
He Understands Me

Raphael and Juno are training very hard to protect me- by their own will, of course. Father encouraged them and made them train twice as hard. That's why I haven't seen them for almost four weeks. That means nearly a whole damn month. Sure I missed them. But what can I do? I'm still a baby.

Almost five-month though. I'm so excited.

I want to keep growing up and finally be able to talk and walk. Not sleeping in this stupid crib and doing nothing.


I blinked when I heard Edgar's voice coming through the door.

Huh? Edgar usually came in with either Christopher or Sylvester. I turned my body around to face upwards to meet Edgar.


"Hello, little buddy," Edgar reached his hand to me and ruffled my thin hair. "Mother told me to keep a lookout while everyone is away!"

Everyone is away? Why not send Christopher instead of him? Edgar nearly dropped me when we first met.

Rosemary walked into the room; she then breathed out in relief about something.

"Young Master Edgar, please don't attempt to carry Young Master Ezra. You can play with him but not carrying him,"

"Cih, I know that!" Edgar yelled. He looked pissed.

Oh, so mother didn't allow him to carry me. That's good. But where did everyone go? Why didn't Edgar come with them? Gah, I wanted to ask Rosemary about it! I want to ask so bad!

"Graa!" I screamed in frustration. Edgar and Rosemary flinched in surprise.

"Little bro? What's going on? did you poop?" Edgar asked, sniffing me out.

No, you dummy!

Rosemary gently lifted me and carry me. I stared up at her with my eyebrows furrowed. How to make her understand what I'm trying to say? Come on Yuta, think. Think!

"Guu," I groaned again. I could feel my face got warmer, and my eyes got wet.

Rosemary looked flustered.

"I wonder what Young Master Ezra wanted to say," she mumbled.

"Maybe he wanted to play with me!" Edgar said happily. He pointed at the carpet near the crib. "Put him there, and I'll play with him!"

Argh! That's not what I want!

"Graa!" I kicked my legs in frustration. Rosemary frowned a little.

"Oh, are you hungry?"

"Hmm, maybe he's wondering where mother went,"


I looked over Edgar and stopped kicking my legs. Rosemary looked surprised.

"Is that true?"

Edgar grinned and proudly put his hands to his hips. "Yep,"

Woah, he got it right. But I want him to tell me where did they go. Should I kick my legs more?

"Ga!" I exclaimed happily at Edgar.

Edgar's grin grew wider.

"Hm? Am I right? you're curious where she went with the others?"

"Ga! Ga!" I nodded.

Rosemary stared at us with wide eyes.

This is a bond between two brothers. He understands what I'm saying! Oh, it felt so amazing. Not even mother can understand me this well. Edgar walked over to the carpet and sat there, then signaling Rosemary to sit with him. Rosemary followed. She sat on the carpet and put me on her lap.

"Father and Mother attended a banquet at Count Barton's house. Raphael is training until late at night, Juno is the same. Christopher is studying magic with a magician, Sylvester went to a tutoring place to study, Sehan and Leorys are doing sword training at the west fortress with other soldiers because at the age of ten they'll have to start protecting you,"


... Whoa. Wait, so; everyone suddenly became busy after the incident? Even the twins started their sword training at such a young age. Maybe it's normal here?

"Bu?" I blinked.

"Mother and Father attend lots of banquets and meeting a couple of people from powerful families to investigate the kidnapping. Also creating more connections to help you in the future,"


Edgar did read my mind.

"It's so hard to track the culprit. Magicians were having a hard time tracking the culprit too. Sylvester started to study psychology since he doesn't have any magic in em'. He did it because he wanted to communicate better and to learn how to study people's body language. He'll be able to detect whether people lying or not, sum' like that," Edgar started to rambling.

But his rambling is helping me a lot.

Edgar, you don't have to study psychology like Sylvester. You can read me like a book! Wait a second. Why is Edgar here? He's not doing anything.

"Agar!" I pointed at Edgar.

"Me?" Edgar pointed at himself.

A smirk formed on his lips.

"I'm protecting you,"


I tilt my head to the side confusingly. So he can fight? If he could fight why he's not training like Raphael and the twins? Maybe he has some sort of skill like Christopher and Juno? Being smart like Sylvester wouldn't be able to protect me physically. So what's his ability?

"You're curious?" Edgar leaned in closer, smiling mischievously.

I nodded happily.


"Hehe, I'm not telling,"


I frowned.

He reminded me of my father's personality. I just wanted to punch his handsome little face.

Next chapter