol Palace

Few Hours Lately

「 Your High Leader, President. We heard from these eleven senators with that Threat-Level A found near our country. And a town of Alfried Kingdom, seeking assistance. We ask for clarity on, Your High Leader. 」—Vice-President

Senators mumbling

「 Silence, senators ... Wallop town is on the mountainside of Wallop Mountain, East 3 o clock direction from here. You know that place is closer than their Royal Capital.

They sent a letter to their king too. As written, signed by Viscount and the Guildmaster, they'll not be able to handle 10,000 goblins in hordes including Elite Goblins, Hobgoblins, and a Goblin King enough categorize as Threat-Level A. As they multiply and stronger, Level S danger will... 」

Senators mumbling again

「 Silence! 」⟨Vice-President shouting⟩

「 Thank you, Vice-President.

They were just a small town. I have no excuse or benefits gained if they invaded.

I have sent subjugation units and several Elite Knights and Elite Magicians, we don't want to cut diplomatic ties with the Alfried Kingdom and the market trade even worse.

And I also don't want to lose the Willingstone Town trading center between us and them.

Monsters can destroy the town simply as well as the nearby villages and towns. The king will be angry if we don't help. They have two days left and two subjugation units arrive in three days. Hope they are lucky. 」-Devil smile

Crocodiles laughing loudly

「 Your High Leader, President. Can we have a bet for that?.. 」⟨VP devil wicked smile⟩

「 Are you agree, senators? 」

「 Yes! 」 -all

「 50 Million Vis for me Vice President Constante ... 」

「 Times 10, 500 Million Vis Your High Leader. Senators' bet against me huh .. 」VP shows wicked face again

<fast forward>

「 650 Million Vis versus 500 Million Vis. How dare you Vice-President, one-fourth of your wealth? ...」⟨smug face⟩

「 Yes President, you know I'm a lucky guy. 」

「 Let's see. 」

Men and women laughing

「 Magic Contract secretary! .. 」


「 Sorry ... forgive me! ... 」

Crying while looking down, sunk her face into the table and skirt gripped firmly both with my hands.


「 Don't cast me, I'm ready to be your assistant or slave! ... 」


「 Hanaka ... 」

Ascon pat her head and Quinna cuddle her at back

「 Hanaka? .. 」⟨gulp⟩

「 Before Hanaka disappeared, she dreamed about your arrival and told us.

We didn't believe it at first ... until she went and another person... you...

As painful as it was for my wife to admit, I couldn't do anything for her.

Hungry, depressing, plenty of kinds of foods.

Being level 1?- weakest girl ... you know what, we cannot do that as you please us... 」

「 Cast out? My adorable daughter, you are a celestial being and our family member even if you aren't our Hanaka. But we admit we're in pain and... your kind daughter to us these days... 」

Goomy faced Quinna continued and give her a wry smile.

「 Hanaka tells us ... sorry Margarita-chan if we didn't tell you... 」

「 I understand, Uncle. It shocked me 」

「 Uhm, whoever you are. We welcome you and think of you these past few days ... meek and beautiful soul you are... 」

「 Miraculously and gracefully to Hanaka as well as to you. To our surprise, her dream came true.

By that time, we had a vision of Hanaka returning and that's good news for the Griego family, Quinna my dear wife was pregnant! ... 」

Air suddenly change

「 That's good news! 」

「 Uncle Auntie Congratulations!! 」

「 Thanks Margarita-chan.

Nothing changed, call us whatever you like. What is your name? 」

「 Hanaka Griego, Father Ascon 」

「 Your former name? 」⟨Margarita⟩

「 Hanaka Griego, Hanaka is my name... we are both have the same names. 」-bit smile

「 EHHHH ??? 」

All shocked except her. Coincidence maybe.

「 Possible but you didn't lie... 」 ⟨Margarita⟩

「 Baby, can you share your life with the world from which you came? we want to know! 」

Cheerful gazes towards to her

「 Of course Mother Quinna. My memories aren't clear though... 」⟨bit smile⟩

「 Father Ascon is interested too, as well ... your head hurts Hanaka? 」

「 Not Father Ascon. All from start, I came from planet Earth, the world of modern and ever-changing, technology ... 」

Three listen attentively

<a few minutes later>

All feel pity

「 A world without magic ... I cannot imagine it ... very difficult to live ... 」 ⟨Margarita⟩

「 No job is sane ... earning a meager income ... making life difficult ... 」 ⟨Ascon⟩

「 Child abuse ... lack of parental love and care ... much difficult situation ... 」 ⟨Quinna⟩

Eh? I didn't expect their grief to be so profound in my situation.

Once I said this, I was very fortunate with them, this is how much they appreciate me even though they don't know me well.

It may not be a pity for them but the love of the family is more important.

And feel bad. Don't cry again self, you must live a new life here ... just smile...

