
The next day with drama and spice!

The next morning when I woke up I was excited and sprang up. When I remembered that it wasn't just me and Touya in the bed I stopped making quick movements because I had learned Shoto was a light sleeper. I slowly and quietly got out of bed and moved to my closet I saw the outfit on the table and walked over to it slowly. I picked it up and changed into it. It was cute but a little girly. It was a black cropped tank top that had a bunch of cute designs on it, It came with an army like the green jacket I wore dark blue jeans with it I put on a belt mom had bought with the outfit that was a dark green matching the coat. I looked at my hands and thought for a second. I moved over to the bathroom and painted my nails with a chrome nail polish.

I let my nails dry and applied another coat of it. When they were dry I did my basic makeup on and walked downstairs. I started cooking a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast. I remembered a bag mom had gotten with my outfit and when I was done cooking and putting the food on the table I went upstairs and grabbed it. I set it down on the table near the door and went to the island in the kitchen.

I saw that Touya and Shoto were already there and were in their outfits. Shoto was wearing a hoodie that was white and red and had his name on it. Under it, he was wearing a plain white shirt. He was wearing a pair of black jeans with it and he looked nice. Touya was wearing a white tee with a long navy trench coat that reached his ankles. I saw him pull out his platforms and sighed mentally at all the attention he would get from being so handsome. He was wearing his signature black jeans and I smiled. We finished up eating and got our stuff together.

We got in my car and I drove us all to school. I got out and so did they. I saw the group of 1-A and grimaced they were dressed in clothes that you would wear to a casual dinner party some reporters were fawning over their outfits but when they saw us they immediately swarmed us. Shoto and I had decided to wear out platforms also to match Touya. My jacket had slid off one of my shoulders and I was now looking like the model I was. We calmly walked through the crowd and stepped into UA.

I was right we were getting a lot of attention and my hearing enhanced a girl's voice that belonged to Uraraka. 'Man slut' I stopped dead in my tracks turned my head towards her slowly and walked towards her my hips swaying and my arms swinging at my sides. My face was calm but the aura around me told people 'Get out of my way or you'll get crushed' I walked calmly over to her my eyes were illuminating a bright red and I got right next to her. "Call me that again I dare you!" Her lip trembled when I spoke and she breathed in a deep breath straightened her back and looked me in the eyes.

"Man Slut!" I smiled a smile that sent chills up the spines of many. It was a calm cold smile but looked like I was about to kill her. I felt my fist burst into fire and I looked her dead in the eyes were hers had a lot of emotions behind them mine had turned cold and dead striking more people to fear me. I swung and it hit. A square punch to the cheek.

"Call me that again and I'll make sure you never can get a job as a hero, or anything else. Even selling your body!" I giggled and walked back over to Touya and Shoto in the same walk that told people 'out of my way'. They were smirking and had a look of lust in their eyes. I gave Shoto and Touya a kiss on the cheek each pulled on their shirts let go and they followed me to the classroom. Shoto went to his seat and Touya and I went to ours.

I noticed that Aizawa looked strangely happy for the time of day and I smirked. Everything about me screamed dangerous, except the smirk. I liked my lips to moisten them and felt Touya's arms wrap around my waist. I got hoisted up and set back down. But I felt someone behind me. I looked to see that Touya had sat in my seat and set me on his lap. I was sitting between his legs and felt him hugging me from the back. I saw Shoto stand up and take Touya's seat.

I saw Aizawa smile and I smiled back. I saw who the people in the room were and it was Kacchan, Kiri, and Denki. I started doing the mornings work calmed by Shoto and Touya. I finished it up within a few minutes and saw Shoto was stuck on one problem and leaned over and helped him. The zipped open part on my shirt hung down a bit and exposed my chest. I smiled when Shoto did and stopped leaning over and straightened my back. I bit my lip as I waited for a bit more people filed in and I smiled because all of my friends had gotten the more casual than a formal look memo.

Then some of the people that still liked me and just didn't want to leave their friends were also in the more casual attire. I looked back at Touya and smiled I gave him a sweet kiss and saw Shoto getting jealous I giggled and gave him a kiss of the same type. I saw him relax and giggled again. "Okay Class Quiet down!" growled Aizawa. I stopped leaning over towards Shoto and sat back up. "The Festival is later this week! So try to train as much as you can without overworking yourself! Some of you are probably already planning to do that, or don't even need to do that though!" He looked at me when he said the last bit. I chuckled under my breath and then Aizawa started teaching. I took notes and did very well in class. I shifted back and brushed against Touya I heard an intake of breath and smirked I leaned forward resting my head on my hand. I was pressing against Touya and felt his breathing was deep and quick. I looked over to see Shoto looked jealous I smirked winked set my hand on his shoulder whispered something to him and he calmed down and smirked. The pervert.

