
Comments of chapter undefined of Mommy Villainess


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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You know what would be interesting imagine if the princess was in fact in love with Kiho instead of her brother. She knew she would not be executed most likely exciled. We don't know what happened after her excile in her previous life but would it not be thrilling that she faked her identity? And guess what her new identity was it was the heroine Luciana! With the help of a dark wizard she could dye her hair and could succesfully approach Kiho! That's just a theory of mine 😂. I have a broad imagination .

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So what I think is Princess Nia loved Kiho but knew that she couldn't marry him because of her duty. So her initial plan was to make Tilly is love with her brother (she has some mind manipulating powers, my guess), so that tilly would scheme and become the empress, and she would be free to marry anyone. But the prophecy and Kiho and Tilly's engagement shattered her plans, so she then decided to manipulate Tilly into scheming that only her son could be the next emperor and purposefully gave her the secret that she was drinking infertility drugs. Tilly did exactly that so she was exiled, then she came back altering her identity and looks as Lucille M and manipulated the ML to fall in love with her (which explains why he fell in love at first sight) and them manipulated Winter (he became estranged after meeting her just once). Tilly was executed as she wanted to hide all her schemes.

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I don't know what Princess Nia is up to but I think it was Princess Nia who enticed Tilly into becoming the villainess. No matter what her motive is, but she will pay if in this life Kiho gets the wind of her plan. Kiho will definitely protect Tilly. >.<

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So does that mean the princess was the one to plant the ideas in her previous life

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Hmm that would make sense but why does the princess hate her twin brother for some reason??? Or was she was taken over by another person from the evil mana users and want to leave.... >-< I am worried for Tilly's future....


Fortunately, Tilly is smart and it didnt take forever for her to connect the dots. I am really shoked that the princess is like this. that s really unexpected. I ve read the comments and if it s true about Luciana thing waw I am speechless.. good book so far keep up the work author. thank you so much

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It's becoming more and more interesting.

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So what I think is Princess Nia loved Kiho but knew that she couldn't marry him because of her duty. So her initial plan was to make Tilly is love with her brother (she has some mind manipulating powers, my guess), so that tilly would scheme and become the empress, and she would be free to marry anyone. But the prophecy and Kiho and Tilly's engagement shattered her plans, so she then decided to manipulate Tilly into scheming that only her son could be the next emperor and purposefully gave her the secret that she was drinking infertility drugs. Tilly did exactly that so she was exiled, then she came back altering her identity and looks as Lucille M and manipulated the ML to fall in love with her (which explains why he fell in love at first sight) and them manipulated Winter (he became estranged after meeting her just once). Tilly was executed as she wanted to hide all her schemes.


There's a lot of theory regarding the princess being in love with Kiho, how bout this theory: Where the princess values her friendship with Tilly, who expressed vehemently wanting to be empress before, decided to take infertility medicine so she would be exiled and Tilly becomes empress?

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Sherwood>>>Sherwood forest>>Robin hood No wonder the people like him

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looks like princess nia likes kiho and planned everything in previous life.even the greed in tillys heart must have something to do with the princess.

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Hope our MC be clever and figh for her happiness Ml side whith her


This bitch of this princess Nia , if she tries to hurt our MC I will hit her


Princess, it's too obvious that ur scheming...pretty sure both siblings have a soft spot for Kiho...

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I can't wait for them to reunite 😭😭 She's probably going to hug him in front of everyone😏😏


What is Princess Nia up to


intriguing, I knew there was something fishy about Princess Nia. Now, I'm wondering what her purpose is. she seems to have a pretty strong ability if she was able to manipulate Tilly's mind in their previous life.


I guess that princess is that Lucina whatever her surname is.... She orchestrated everything in order to get together with Kiho and his son. Cos his son is a special existence, he may has a special use somewhere that no one know about. Also her power should be something related to mind. For example: Mind control or read. Cos she's able to make Kiho fell in love with her at first sight and able to identify his son mental problem immediately and solved it and made him respected and obeyed her. Another thing, we don't know what happened after FL died. Maybe her son and Kiho have had a miserable death or ending as well.. who know? Anyway, that princess must be a manipulative freak for sure.... purpose??? Something related to that prophecy or something, I think. MC rebirth must be to make think right or get in place it supposed to be.

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Cant wait for next chapter. This is a good start.