

    I am pretty ordinary. I eat, sleep, play, and work and that is about it for my boring life. I love my life and there is nothing more that I could ask to have. But sometimes I long for a little adventure, not a big one that saves peoples lives but maybe when I am cooking something catches on fire and I have to use a fire extinguisher to put it out. Or maybe a popular girl at my school talked to me. The biggest adventure yet would be for someone to want to be my friend. For most of the girls in fifth grade making a friend is like a walk in the park but for me that is one of those impossible dreams that would never come true in a million years. The most exciting thing in my life right now is my report card and when one of the mayor's representatives comes to cheek on me every month because I am a part of this project. I am technically an orphan but the government wanted to test out a project where they give orphans a home and give them a school and a routine and compare the lives of the orphanage kids and the project kids. I don't know if living by myself for all of my life has given me an introverted personality or maybe I was born with it. Right now I am eleven and I love books and human anatomy. My dream profession is to be a psychiatrist because then I could help people with their problems and maybe make some of my clients my friends. I know anything there is to know about the human body. It is Saturday May first and I have finished all of my school work so I am reading a book called The Doctors Duty. It has a bunch of facts and tips on how to do surgical operations, CPR, and ETC. I have my laptop open and I have a research doc open. I start to type in some effects of neurological damage and how to treat it when a notification comes in. I look at it and a small smirk stretches on my face. My report card came in! I go to google classroom and Find a new Assignment. I open the assignment and I see a link to my report card. I press it and start to read the PDF.

         Amelia Anderson's report card 

Math: A+

Reading: A+

Writing: A+

Social studies: A+

Science: A+ 

History: A+ 

Spanish: A+

French: A+ 

German: A+ 

P.E: A

English: A+ 

Principal's note: Amelia before school on monday I want to speak with you about your classes. I also wanted to let you know that there might be a change in class advancements. If you have any questions then I am happy to hear about them in an email. 

My smile faded. Another adjustment in all my classes is that I am advanced where else do they want me to go. I hate being moved around. I will never make friends if I keep moving around like this. I won't be in one spot long enough for people to actually get to know me. I sighed and closed my computer. I will address this later. I went to the bathroom and turned on the tub to a scorching hot temperature. I slipped in and thought about changing classes again. It was not a thought I enjoyed but it was a thought relevant to the situation I was in now. I hated the thought of moving and then as soon as I got there being moved again I wanted it to be the last time I moved. I wanted to know where they would move me to. There was nowhere else I could go that would be more advanced then where I am now. Curiosity took over my desire to make friends and I mentally agreed that I would not decline their offer to move classes. The only part that I really wanted to make clear is that I am not moving classes again after this. This would be the last time that I moved classes unless it was absolutely necessary. I smiled that's it I would move classes and I would make sure that this is the last time I ever did. After I bathed I went to my room and I changed my clothes into pajamas  and went back to the computer and started to email the principal.

Dear Ms. Malia,

I wanted to explain in this email that I am happy to switch classes to the new class that you are talking about. I am excited to know about the class you were talking about and I hope it will be a good fit for me. I just wanted to make it clear that all the switching of classes have been making being social with other students harder considering I move out of a class before people even get to know me. I want to make this the last class I move into except for the annual changes in grade and emergencies. I want to settle into one spot where I can rely on having a stable learning environment that I can learn and socialize with other students comfortably. I hope my personal preferences are not a problem in the near future. 


Amelia Andersons

    I sighed and looked at the computer time. It was nine thirty another thirty minutes till bedtime. I am not very hungry so I guess I will skip dinner tonight. I walked over to my calendar and cheeked the day off and looked at tomorrow's schedule. I had the meeting tomorrow that means I have to talk to those government officials about life and how things have been going. They only really talk to us about if we feel comfortable living alone and they ask us to do things like cook or clean to see how our common abilities have grown. They do these things to see if living alone from childhood makes our common abilities better or worse. They never ask about school grades or friends; they focus on our abilities to do things that normal students can do in normal families and orphanages. I went back to my bedroom and layed on top of the blankets thinking about tomorrow's and Monday's  events that were to take place. Happy thoughts about the events that were to come filled me as I went to bed. 

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