When the class was over and it was free period Touya and Shoto pulled me to a bathroom. It was one of the ones in the building that was a bathroom for only one person. Touya pulled me to the wall pinned me with my back against his chest and Shoto pinned both of us against the wall. He started kissing me furiously and started getting me in heat. This was helped along with Touya's hands rubbing my waist and my ass pressed his bulge. Shoto and Touya pulled my Jacket off and my pants along with my black and white shoes. Shoto unzipped my shirt and tweaked my nipple. I moaned into his mouth and felt Touya's hand on my bulge. I moaned again when he started massaging me. I wrapped my arms around Shoto and pressed against Touya harder. My boxers got pulled down and I felt pleased when I was penetrated Shoto took over rubbing and stroking me and I pulled his shirt off. I pulled his pants down and his boxers slid down with them.

I pulled my mouth away from his and was moaning aloud because of Touya's thrusts. I leaned down even more and grabbed Shoto's. I licked it and felt him shudder. I put my mouth around the tip and licked again. I sucked for a second and was moaning while doing this. I stuck the rest of it in my mouth because of a harder thrust. I gagged for a second and my throat got used to it. I bobbed my head up and down on it and licked and sucked. I felt Shoto grab my head and he pushed me down. I got used to it again and felt Touya's hand slip around my front and take Shoto's job. Shoto held my head down just to keep me there I bobbed my head and licked and sucked harder. Touya's thrusts were getting harder and faster and I was matching his pace giving Shoto a blow. When I felt him start to shudder more I did it even quicker and shuddered myself because of Touya.

I squeezed around Touya harder and felt him shudder. I finished Shoto off when I looked up at him drool and pre-cum dripping down my face my eyes full of lust and pleasure. He came inside my mouth and I swallowed it letting him drop out of my mouth I licked my lips and looked around at Touya. Shoto was putting his clothes back on and I moved off of Touya and turned around I hopped onto his waist my boxers coming all the way off in the process. My thighs held his waist and he stuck himself back in. He pinned me against the wall thrusting in and out my cries of pleasure were getting a bit loud so Touya kissed me muffling the cries. I squeezed him shuddering I was plastered against him and with a few quick and hard thrusts I was finished and so was he. He came inside and I came on his chest he had taken all of his clothes off as to not soil them. He had slid my shirt off when he realized I was getting close so all of our clothes were clean. I got a last sweet slow kiss from Touya and got one from Shoto to. Touya set me down leaning me against the wall. He helped me put my clothes on he put his on.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. There were about three minutes left of the free period. So we exited the bathroom after cleaning up ourselves and the bathroom. We walked to the classroom giggling and acting like what just happened in the bathroom was normal. I felt something wet on my cheek near my mouth so I licked it and got another taste of Shoto I smirked and kept walking. Then a blow to my happy mood happened when I heard Uraraka talking shit about me again. My smirk broke and I kept walking I signaled for them to stop when we were just around the corner from the conversation between the two students. It was Iida and Uraraka. 'Deku is such a slut!' 'He is I heard that he is fucking a teacher.' Uraraka laughed, 'He probably is! I don't believe that those two are his boyfriends they're probably just his toys!' Touya and Shoto tensed up clenched their fists and were about to storm out and confront her when I heard a loud voice I had known all my life. "HEY FUCK OFF BITCH! I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM THIS HAPPY SINCE BEFORE HE WAS LIED TO THAT HE WAS QUIRKLESS! YOU CAN'T FAKE THAT KIND OF HAPPINESS!" I smiled at how Kacchan stood up for me.

My boyfriends stepped around the corner more calmly but their fists were still clenched. "Bitch he warned you! But you just keep on being a whiny spoiled bitch!" Touya snapped. I smirked.

"Your lucky he's right here or we would've frozen you then burned you to death!" Shoto spatted I could almost see her tense up. 'H-he's h-here?' she stuttered. "Damn right he is!" Shoto told her. I stepped around the corner and looked her straight in the eyes. Then I smiled.

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