
Ch.6 Hunting Goblins Part 2

3 days went by after I tried [Thunder Breathing], I've been hunting goblins in those 3 days. As usual, in those 3 days, I just woke up, wash my face, morning exercise, wash my body and gears, eat cooked meat, check my traps if there was an animal trapped, hunt goblins, head back to the cave, train [Thunder Breathing], wash my body, and lastly went to sleep. I checked the mission in order to know how much I progress in those 3 days.

<Mission Updated!>

After fighting 5 monsters you still felt it's not enough to get strong.

<Mission Goal> Kill 89/100 Goblins

<Rewards> 40.000 Xp, and 30.000 Points

<Failure> Death, A village raid by goblins


<Name: Alex Walsh>

Age : 12

Title : The Lucky One

Level : 10 ---> 11

Xp : 6.600/12.000

Strength : G-217 --->F-390

Endurance : G-233 --->F-396

Dexterity : G-221 ---> F-389

Agility : G-257 ---> E-411

Magic : G-203 ---> F-367

Free stats : 110

Skills : [Super Growth Lvl MAX], [Perfect Vassal Lvl MAX], [Cooking Lvl 4], [Stealth Lvl 3 ---> Lvl 4], [Sword Mastery Lvl 2 ---> Lvl 3], [Thunder Breathing Lvl 1 ---> Lvl 2], [Photographic Memory Lvl MAX], [Sneak Lvl 3 ---> Lvl 4], [Healing Spells Lvl 2 ---> Lvl 3], [Fire magic Lvl 1], [Water Magic Lvl 2 ---> Lvl 3], [Making Traps Lvl 1].

'Utaha how much is my point right now?'

<49.500 points and Alex I suggest you to complete the mission first then buy the training chamber.>

'Right but do the shop system have some kind of weight band or something?'

<There's Gravity band and it only affects the wearer rather than the area. Gravity band is the price at 5.000 points with 5x gravity for the upgrade is 5.000 plus the previous cost while the gravity is 2x. Let me give you the numbers 5.000 for 5x gravity, 15.000 for 10x gravity, and 35.000 for 20x gravity.>

'Utaha, how come you sound like a seller?'

<Well I need to make you interested in the stuff I want to sell right? Might as well sound like a seller.>

'Make sense, ok then thanks Utaha.'

after checking mission, status, and useful stuff with Utaha, I started to do my usual morning activities. Then I scouted the settlement and surprised that the leader of the settlement is gathering the goblin fighters. well, I mean what the hell was he doing when I'm killing his subordinate. The Goblin leader looks like a taller and muscular goblin and he's carrying an iron sword. I think the iron sword is the most valuable weapon in the settlement and having it means he's the leader? I don't want to think about that since I don't care about the loot but the points. When the leader set off to search the cause of his missing subordinate, I follow him from behind.

Hours went by and it's almost night time, I saw that the leader stopped and the group of goblin following him also stopped. Then I was starting to think that they weren't going to search for me, to ensure his objective I went ahead of him and looked around. At that moment, I was starting to feel something is wrong and then I saw a village. I came to the realization that the goblins are going to raid them,

'SHIT!!! I need to stop them before they come and raid the village!.'

<Alex I suggest that you kill the leader since goblin isn't a brave monster instead they are coward. Because of the cowardness they have, they tend to go with groups. If you kill the leader you can easily make the goblins confuse to do next and then you can massacre them. Oh since you need to know your flaw I suggest you to not use [Thunder Breathing] unless the situation has worsened.>

'Good idea Utaha never thought that you are a strategist and an advisor at the same time.'

<I'll learn everything to ensure making you the greatest and the strongest.>

'Thanks, Utaha, I will ensure you that when I can enter 'Soul world' I will spend time with you.'

<I'll wait for that promise, for now, you need to kill the goblins. Oh and the mission will give you additional rewards if you do some extra length to complete the mission.>

'Ok Utaha, thanks for the information.'

Then I started to head back to the location where the goblin group at. the time is already night time and the goblins were getting ready to raid the village. I searched for the leader and assessed him for a second. He was wearing body armor and carrying an iron sword putting it at his shoulder. He started to lead the goblins and then I attacked the leader since he is at the very front of the group and I don't want the goblins to surround me first. I slashed my wakizashi at him but he was ready to parry my attack, as he parried my attack, he cried to the goblins behind him and they started to ready their weapons.

'Shit! I need to end this fast!'

then he swings his sword at me but I'm ready to parry him also. what I didn't think of is, if he's the leader he must be strongest around instead I thought that he's just slightly better than the average goblins. Boy, I was wrong and I got push back because of the force of the swing he generated. as I was steadying my stance, he jumped at me with his sword at top of his head. I knew that I need to dodge the attack but I can't because the goblins were surrounding me and the goblin leader. I steadied my stance to receive his attack, I put my right foot in front and my left foot at the back. I focused my center gravity to my right foot so when he slashed at me I could manipulate his sword in another direction while I pushed my right foot and slash him.

And the scenario starts he slashed his sword down to me. my wakizashi and his sword connected as I'm going to make the force of his sword manipulate to another direction, a damn goblin threw his spear at me from the side. I steeled my resolve to kill the damn goblin leader then have my revenge. I focused my center gravity to my right foot and swing my wakizashi since the goblin leader was heading to my wakizashi and his sword went another way. The spear made a deep wound at my side abdomen, I cringed at myself thinking that I'm ready to take the wound BUT NO. The pain is F****ng hurt and i was still swinging my wakizashi, the pain made my swing to weaken for a moment. But I still swung my wakizashi with my all might and my focus so the pain won't distract me. I slashed his abdomen and my sword goes through him since I slashed him with all my might and him jumping to my wakizashi with his all might as well. When I saw the corpse, the lower half, and the upper half is almost separated only his right side abdomen was supporting the connection of the lower half and upper half. The goblins that were surrounding me froze and just stared at their leader copse, I used this opportunity to heal my self. I quickly directed my hand to the wound i just got and mutter


The wound was gone and there was no trace of a wound. After that, I looked at the goblins and smirked at them.

"First Form: Thunderclap and Flash"

I used the technique to get in the crowds and started my massacre and since my stats went up I can use First Form: Thunderclap and Flash without worry. There i was massacring the damn goblins, even the ones who wanted to escape or surrender I killed them without mercy. After I massacred every last of the goblins, several torches entered my eyesight I wanted to run but I have no energy to even stand. I quickly stored the bodies in inventory and sold the magic core and took out the bodies to lay where they're originally laying. One by one saw the corpses of the goblins and the blood all over me and they all gasped and surprised. They were just staring at the corpses and me, after my vision becoming blurry and fell into the ground they woke up from the surprise state and running towards me.

That was how my last vision of that day looks like.

Next chapter