
One Technique Master

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Chapter 1Under the care of a God.

He stood at the top of the world, known for his infinite power. His godlike stature towering all below him.

"Master. How many days of this useless training am I going to go through? I've been training for five years. The same exact movements. The same exact technique. What is this going to accomplish?" the young boy said.

"Patience. When you complete this, you will become a well-known hunter. No.. Beyond that. A god."

"A god? Is repeating just this movement and technique going to make me a god? What? The god of stupidity?"

"Silence child. Continue practicing. Master needs to rest."

With that, the young boy continued the same movements of punching.

(2 days later)

"You still have long ways to go. Master has already parted all of the necessary techniques that you must know. The rest... is up to you."

"I don't know what else I can do. Are there any tips you can give me?" the young boy pouted, clearly unhappy with leaving.

"No. You must traverse the lands on your own; only then will you understand. For too long has this old man exhausted his strength on you. Now it is your turn. Master needs to rest.. Perhaps for eternity. Who knows? You may even meet me again.." the old man sighed, before closing his eyes. He was officially, 'dead', just like that.

"Hey. You're joking, right? Haha, funny joke. Wake up, old man. Wake up." the boy cried for days on end. He had never suffered such big losses in his life. Even then, he knew he had to go. There was no use grieving over someone who had died. The nameless boy stood, clearly still awestruck of his master's death.

"Master. I will carry on your legacy. From now on, I shall only go by the name Ragnarok. Nothing else."

The boy frowned, ready to embark on his several year adventure.

"Before leaving... I must gather my tools, get enough food for a winter, and prepare for any scenario." the boy said in a light voice as he ran around, frantically gathering necessities for his long and arduous journey.

(3 years later)

A now much mature boy stood in front of the gate. This was what separated him and the town Cloudera. The boy sighed, looking at the guards.

"Hey. Can you let me in? Names Ragnarok."

"Rag- who? Who the hell are you? Scram!" one of the guards shouted at the boy; clearly looking down on him.

The sound of horses suddenly was heard from just across the flat terrain that Cloudera laid on.

"Move out of the way! The princess is here. If you don't comply you will be arrested!" one of the knights in red armor shouted. This was clearly a threat toward Ragnarok. Of course, he let it slide being the kind person he was.

Ragnarok stepped aside, letting the knights in red and the large carriage pass. Suddenly, it seemed everything stopped. The carriage slowly opened itself, revealing a young and petite princess. She stepped out, walking toward Ragnarok.

"Hm..? Who might you be? You possess ungodly amounts of magical power. Interesting. Come with me, serve under me. I shall treat you to everything you can ever desire. How does that sound?" the princess said in a soft tone.

"I don't even know your name, why would I listen?" Ragnarok said in a condescending tone.

"My name? I am Elizabeth Alexander, the daughter of King Alexander of course. Are you telling me, you don't know of my prestige and status? Insolent and presumptuous." the princess roared.

"Such a fiery temperament. I'm afraid if I don't go with you, you might incinerate me!"

Elizabeth's face turned as red as a tomato. She was furious.

"Get on. Shut up, don't talk." Elizabeth shouted, she had clearly taken a liking to Ragnarok. The boy stepped in the carriage, traversing into the small town. Ahead, he read a sign, "ADVENTURERS HUB", all in bold text.

"Princess, if you excuse me, I have matters to attend to." Ragnorak stepped off of the carriage, walking to the Adventurers Hub.

"That brat.." Murmured the princess.

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Table of Contents
Volume 1