In a world of Swords and Magic a reincarnated gamer battles his way across the lands alongside his Khajiit companion.
"Wha- where am I" I groaned as slowly came to?
"Hey, you! You're finally awake" an oddly familiar voice spoke.
"Y-yeah I'm awake" I cautiously spoke while turning to look at the muscular blond man sitting across from me and then at the heavily armed soldiers riding on horseback next to us "Can you tell me exactly what's going on?"
"You don't remember" the man raised an eyebrow?
"No" I shook my head.
"You were probably trying to cross into Skyrim from the border in Cyrodiil and walked right into that damn ambush, same as us, and that thief over there" the man gestured to his side where I saw the other passengers on our small cart.
The first was a skinny man with a short brown mullet, sunken eyes, and ragged clothes. While the second was wearing a thick layer of expensive looking furs and sported a wild mane of crimson red hair and had a gag in his mouth.
"Wait" I paused once I finally processed the blonde man's words "Skyrim? Cyrodiil? Why do those names sound so familiar" I thought to my self?
"Damn you Stormcloaks" the skinny man cursed "My name isn't 'Thief' it's Lokir! And Skyrim was fine until you lot came along. The Empire was nice and lazy, if they hadn't been looking for you I could've stolen that horse and been half way to Hammerfell by now. You there" he pointed at me "You and me, we shouldn't be here. It's these damn Stormcloaks the Empire is after not us!"
"Stormcloaks" my head throbbed "Why do I know that name?" It was like I knew what these people were talking about, but there was a thin barrier stopping me from remembering.
"We're all brothers and sisters in binds now 'Thief' " the blonde man spat before turning to me. "The names Ralof by the way" he grinned "I'd offer you a handshake, but... " Ralof raised his bound hands.
"Quiet back there" the driver of our cart shouted back at us.
"Or what, you gonna execute us" Ralof laughed?
I took the chance to examine the dozens of soldier that were surrounding us. They all looked extremely fierce and had brown leather armor and steel helms that covered their faces. For some reason when I looked at them the word 'Imperial' came to mind.
"They might execute you" Lokir smirked "Me though? I'm just a simple horse thief at most I'll get a year or two in the dungeons or be forced to labor in some mine somewhere."
"I wouldn't be so sure about that" Ralof glanced at the red haired man.
Lokir didn't miss that and looked at the gag in the man's mouth "What's that guy's problem anyway?"
"Watch your tongue" Ralof snarled! "You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King of Skyrim!"
Lokir turned pale "Ulfric? As in the Jarl of Windhelm? The leader of the rebellion and murder of the High king! B-but, if they captured you... Oh gods, where are they taking us" he asked the severity of his situation sinking in!?
"I don't know where we're going horse Thief, but Sovngarde awaits" Ralof hung his head.
"Nonononono, this can't be happening! This isn't happening" Lokir started hyperventilating!
"Will you shut up" an sleepy voice came from my side.
I turned and came face to face with the bluest pair of eyes I'd ever seen making me jump in shock! There was a snow white catgirl sitting right next to me stretching her arms and yawning like she just woke up from a nap. How long has she been sitting there and how hadn't I noticed her before!
"What never seen a Khajiit before" she raised an eyebrow?
"Y-yes, I-I mean no" I stuttered "It's just I didn't see you there before so you kind of startled me."
"Is that supposed to be a sneaky Khajiit joke" she deadpanned.
"What no" I panicked "I don't have anything agains-"
"Pfft, relax" she laughed "I'm just messing with you! You should have seen your face!"
"R-right" I sighed and sunk into my seat before casting a sideways glance at her to get a better look.
I noticed that aside from her pure white fur she also had the occasional black spot dotting her fur which reminded me of a snow leopard.
She must have caught me looking however because she sent a quick wink in my direction making me blush and look away in shame.
Lokir who was watching our interaction grit his teeth "How can you two be so carefree! Do you even know what those Imperials are going to do to us!"
The girl just shrugged "There's no use worrying about it, it's not like we can do anything right? So why can't I mess around a little and enjoy my last moments?"
Lokir was stunned not knowing how to respond to that while Ralof laughed out loud.
"Spoken like a true Nord" he howled!
"But, I'm a Khajiit" she tilted her head?
"I could REALLY use some meade" Lokir sighed while I just sat there deep in thought.
Lokir was right why wasn't I more concerned about all of this? I was about to be tortured or killed? So why was I so calm? I focused on everything that had happened since I woke up and tried to find out exactly where this vague sense of familiarity I was feeling was coming from.
Skyrim... oh, crap! Skyrim! I was in Skyrim! I wasn't afraid because I knew what was going to happen!
