
Human: Roldan, VI

"What's with the arm?" Roldan asked skeptically.

After leaving the cavern, they ran at Sally the stag at the bottom deep slope waiting and frozen its tail curled between its legs. As soon as it saw Roldan and Faeranduhl it immediately scuttled towards them.

"I don't know yet," Faeranduhl explained unpleasantly. "But it will be our way of finding them."

"Okay..." Roldan said, confused after his eyes laid close to his neck. "What did you do with the necklace?" 

Faeranduhl pulled something from his under pocket in his shirt and showed it to Roldan. The necklace broke in half which means that the blight was seeping through him as they spoke. 

"Why did you do it?" Roldan said, now worried. He grabbed the wooden necklace and threw it. Elder Calanye told them that the necklace protects Faeranduhl by limiting his mana flow and in return slowing, if not stopping, the blight to get inside him. 

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