
Chapter Six Hundred And Eighty-nine: Get Burned By Her Fire

Music recommendation for this chapter: Lewis Capaldi - hold me while you wait. 

The third point of view:

And that was it, Akim was done waiting. However, the instant he turned around, lo and behold, Anika was staring back at him.

He was stunned, had she been there watching him all this while? What kind of person was she? Anytime it seems that he was close to figuring her out, she just keeps puzzling and surprising him the more. 

Akim came out of the phone booth to stop right in front of her. The whole time she hadn't said a word, just kept staring at him. He wondered if something was interesting about his face. 

"You're late," Akim was the first to speak up. 

"And you couldn't have more patience, oh you of little faith," she smirked at him. 

"I thought you stood me up," Was his excuse. 

"And I told you to trust me," She countered. 

"I'm sorry," He apologized. 

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