
Chapter 284: Qin Bao (Crazy impossible mission)

She had to wait for a few moments, but eventually, there was a child-like voice heard from the empty space,

Voice:" Are you sure, you want to give up on your mission and ask for our help big sister Qin Bao?"

Hearing that question Qin Bao was a bit taken aback because she really didn't want to mess up this mission, but there was no other choice,

Making her decision she said with a solemn voice,

Qin Bao:" Yes I am sure, the situation is worse than I thought, and I can't risk all this for my egoistical reasons."

Hearing the confirmation, the voice seemed to think for a while, and then he said,

Voice:" Very well then, we will pass the report to Big Sister Xia, and get you an answer as soon as possible."

Qin Bao felt relieved after hearing that answer, but now she had to think about how to prepare for what was going to happen in the meantime.

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