
A.R.X.A.'s Favor

- Outside the Virtual Space -

The next test for the Supports after the mana capacity one was a short series of questions. Each one was timed, given only ten seconds to answer, so the examinees had to use their instincts to answer.

The purpose of this was, naturally, to test reaction times and adaptability. Some may argue it also tested reading speed, but that was most likely not the main point of this portion of the exam.

The questions were all quite simple, yet difficult. In other words, they were very straight forward and easy to understand, but it was tough to make an actual decision. They took famous dilemmas like the railroad problem—whether to sacrifice one person to save five or let the five die—and many more.

It was difficult because the examinees didn't know which answer the IMF wanted. From a moral standpoint, it was hard to say any of these answers were 'just'. It was just a matter of personality, of choice. 

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