
Death vs Jaune pt1

"If you want me that badly," I spread out my arms, "I am yours."

She smiled pleasantly.


Her smile fell.

"You will have to defeat me first."

She smirked, as she stepped forward. "I was going to do that anyway."


" I know," I replied as I started to stretch bending my knees and stretching my arms, a Familiar Goku Fashion.

Using, Ki materialization, I was able to change into Goku's turtle hermit in.

I turned to fully face her I smiled, the God form makes my smile look innocent.

"This way it'll give me a better advantage."

She raised an eyebrow, "oh?"

"Yeah," I smiled "if you really are the embodiment of death than I most likely wouldn't stand a chance."

She smirked, "if you know that it's futile, why don't you give up, and fall into my embrace."

Ignored the shudder from hearing a person like death saying that and smirked at her

"Ha, I'm not going to make things easier for you, I won't surrender without a fight!"

I got in a stance and started powering up, a flaming red aura appeared around me and I roared very loudly as my power reached its peak.

I took a deep breath and relaxed, I was still ready, but I was relaxed, My eyes never left death, as she looked mighty impressed with my power.

"Impressive, though did you have to scream so loud, nearly made me deaf" Death mocked.

I only snorted before I disappeared.

About a half a second later, there was a loud, *Boom!* then a black streak shot its way through a mountain. causing the said mountain to crumble.

I reappeared "Woah." I wobbled a little bit, still not used to the speed that I just acquired, from the overwhelming power of my God form.

I raised two fingers on my forehead and disappeared.

As I did that a beam of multicolored lights beamed into the earth, where two beings powerful in their own right, were watching the fight.

An A. bald man with a white beard stepped forward, he had a golden armor and a staff strapped to his back.

He walked towards the two beings, another man in a robe as white as snow, while beautiful women with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a beautiful green dress, they both were staring at the fight with a shocked expression.

With the woman, You could see a hint of jealousy, in her eyes.

"Gaia, Yahweh." the man nodded to them as he walked over.

Yahweh, Glanced at the person who called his name and recognized him instantly, "Ah Bor." He smiled " its good to see you are well."

Bor walked over to join them watching the fight, he noticed the jealous look in gains eyes, before looking at the fight"Why are they fighting, what for?!"

"They are fighting for love," Yahweh replied smiling.

Bor raised an eyebrow, "oh?"

so another man trying to gain lady deaths love huh. this should prove very interesting.

Yahweh shook his head, already knowing what he is thinking, "No I know what your thinking, but it is the other way around, Death, is the one fighting for this beings love."

Bor looked at Yahweh surprised, "Truly?"

Yahweh nodded.

"Then why is Gaia jealous?" Bor's eyes widened before a small smirk made it's way to his face, "don't tell me, she actually likes the boy."

"Shut up!" Gaia scowled though you could see a faint blush on her cheeks.

Bor and Yahweh both laughed.

I'm just going to make this an alternate universe thing, I'll explain everything when I can.

Have a nice day good luck and stay safe.

Jake_Knightcreators' thoughts
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