
Chapter 364


He slashed at the knight in front of him. His enhanced strength and the sharp edge of the Valyrian blade bit into the knight's armor and cut him in half before the man could even raise his sword.

Then his upper half slid off from the horse and fell on the ground, the entrails and other organs leaking out from his body.

These kinds of deaths were always the most messy kind.

He looked around and saw that the battle had ended all around him.

He used Aguamenti spell to wipe the fresh blood from the blade and put it back in it's sheath.

"We're done here." He told the 50 or riders who had come with him to deal with these foolish men who thought that using Guerrilla warfare on his would be a wise idea.

Then again, they must be under the assumption that he would have all the gold of Casterly Rock with him (they were not wrong). And greed could make people do the most foolish of things.

"Take the horses to feed the direwolves." He said before turned his horse and went back to the main camp.

It has been two days since he left Casterly Rock.

After burning all the things they could burn and destroying more than a few buildings, there was no reason to stay any long in that Castle.

Plus, Tywin was coming so he needed to get to the Golden Tooth as fast as possible and prepare a welcoming party for Tywin as well.

He was brought out his musings when the mirror inside his pocket started vibrating.

He took it out and noticed that it was from Lyra.

He took the call and Lyra's face came in the mirror.

"Good news or bad news." Lyra asked.

He mulled over the question for a bit and then said "Good news."

Lyra nodded at him "I have two good news. First one is about Sansa."

"What of her?" he asked.

"She has left Kings Landing with Ser Damon Lannister and his entourage of 300 Red cloaks."

"Joffrey allowed her to leave?" he asked.

"No" she shook her head "It was a collaboration between Ser Jamie and the Spider."

"The spider huh…" he wondered what game the spider was playing this time.

"How is this a good news for me?" he asked. Despite having known her for some time, he never really liked Sansa all that much.

She had been raised behind the safety of castle walls for all her life and had been shielded from the harsh realities of the world too much. He and her never really got along and they would not see eye to eye until her personality changed a great deal.

"Well… Ser Damon is heading for Lord Tywin. And Lord Tywin is heading toward you." Lyra said "You could take you cavalry and attack him. Save the damsel in distress so to speak. Take the only bargaining chip away from Lord Tywin. Gain a bit of reputation and honor for yourself and the good will of the Starks and the rest of the North."

He thought about it and nodded.

"What's the bad news?" he asked.

"There is… another good news before that. If you see it as such." Lyra said.

He raised an eyebrow and gestured for her to continue.

"King Renly was having a feast with the Lords of the Reach and the Stormlands last night when… a shadow of Stannis Baratheon stabbed him in the back. Through his heart." She said "He died instantly and the shadow dispersed after that."

"Shadow… of Stannis?" he frowned "You sure about that?"

"Yes my lord." She nodded "All the lords sitting in the feast saw this."

He frowned "Shadow of Stannis. This must be the Shadow magic that I've heard about. Who cast this spell Lyra?"

"I don't think Shadow magic works like your spells my lord. At least I don't think so." Lyra frowned "But I've heard that the Red Priestess that follows King Stannis is from Asshai."

Interesting. He had visited 7 of the 9 free cities in Essos but Asshai was much farther away than any of them and he had not gone there yet so he did not get any chance to learn about the blood magic, the Shadow magic and the sacrificial magic used by the warlocks there.

He wondered if this Malisandre would be willing to teach him.

"What happened after that?" he asked.

"A good many of the Stormlanders defected and joined Stannis. But a good many thought that King Stannis was consorting with demons and didn't. He has about 25,000 men at the moment. Enough to take Kings Landing."

"And Margaery Tyrell is a widow now." He said and realization dawned on him and he smiled. "I see… This is not good news Lyra. This is a great news."

Lyra smiled with him before her smile dropped and her face became serious "Shall I tell you the bad news now my lord."

He nodded.

"Queen Regent Cersei heard about the pregnancy of Princess Daenerys." She said "To stop the birth of another Targaryen, the Queen Regent sent some assassins to kill her. Ser Jorah and the rest of her Blood riders managed to save her. The story unfortunately didn't end there. When Khal Drogo later found out about this, he swore vengeance on Westeros and has decided to gift the princess the Iron Throne."

He sighed.

To go after an unborn child… He did not even know what to say about that.

"Keep an eye on them Lyra." He said "If this Khal Drogo is really serious about this then I want to know."

Lyra nodded.

"Any news from home?" he asked.

Lyra shook his head "Nothing of import. Tyrion did came to ask me about the war considering how he's compromised in this instance, I sent him back to Bolton port without telling him anything."

"Good decision." He said "Now if you would excuse me, I need to write a letter to the Tyrells and Lady Stark."

"Good luck on that my lord."

"Thanks Lyra." He nodded "See you later."

"Bye" she said and he cut the connection and started thinking about the kind of letter that he intended to send his future allies.

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