
This Was Taking Too Long!

Alex briefly explained the rest of the plan. It hinged largely on the fact that the Numbers' quarters were in numerical order. 

The nursery was at the far end closest to a window required to be there by law to function as an emergency exit in case of fire according to the blueprint. He intended to work his way down the line and use the older children's help to get the younger ones out and rendezvous with Claire. 

"Meet me at the nursery when you're done. If you happen to beat me there, head to Sixteen's room and talk her into joining us as well. You can't let anyone see you, do you understand?" Alex asked. 

"Yes," Ten and Eleven said together. 

"Good. I'm going to talk to Thirteen next."

He pulled out his phone to check the time and inwardly cursed himself for being so stupid. It was 10:17. Claire was probably freaking out right now. He texted her and apologized for taking so long before jumping back into the air duct. 

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