

"Wow... you lied, didn't you? remember! don't lie anymore. I don't like women who are full of lies." Rangga said with a serious look.

"I... I did it because I wanted to know how you were." said Putri with a red face feeling embarrassed to hear Rangga's words.

"You can see me after class right?" said Rangga looking at Putri's eyes which were already teary.

"Since I can't see you after class, I have to go home early. And besides, I'm afraid that Gisel will be angry with me again if he finds out I'm approaching you." Putri said feeling very embarrassed in front of Rangga.

Ranga took a deep breath.

"Never mind, don't be so sad. Thank you for coming to see how I'm doing." said Rangga wanting to touch Putri's glasses but Putri quickly took her face away from Rangga's hands.

"Hey..I just want to take off your glasses. I just want to wipe your tears!" said Rangga with a frown.

Putri shook her head..

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