


In the sky a young man was free falling. Why? He did not know, all he remembered was him taking a shower right before bed.

Quickly he slapped himself in hopes of this being a dream.

However it was not a dream, he slapped himself hard enough for the whole world to hear it but he still was not awake.

The ground was approaching rather quickly, so he closed his eyes and prayed. It was his first time in a long time too, but he hoped whatever God was out there answered him.


His body hit the ground creating a large crater. Instead of a body as flat as a pancake, he was perfectly fine.

Slowly opening his eyes he saw his surroundings.

"How is this possible?" He asked himself as he felt his body.

He could not help but notice the clothing he was wearing after he touched himself.

A white flower embroidered kimono with a golden dragon on it. His obi belt was black, and his haori cord was dark brown.

It took him a moment to notice the strand of silver hair hanging. Pulling it he knew it belonged to him.

"What the…?"

Taking a deep breath he calmed himself down as he tried to recall everything that happened. Before he did anything else, he needed to know how he got here.

Images appeared in his head, but they were not his own. He came to realize who he was, but was greatly shocked by the name.

Cao Bei.

It was his avatar's name from Age of Immortals, and now that he thought about it the clothing was what his character was wearing as well. It was a cash shop item that changed the way his clothing appeared.

Basically he was his avatar, or someone who greatly resembled his avatar. They were banished from the immortal realm and tossed down here to his realm, which is why he was falling from the sky.

That is what he gathered so far.

Closing his eyes he placed his hands over his stomach in a circle as he took in a deep breath.

He could feel something flowing through his veins, something that did not seem like his blood.

"Can I…?"

Stomping the ground with his left foot, a piece of the ground the size of a boulder popped up. It floated in the air before he twisted his body causing the boulder to shoot forward.

Trees were destroyed and a deep gash was left on the ground.

A smile crept up on his face as he tried out another skill.

His entire hand was engulfed in a dark red aura.

'This is my avatar… and I have all my skills from the game.'

For some reason he was happy.

He started walking, he was in the middle of nowhere. First find a town, then come up with an objective.

As he kept walking, he ran into a barrier.


Only two hundred steps! That was how far he made it before a red popup box appeared in his head. He punched, but it hit the barrier causing his force to be rebounded.

The boulder went through, so why couldn't he?

Why was he even shackled?

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