「 Thank you for listening 」

「 My baby .... No matter how hard your life may be, as a child, here me with your Father and we'll fill it with enough to erase any bad memories from that world you came from. 」

「 You are free whatever you want to do unless leaving the house... ... 」⟨Ascon⟩

「 Yes Father!. 」

She shed tears and flows through her face... seeing this makes the couple more to love her as their daughter.

「 The food getting colder. Can we eat now? Uncle? Auntie? 」

「 Let's pray Margarita-chan first ...」

「 Sorry, Auntie... 」

「 Hanaka ... Let's hold hands and start praying ...

Ohh Divine Ruler The Creator, and Goddess The Annihilator, who created Heaven, Purgatory, And Hell. Whom Eliminates Evils. We Children Thanks To You For Life And Blessings. Ultimahan 」⟨Matriarch Prayer by Quinna⟩⟨all closing eyes⟩

「 We praise to grant our wishes ... may our good daughter grow strong, guide her always, cheerful, and may all people be safe and at peace in Wallop Town for longer. 」

「 And we are thankful for the delicious food in the table. 」⟨Margarita⟩

「 Let's eat! 」⟨Margarita cheerful voice⟩

「 Is this fried chicken egg? 」

[ You Learned An Ability "Info Seeker"! ]

[ Upgrade Term Condition: Saying The Name Of An Unfamiliar Without Hint, Clues, Or Any Written For The First Time. Upgrade It From F To Higher, Must Be 2 Or More Unfamiliar In Guessing Name] ⟨notification⟩⟨robotgirl SFX voice⟩

「 Yes, Chicken Egg, Calci Dungeon Drop, 5th Floor. The only Dungeon of our town. Only higher quality in dungeons compare to other dungeons ... 」

「 You musn't talk while eating. 」

「 Sorry Uncle... 」

'Saying The Name Of An Unfamiliar' ... familiar as it is,

That what I've always eaten in my past life?. Yes, I know why the ability "info seeker" got weird. You can get it when you pronounce a name you don't know and you'll get the ability.

Hmmm another case, I mean, before I came to this world, what I got in the old world, it didn't belong so I was able to pronounce a name that this world's mechanism game thought I didn't know.

But I know because maybe its recognize my body, not my foreign soul. What a wonderful way to get spells and abilities. Interesting I wanna try it all!

As far as I know, learning ability is impossible, right?

Yosh! I'll give it a try...

「 This is the fork and the spoon ... 」

[ Congratulations! Your Ability "Info Seeker" Been Upgraded From F To E]

「 ... plates, glasses, knives, apples ... 」

[Congratulations! Your Ability "Info Seeker" Been Upgraded From E To D]

「 ... grapes, pounds, bananas ... 」

All starting at her utter words...

<moments later>

Gazes still the same...

[ Congratulations! Your Ability "Info Seeker" Been Upgraded From SS To SSS. ]

「 Mother Quinna, is SSS highest? in the level of ability? 』

「 Yes my baby ⟨gape for a moment⟩, you aren't eating. and what is ...why?? 」

⟨Ascon washing dishes⟩

「 I don't feel like eating. I learned ability and told them the names of them here to upgrade. 」

All stop for a moment

「 Very convenient and impossible. When to get ability ... its talent does the Creators give to newborns? very good yeah very good... 」

Tentatively. she turns her gaze downwards... muttering something...

「 Margarita's knowledge is right. Maybe it's because she's just a vampire or a unique race? ... 」

「 Earlier in the meeting I also upgraded the" Calculator "ability. When I was calculating fast ...it levels up to Level B. 」

「 Your mother and I saw with the low status you have when you are an infant but our past daughter mentioned that she got have SSS abuses. 」

「 Level 1? status? I do not know...

... ... ...

I'm was so weak ... stomach always growls, tired easily, slowpoke girl ... 」

I don't want to use Memoria and call her parents the way she calls them. Its insult.

And don't want to experience the kind of bursting the roots. Is there a way to level up? and strengthen?

「 Father Ascon how can I level up ??? 」

「 Sorry Hanaka, your maximum level is only 1. and Exp is 1 too ... its a bit disappointing for you to stop from getting stronger, we did our best but nothing can cure that limiter 」

「 You have a low level and you can die easily ... besides, you cannot leave the house under the sun. The hand that once owned that body, almost consumed by fire.

You'll burn again. I don't want to experience losing again a daughter. 」

「 Sorry Mother Quinna for making you sad, I'm sorry ...」

It's scary to imagine me being burned alive. Fire ?? Well, its different compare to cremating me...

「 I got a plan! Mother, Father, I'll try something tomorrow ... 」

「 ??? 」

「 The plan will work 89%, I'll be out in the morning 」

Hope strikes to her chest. Happily to solve the predicament by weird means...

