
MTh: An OCD boss

Based on Liam's impression, this man was no ordinary executive. Why would a mere company executive be accompanied by many high-level management of the park?

And none of the men had tried to interrupt them or ask questions like Mr. Reinhart.

Liam figured out in a few moments that this Mr. Reinhart had a higher position than the ordinary executive post he spoke of. He might be a big figure in the main branch who reported directly to the president, like the president's left or right hand man, or a high-level executive in the the leadership level.

The man's intimidating aura, no matter how much he hid it for the children, was still eye-catching. Even Cess was timid and just kept holding Liam's hand.

"That would be all. Thank you so much for giving me your time. As a gift for participating in our inspection, we would like to offer free tickets for all rides on your next visit."

Cess's and Lei's eyes lit up.

Free tickets for next visit?!

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