Memories came flooding back to me and I remembered exactly who I was and what had happened before I woke up here. I was alone in my apartment as a massive thunderstorm was rolling in outside and decided to boot up my old PS4 to start a new game of Skyrim. I had just gotten passed the character creation menu when a massive bolt of lightning struck right outside my window and everything went white. Some random god or all powerful force of nature must have sent me here or maybe I was just in a come, either way I still needed to figure out what the fuck I was going to do now.
I looked down at my bound hands and felt how tightly the ropes were and knew I wasn't getting out of these anytime soon.
Leaning back I idly noticed that my skin was now a light tanned color instead of its usual hue.
"Hmm" I wondered "It looks like I might be a Breton just like my character in the game I just started." That was a good thing because it mean that there was a chance that I was going to be lucky very very lucky.
Closing my eyes I thought 'Magic' for a moment nothing seemed to happen and felt scared and disappointed that I was going to have to survive all on my own, but then like a miracle a system panel appeared in my mind.
I could see the three schools of magic that I had access to as a Brenton Destruction, Restoration, and Conjuration. Unfortunately they were all greyed out meaning that I couldn't select any spells to use right now.
It seemed like I couldn't use them right now since I was still in Skyrim's 'Intro' and would have to wait until I was cut free to do anything, either that or the Imperials had somehow gotten their hands on Anti-Magic ropes.
Which was honestly a possibility since it would be idiotic to transport a mage as a prisoner without any way to restrain their magic.
"Hey" the Khajiit girl bumped me in the ribs shaking me from my thoughts.
"Yeah" I looked over at her?
"Blondy over there wanted to know If you got your memories back since you've been muttering to yourself" she pointed to Ralof.
"I did" I nodded a little uneasy about interacting with 'fictional' characters.
"That's good" Ralof nodded "A man shouldn't meet his end not knowing who he is, his last thoughts should be of home. And I was wondering about yours since we don't get too many Bretons here in Skyrim?"
"I'm from a small village near the edge of Cyrodiil" I lied "And I was coming to Skyrim to go adventuring and to study at the College of Winterhold since I've been told I have a knack for magic."
"Makes sense, throw a rock at a group of Bretons and chances are it'll hit a mage" he nodded before turning to Lokir. "What about you horse thief?"
Lokir grunted not liking how Ralof was addressing him, but knew there was nothing he could do about it "I'm from Rorikstead and I got into a bit trouble with the Blackbriars and was fleeing the country! Are you happy" he glared at Ralof!?"
"That also makes sense" Ralof nodded "And you" he turned to the the Khajiit girl "Miss...?"
"Luna" she finished.
"Luna" Ralof pondered "That's not your standard Khajiit name is it?"
Luna shrugged "I'm not your normal Khajiit."
"Yes, you speak normal and don't seem like you're hopped up on Skooma like the rest of your people" Lokir joked.
"Hey, cool it with the racism" I kicked his shin!
"Bastard" he cursed and scooted further away from me before spitting in my direction "You should get used to it because in Skyrim every Nord and their mother is a racist! Especially these Stormcloaks over here!"
"That's a stereotype" Ralof interrupted! "Yes, some of us can be rather... distrustful of outsiders but, most Stormcloaks just want kick those blasted Thalmor and their Empire dogs out of Skyrim!"
"See he just admitted it" Lokir laughed "He wants to kick all the Elves and Imperials out of the country!"
"I.. You... Grr" Ralof growled not knowing how to respond to that!
"We're getting off topic" I said bringing the conversation back towards Luna. I was extremely interested in why she was here because she definitely didn't exist in the game. Yep, that was the reason I was interested it definitely didn't have anything to do with her being a cute girl.
She saw me looking her way and took that as her que to continue "Look" she said "I don't really want to talk about this too much, but some stuff happened when I was born which made pretty much all of the Khajiit in Elsweyr hate my guts. I was given away and raised in an Imperial orphanage in Cyrodiil which is why I don't talk like most Khajiit. As for my reason for coming to Skyrim... it's because some stupid Moth Priest said I'd meet my destiny here or some other nonsense like that. And looking at my current situation I can honestly say if I ever meet that man again I'm going to castrate him with a rusty dagger!"
I was stunned a Moth Priest told her to come here? Weren't they the order of monks who dedicated their lives to reading the Elder Scrolls and acquiring their knowledge? If one of them told her to come here to find her destiny and she ended up in this cart of all places at this extremely important moment in time... did that mean?
"No" I shook my head there was no way she was the Dragonborn because I was the Dragonborn! I mean I had a system and everything so she couldn't be, right?