「 Is there a deep container here, the taller and bigger than me Father Ascon? 」

「 We have, what's the good plan? 」

「 Water will fill the container and I'll dive and sunk. Can you Otou-san carry heavy like one sack of rock? 」

Ascon nodded with a bit hesitation if he can but his promise reminds him.

「 Father shall be going outside while carrying the container, at noon and if something went wrong after a few seconds without my response. Father, please close the container immediately. 」

「 Mother believes you, my baby? 」

「 No problem with me.. 」

「 My adorable baby, you might find it difficult to breathe or you'll drown ... 」

「 No, I feel like I can breathe in the water for minutes, Mother. 」

「 I have a better plan Hanaka-chan, safer than that. 」

「 Mother??? 」


Bath space, Wallop Village

9:27 PM

Here in the large town bath, we got a permit from the landlord, with Father's help we were able to borrow a night. Mother Quinna and Margarita-san were in the female bath together with me. We were here for a purpose because the time was ripe for preparation, and had to go out tomorrow morning, working on a large-scale plan - Lava Wall Project.

With the help of Mother, I'm fully prepared and was in a pool without water.

There are changes to the plan. About half a meter high, Margarita-san would make a splash for the pool and then I`ll sink while Mother Quinna standby.

According to the plan, I would wait a minute or so of sinking to get the ability instead of a few seconds.

I feel like I can get through it in this weird way ...

「 I'm ready ... 」

「 ~ Water Reservoir ~ 」

Margarita-san cast with staff ... in full exert

「 Mother, I'll count 3, 2, 1, 0 .. blobloarllblo ... 」

How strong the current from her staff!

「 ~ Sunlight Illumina ~ 」

< a half minute later>

I breathe in the water as if it were just natural. Like there's no water flows through my esophagus and something blocks it. Told them Mother Quinna not to worry.

At were in deep water I could see a bright little ball. It was like I was at sea, underwater and the sun was setting ...

[ You Learned An Ability "Thermoregulation Membrane"! ]

[ Upgrade Term Condition: Sinking Under Water Against Thermal Radiation For Specific Time. Upgrade It From F To Higher, For Longer Time Needed] ⟨notification⟩⟨robotgirl SFX voice⟩

Yosh! Mother, Margarita-san, the plan is a success!...

Okay, I gave them a signal.

Two replied with okay hand sign... I'll still be here a few minutes, ... I'm feeling sleepy in such a comfortable place...

<an hour later ...>

[ Congratulations! Your Ability "Thermoregulation Membrane" Been Upgraded From SS To SSS ]

Yahoo! success !!! I got up, left the water, Mother Quinna's light spell stay still emitting light, and reached out with my hands ...

I didn't feel warm, just the right temperature for my body. Of course, it was cold-blooded so I was cold by others when they touch me.

My 0-degree Celsius temperature is so comfortable! Nothing good changes the color of the skin, fair white, isn't like death, it's just white and suits my red eyes. while looking at a long rectangular mirror at the side pillar. I'm looking glad.

Yosh! I'm going to change clothes ... eh? where are they? I went to the female clothes section, searched for my adventurer clothes, and changed ...

「 Mother Quinna! Margarita-san! 」

「 Sorry my baby, my head ached ... due to Mana depletion and Margarita went home ... getting Mana Potion. 」

「 Cancel first that light ball... 」

「 ~ Cancellation ~ ahh 」

Mana consumption of spell by Mother Quinna is high as I look at her condition.

Three large mana bottles are already consumed. Although she has a high inheritance in the long run...

「 Sorry Mother ... 」

「 As for my dear daughter, its nothing problem for me. Let's go home ... 」

She hugging me helplessly...

「 Mother treating me like Father ... 」

「 Hahaha ... 」 ⟨all laughing⟩


Griego Residence

10:30 AM

As in time past, I drank a drop each time I was tired. In my case, every 40+ steps I get tired of, and fast pace, 20+.

A very weak body, but I don't regret ever so over the unconcern matter and especially with loving parents whom I have mentioned several times.

⟨door opening⟩

「 I'm home. Eh? what are these jellies Father Ascon? ... 」

By my count ... 38 are all here in our living quarters. But why for what? ... Father took it earlier while we were in the Space Bath? ...

「 They are little slimes. I collected them earlier out of the town for you 』

It's green and they look good to eat. They were the half size of my head. Slowly moving hmmm...

I head tilted down for 15 degrees. Are they as sweet as gelatin? ...

「 Is it okay for Father to get one? 」

「 Of course Hanaka. 」

「 Pretty slim and light umu.. 」 ⟨grab one⟩

「 My dear Ascon, why are there slimes here .. .. 」

「 Ah for .. 「 Thanks for meal ahhh ... 」 don't eat that! 』

「 Eh? 」

Why? isn't it food? ...

Is slimes tasted delicious?

Night_In_Galecreators' thoughts
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