
AvC: Two Days Left

When she arrived at her hut, Little Al was putting a plate of food on the table.

The small face beamed into a lovely smile when she saw Liam.

"Chu~" You eat first to get more energy!

Liam smiled and patted Little Al's head. She stared at the little one for a long time with a warm smile. Then after deciding that it would be worth it, she struck Little Al's forehead with her spiritual essence without warning.


Liam felt her limbs weaken and her heart pulse with so much pain. She hastily caught Little Al who had fainted.

Liam had passed all she knew in this world to Litte Al. This was one of the important skills she had as a 'Communicator'.

She whispered. "You can change this world and make it a place for the Avians and the Chutians to live well." 

Liam put Litte Al on the bed laboriously with one arm.

Afterwards, she thought of her husband. She decided to check the battlefield and him.


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