

"Not for the time being, I know why you want to be involved in this. You can't be away from Rangga right? You have to remember Darma, since your mother's death... Dad hid you at Grandma's house. in danger you are still safe. I don't want you to get hurt." Putri said with a long sigh, not knowing how else to give understanding so that Darma would understand.

"I know why you hid me at Grandma's house. Because I'm not as good as you. I can't do anything to help you." said Darma sadly.

"Not so Darma, Dad did all of this, Dad had thought of it long ago. I've lost Mom. I don't want to lose my two daughters." said Putri still trying to give understanding to Darma.

"I understand, but how can I be away from you and Dad." Darma said she couldn't say that she couldn't be away from Rangga.

"Em... haven't you been used to being away from me and Dad. Actually you can't be away from Rangga can you?" said Putri with a seductive look.

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