
Chapter 969: Information and Outer World I!


Once the way out had been secured, Tianlong Yun quickly signalled his Imperial Guards of 1000 to make their way in.


It was just like a hot knife passing through butter, with the experience, and also with the strength that each and every one of that force had, they were killing left and right like slaughtering chickens.


The outsiders that were trying to break the siege and make their way deeper in the Soul Dimension were startled by the new enemy, but they couldn't be happier to have a helper.


In fact, they thought that as long as these savages killed one another it would be much better and much easier for them to make a break.


Well, that was the idea at first, but the more they witnessed the situation the more fear they started to feel in their hearts.


That was because these new enemy had strength surpassing theirs, and they truly felt endangered by what might happen next.


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