
A Surprise Gift From Mom?

Their talk was just about done.

The four of them still spoke about Aranea's responsibility as a Summoner--what she should do, what she should not do--what should she consider when she has a familiar and if her number of familiars increased...

Aranea is not a person who really loves taking down notes but with the power she has that she never expected to have, she took down all of the things she needed to remember just so she won't forget it.

Seeing his Summoner this interested and concerned as well, Leonel smiled sweetly as he felt happy on how Aranea cared about him and her future familiars.

He felt that choosing her as his Summoner even though they had been together for only a day was not a mistake.


Aranea raised her hand as if they were in a lecture, making Elenea giggle as she saw how engrossed her twin sister is with their talk.

"Can mages visit the world of the elemental deities? Ravaya?"

Headmaster Gavin nodded as he looked at Leonel to continue explaining.

"Yes, they can visit--but they have to go with the elemental deity and have their permission. To be honest, our place is sacred and we can't allow any people entering our world unless need be," he answered, making Aranea nod as she wrote down the information.

"Do you get sick?"

"Of course!"

"How long do you live?"

"For as long as we can, I think... we're immortals."

"Are you invincible?"

"As much as we want to, no. Even we have weaknesses."

"I see!"

Headmaster Gavin and Elenea watched the two with a smile on their face as they talked to each other.

Getting their attention, the headmaster stood up, making the three look at them in wonder.

"Before we go, I would have to show you two something," Headmaster Gavin said towards the twins, the two looking at each other for a second, then back at him.

"What is it, Headmaster?" Elenea asked as the three of them stood up.

"You have a surprise... from Aurelia."

The twins looked at each other, their eyes slightly wide in wonder.

"We have a surprise from mom?"

Both of them spoke in unison, the headmaster nodding once as his answer. He stood in between the three and when he did, there was a white orb that surrounded them, making the four levitate from the ground, surprising the two who were not aware of different kinds of magic.

"Woah! T-this... is amazing!"

Aranea and Elenea were enthralled to have been magically teleported out of the great hall. It was a silent night as there were no students in sight of the campus. The white orb that carried them flew up in the sky, making them see the academy from high up where they are.

It was beautiful--it looked like a lot of castles were built and connected to each other, making the university look amazing and gigantic!

Shaking herself from her thoughts, Elenea looked at the headmaster and spoke, "Excuse me, Headmaster Gavin... but where are we going?"

"We're going to Hesreth street," he answered.

"Hesreth street?"

Headmaster Gavin only nodded, not answering her question. The white orb that carried them still traveled east as it went through a small town that showed students in robes walking in the streets.

Some were seen sitting on the benches, some were seen showing each other magic tricks.

As they continued observing, they noticed that all of the students had a higher rank of diamonds on their cloaks--around pink to blue diamond, making the twins looks at the headmaster as Leonel continued to look below.

"Why are there students outside the academy?" Aranea asked, and this time, the headmaster spoke.

"Well, other than the dormitories and other than the house classes where students can live and rest as they stay in the academy, they can choose to buy their own house outside and live with their friends or guild members."

"Oh! But they are all higher ranks," Elenea commented, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Yes, that is because the students afford the houses themselves. They earn it with the diaz they earn and in this way, the academy can teach them earlier on how to be independent with the money they earn."

"Oh, I see!"

The two of them continued to marvel Hesreth street. Some students who noticed them looked up and waved at them and when their eyes noticed Aranea and Leonel from earlier when they were in the great hall, some students even gossiped among themselves, making Aranea roll their eyes at them.

'If only I could be mean and poke their eyes... I could!'

"If students in higher years and higher ranks live here, how can you keep watch of everyone?" Leonel asked, the three of them looking at the headmaster with expectant eyes.

"Well, of course, the teachers are already inside the academy to look at things there. For the towns around the academy, it would need the help of the forest nymphs."

"Woah! Forest nymphs?"

There was astonishment in Aranea's voice. Aranea knew about Greek mythology and she knew that the Nymphs presided over various natural phenomena--from springs, clouds, trees, caverns, meadows, and beaches.

They were responsible for the care of the plants and animals of their domain and as such were closely associated with the Olympian gods of nature such as Hermes, Dionysus, Artemis, Poseidon, and Demeter.

Since the academy had forests surrounding their demesne, it could mean that forest nymphs are around them and they could use their powers to its full potential.

"The forest nymphs have lived here even before I came to build the academy. That's why with their help, they could easily detect dangers and they are also fully aware of the school's policies. Which is why if they see students not following the rules, they are free to punish them and tell us if it is more severe."

With their headmaster saying this, they found that the nymphs were helpful to the mages. Although, the headmaster also explained that it is not for free--it comes with the price of giving them what they want every month... but the headmaster did not specify what.

Shaking themselves from their wonder about the nymphs, it seemed that the small town that they saw from afar, turned out to be a big one the moment the orb started its descent!

It took on a few turns, going left, going right... until they stopped in front of the house that was already lit up inside based on the light they could see inside from where they are outside.

The orb that contained them disappeared. Headmaster Gavin smiled at them as he walked on ahead, extending both of his hands towards the door as if welcoming the two.

"Well, here it is! Welcome home, Aranea and Elenea! This home is yours!"

Since I would be stockpiling as of the moment for this story, daily updates would probably start around May—but don’t worry, I would still update 4 ch a week ‘til then. ^^ Thanks for understanding!

MysticAmycreators' thoughts
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