
Chapter 367

"Is this some kind of joke Lord Stark?" Lord Glover asked as the whole tent clamoured at his request.

Well, they were not calling him an outright liar and asking for his head so that was something.

"I'm afraid not Lord Glover." He said "Jon Snow is not and was never my bastard. Just a name I used to hide it from Robert Baratheon like my sister asked me to."

"This makes so much sense!!!" Greatjon bellowed out and everyone else quietened down a bit.

He gazed at the older man who continued.

"For years people have been wondering about the girl who made great honorable Ned lose his honor." Greatjon said "We should have known that you would never do such a thing Ned. And you…" Greatjon said and turned to Jon Snow who looked a little afraid under all the scrutiny but was holding himself up well. "You might be the son of Rhaegar Targaryen but I see more Stark in you than anything. A true Northerner through and through. If Ned wants us to support you, then I don't mind seeing a Northerner on the Iron Throne."

There were some cheers and then Greatjon sat down and Lady Mormont stood up.

"This is good and all Ned. But do you have any proof or do we need to take all of this on your mere words?" Lady Mormont asked.

He nodded "I do have some proof. I'll show it to you at the end of the meeting one by one." He said and Lady Mormont gave a nod before sitting back on her seat.

Then Lord Manderly stood up and asked "Why tell us this now Lord Stark? Why not before?"

He sighed "Because of Robert. And because of my promise to Lyanna to keep her boy safe."

"No Lord Stark. I meant why did you not tell us about this as soon as King Robert died."

The tent went silent at those words and he closed his eyes "Because I never intended to tell anyone this secret."

The men started clamoring but once they had quieted down, he looked at Jon Snow and continued "It was not even who told Jon about his real heritage. But Lord Bolton."

"Lord Bolton?"

"Yes." He said "When Lord Bolton joined this war, he talked with Jon and Robb and told them about Jon's real identity. The two of them pressured me and I told them the truth. But… even after learning about his heritage, Jon never wanted the Iron Throne. He still doesn't want it. What circumstances has pushed my hand. And it is better that you learn this from me than anyone else."

"What do you mean Lord Stark?" Lady Mormont asked.

"After learning of King Stannis' death, Lord Bolton feared that the Tyrells would join the Lannisters so that they could seat Margaery as the queen. So Lord Bolton went behind my back and sent them a letter, telling them about Jon's real heritage an asking for an alliance. The good news is that Tyrells have accepted and are now moving toward Kings Landing to take the city in Jon's name."

He was surprised by how well everyone was taking this. He had at least expected a few to fight against him in this one. To call him a liar or a honor less opportunity seeking bastard. Which would have been understandable as it did look that way.

But he was truly thankful that this whole thing was going so well.

"The rumors would start coming back sooner or later. And it's better to hear this truth from me then here rumors about this from some spies."

Bringing in Lord Bolton's name had the effect of shutting up any nay sayers in the group. Mostly because by this point, Lord Bolton has become a sort of legend and was secretly thought by everyone as the Chosen one of the Old Gods even if they didn't went about proclaiming it to everyone.

People also didn't threw any blame at Lord Bolton because while he technically did went behind his back to do this, he also earned them an alliance with the Tyrells. Something that would most likely win them this war.

Perhaps the reason that others didn't went against him was because Jon was bringing the Tyrells to the table and because the only other option was King Stannis who was now being known as Kinslayer.

"What is the boy's name Ned?" Lady Mormont asked "I doubt his mother would name him Jon Snow."

He nodded. "Lyanna name his Jaehaerys Targaryen."

Some people frowned at the name Targaryen but after a while everyone calmed down and the meeting only went in a better direction from there on as the Lords started wondering about ways to keep the Vale and River lords to their side.

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